The Dream Machine

The Dream Machine

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The Dream Machine: Chapter 3 Walkthrough
De către oPossumi
This guide is a Step-by-Step Walkthrough for The Dream Machine: Chapter 3. It's for all those who get stuck and need a clue or a little push to help them get through the chapter when they're stuck.

Hope you guys all enjoy!
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Chapter 3 Quote
Alicia's Dream
-Pick up Parasol on your left. You’ll need it for later.
-Go to the bar
-Talk to bartender
-Head up to Deck 2 Landing
-(OPTIONAL) Head to Deck 2 Balcony to talk to your other crew mates and to get to know them better. However, after speaking to the Captain’s Aid, you’ll get the opportunity to do this.
-Head up the stairs to Deck 3
-Talk to the crew member in front of the door, who then introduces himself as the Captain’s Aid.
-Put on your Number 6 badge by using the badge on yourself, then face right-side-up. Facing the badge upside down will make other crew members realize you placed the badge upside down and correct it for you.
-Head back down to Deck 2 Landing.
The Tasks
The Captain’s Aid suggested you go around and help each of your crew members with whatever task they need help with. There are 3 crew members to help. Whatever order you want to do the tasks in doesn’t matter, however I’ll be posting them in the order of the way to do it the fastest.

-Head to Deck 2 Balcony.
-Talk to crew member sitting on the bench, who then identifies himself as Victor 7, the ship’s Head Servant.
-TASK: Victor 7 mentions he has a rat problem and gives you rat poison. He says there’s 3 holes around the ship.
-At the right of the screen will be a rat hole. Use the rat poison on it
-However before you go and get the last two rat holes with rat poison, go into Cabin 3.
-Talk to the sleeping crew member and learn he’s Victor 4, the Chief Busboy.
-TASK: Victor 4 is currently on break and he wants you to bring the dishes to the kitchen. However, you don’t have access to the kitchen. Pick up the dishes on the table and head out.
-Head to your cabin, Cabin 1. In there will be a rat hole. Use the rat poison on it and head outside.
-Head up to Deck 3. Right of the bench is another rat hole. Put poison on it and – Task complete!
-Now, head all the way down back to the bar and talk to the Bartender. He’ll then give you a recipe book.
-TASK: Mix a decent Martini.
-There’s a dumb waiter left of the bartender. Call for it, and once it comes, pick up the bowl. You’ll need it for later. Then, put the dirty dishes on the dumb bell. Click the button again and make sure to send it to the kitchen. And now – Task complete!
-All the ingredients you’ll need for the martini will be around the bar. Pick up lemon, shaker, gin, vermouth, and worcestershire sauce.
-Flipping through the recipe book, you’ll come across the Martini recipe. It calls for gin, vermouth, and lemon juice. Use all 3 ingredients on the shaker. If you mess up, just dump it into the sink left of the screen.
-If done right, you’ll of created a Martini. Give the Martini to the Bartender and – Task Complete!
-Head up to the Deck 2 Landing.
Your Assignment
-Head to Deck 3 and get your assignment from the Captain’s Aid.
***Any time you want, you can go back to the Captain’s Aid and report your findings, resulting in your rank being raised up.***
-Head to Deck 2 Balcony to talk to the Head Servant. Make sure to ask him everything.
-To get the key to Cabin 2 from him, he wants you to “teach a little lesson” to the Head Chief for bossing around his servants. We’ll get this later.
-Head inside to Cabin 3 to talk to the Busboy. Make sure to ask him everything.
-Head out and head to the Bar to talk to the Bartender. Make sure to ask him everything.
-To get a napkin Victor 11 was drawing on, you have to make him a Bloody Mary. Flipping through the recipe book. You’ll notice you have all the ingredients but 2 of them – Tomato Juice and Hot Sauce.

-Head up the stairs to the Deck 2 Landing. There will be an intercom. Use it.
1. First call the Engineering Department. Say you’re from the kitchen. Say yes, then head back down to the bar to the dumb bell. Call for it, then pick up the gasoline.
-Use the gasoline on the bowl. This will be used soon.
-Go back to the intercom and use it again.
2. Call the kitchen and ask them about tomatoes. It’ll give you into a little hint on what to use. Then say you’re calling from the restaurant and you’ve received a complaint. Say the soup was too mild.
-Head back down to the dumb waiter and call it. You’ll then get a bottle of hot sauce.
3. Lastly, head back up to the intercom to use it for the last time. Call the kitchen again and say that you’re from the restaurant. Say that you’ve received a complaint that the bowl of soup is too cold.
-Head back down to the dumb waiter and put the gasoline bowl into the dumb waiter. Then click the button and send it to the kitchen.

-Head back to the Head Servant. On the way there you’ll hear the announcement on the PA Speaker about there being a fire in the prep kitchen. Talk to the Head Servant to get his key to Cabin 2.
Cabin 2
-Head to Cabin 2 and use the key on the door. Head inside.
-Examine the book on the table.
-Examine the cruise manual. Flip to the last page.
-Pick up the scalpel and the note.
-Examine the note. You’ll realize the letters are out of place.
(Picture of the Message solved)
-Head to Cabin 1 (your cabin).
-Examine your radio. Notice it was missing from your cabin.
-Go downstairs to the bar.
-Use the scalpel on yourself to draw blood. Now you have what you need to made a Bloody Mary!
-Bloody Mary: Mix Vermouth, Gin, Worcestershire sauce, Lemon, Hot Sauce, and Blood into the shaker. However, if you try giving it to the bartender, he’ll notice it’s lacking presentation. This is when the parasol comes into play.
-Use the parasol on the Bloody Mary.
-Show the bartender the Bloody Mary to get it approved.
-Put it on the dumb waiter and send it up to the Bridge. Talk to the bartender to receive the napkin Victor 11 drew on.
-Looking at the napkin now makes absolutely no sense. But we’ll need it for later.
-Go to the busboy to talk to him. Ask him about a missing radio.
-He’ll tell you about the missing radio, but not without proof of a conspiracy. Give him the Extortion Note Victor 11 had put together before disappearing.
-Ask all there is about the radio. Find out it’s hidden in a secret compartment under the sink.
-Head back to Cabin 2.
-See a new crew member and talk to him to find out he’s Victor 9.
The Radio
-After talking with Victor 9, use the scalpel on your badge. Place the number back on and insert it as the number 9.
-Put the badge back on.
-Head to talk to any of the crew members while wearing the number “9” badge.
-Say anything threatening or vulgar, as long as you get them to say you’ve been reported.
-Use your scalpel on your badge again to take the number out. Insert it back in as a number 6.
-Head back to Cabin 2 and notice Victor 9 gone. Head inside.
-Look under the sink and receive the radio.
Note: As you move forward with the radio section of the guide, you may have a different frequency number than what I have reported in this guide.
-Head to Cabin 1 and use the radio. Turn it on and turn it to the frequency 29.0
-Examine plug in the side of your bed post. Get a small piece of paper.
-Head out to Deck 2 Balcony, where the Head Servant is. Turn the frequency of the radio to 25.5 or 26.0
-Examine the knob, get another piece of paper.
-For the last piece, head to the Sun Deck, the first area you came to.
-Turn the radio frequency to 28.0
-Examine the pulley on the support pole. Get the last piece of paper.
-It’s noticeable these three pieces of paper go over each other, however it’s hard to see it properly.
-Go inside any of the cabins and look through the porthole in the door. This should be enough sunlight to see through the paper. Put the three notes on the porthole and properly place them together.
-Head outside and examine the mermaid. Notice that’s where the red lines converge.
-Examine the head, then put your finger in it’s mouth. Something drops out.
-With this newfound evidence, confront the Captain’s Aid and tell him of what you discovered.
-Use the intercom near the door and claim you know the Captain is behind the disappearances.
-Open the door and enter the Bridge.
The Captain
-Talk to Alicia.
-Examine fuse box in the background.
-Switch all the switches the opposite way. This should get you the lights.
-Pick up the bone from the ground.
-Go to the coal chute, try to open it. Notice it’s rusted shut.
-Use gasoline on the coal chute. This should give you rust and open it for you.
-Use the bone on the coal chute. Close the coal chute. Victor says “Nothing happened,” however it broke the bone. Pick up the bone shards.
-Examine fresh body on the ground, with the tentacle protruding from his stomach. Notice it’s the Bartender.
-Examine the rat poison box. The ingredients say you need: Ethanol, Iron Oxide, Distilled Petroleum, Citric Acid, and Calcium.
-Mix Gin, Bone, Rust, Lemon and Gasoline together into the shaker. If you mess up, dump it into the coal chute.
-Once you’re done, Victor will mention how now the mixture is a makeshift rat poison.
-Talk to the bartender.
-Use the makeshift rat poison on his mouth.
-Climb up rope.
-Go to Sun Deck.
-Exit the Dream.
13 comentarii
ARCHER 25 aug. 2021 la 1:49 
I didn't knew that so sorry @The Social Misfit but your guide helps me a lot and i am hoping to see you in another game's guide also :steamhappy: I really like some of the funny lines you put in the guide to make it more attractive.
oPossumi  [autor] 24 aug. 2021 la 9:47 
Thanks everyone who did come and use my guide!
oPossumi  [autor] 24 aug. 2021 la 9:47 
Apologies there, I made the guide 5 years ago when there really were no achievements back then!

I had struggled when I tried to get through and there really weren't the best of guides for this chapter back then, so I decided to make my own to hopefully help others to get to the end!

If there's any achievements or easter eggs, I'm afraid I really won't have them in this guide. But someday I'll perhaps go back to the game and do some updates to the guide!
ARCHER 18 aug. 2021 la 9:11 
Your guide helped me a lot but i was trying to keep the bartender alive for the achievement but your guide didn't mention that
The Southern Aristocrat 21 iul. 2021 la 8:43 
The fishing rod and crumbs make a return and will be relevant later.
Jibberish18 9 mart. 2018 la 11:46 
I'm also wondering what you do with the Bread Crumbs and Fishing Rod?
trailofundead 3 dec. 2017 la 10:22 
I had a random set of frequencies too. The last two were the same, which seemed to confuse it and I could examine the pulley at first. I think there's too much guessing involved in this section of the game, given the quality of the puzzles in the rest of it
Kitty 20 aug. 2017 la 3:14 
Just to reiterate: Players may have different frequencies. Please update the walkthrough to reflect that.
virusms 2 aug. 2017 la 9:05 
Thanks! But what to do with a fishing rod and crumbs at the very end of chpter 3? You can get them under the second lid. You can exit the dream without them, but I wounder why they are there? Also, if you go to cabin 2 before exeting the dream and then push the button near the door, Victor will start to shake for a while. :)
FishTigress 25 sept. 2016 la 5:23 
I'd like to point out a small detail: The frequencies of the radio differ through playthroughs ; You had 25.5 MHz, I had 26.0 MHz. Just so people know this since The Dream Machine tends to have some minorily changing puzzles. :victor: