Marlow Briggs

Marlow Briggs

87 ratings
Marlow Briggs 100% Achievement Guide
By Omnisciurus
The one and only guide for earning all the achievements in Marlow Briggs!
Welcome to the achievement guide for Marlow Briggs!

The purpose of this guide is to give a clear and concise overview of the requirements for earning all 29 achievements in the game and reaching that perfect 100% completion.

Marlow Briggs is a third-person hack-and-slash with an over-the-top story and gameplay. It's not too difficult and should take about 7 hours per playthrough. You'll need to play through the game at least twice, since the Hardcore difficulty is locked until you have beaten the game once. You might as well save the Skip Master achievement for your second playthrough.

All achievements marked as "story-related" are unmissable. The achievements are listed roughly in the order they can be earned in the game.

With all that out of the way, let's begin!
Achievements (part 1)
Get your first achievement

This will unlock alongside the first achievement you earn, whatever that may be.

Immovable Object
Block enemy attack.

This will unlock after you block an attack for the first time (default key: F).

Return to Sender
Kill enemy with deflected projectile

This will unlock after you successfully deflect a ranged attack (press F as the shot is about to hit you).

Stumbling Block
Knock enemy off ledge into their falling death

You can also just grab most enemies (default: E) and toss them (default: Space) off any ledge.

Leveling Up
Earn upgrade point and spend it

You can spend experience in the skill menu (default key: R) to upgrade your four weapons and four spells to deal more damage. The weapons and spells must first be unlocked in the story before they can be upgraded. Each weapon upgrade also increases your max health, while spell upgrades increase your max mana.

Enviromental Hazard
Kill enemy with enviromental objects (fire, barrel,...)

There’s plenty of explosive barrels found throughout the game, so you should get this with minimal effort at some point.

Danger Above
Kill enemy with air combo.

There's no actual need to do a combo, any jumping attack will do.

Just One Of Many
Find a collectible

Find all collectibles in one play through

You'll find the first collectible shortly before the first boss. There are only 12 collectibles and none are particularly difficult to reach. There’s a great collectible guide found here:

Forged In Fire
Defeat the Fire boss

(Story-related) At the end of the ore refinery area, you'll have to destroy an excavator in a glorified turret section, after which you'll acquire your first magic spell.

Dead Eye
Destroy 10 enemies using only spirit knives

You gain the spirit knife ability when you land in the jungle shortly after defeating the first boss. Just toss the knives at the bugs (default key: Middle Mouse Button) to one-shot them.

Personal Touch
Execute an enemy

The easiest way to get this is by stomping bugs (default key: E) to instakill them.

Train Ride
Survive train-cart ride

(Story-related) Near the end of the second ore refinery section, you'll need to dodge obstacles by jumping between three carts in a (literal) on-rails scene.

Gravity Off
Launch enemy and kill it before it falls on ground

Basically, kill any enemy while they’re in mid-air (flying bugs don’t count). Some combo attacks can launch enemies, but I randomly got it by reflecting a projectile back at an enemy. It’s very easy to launch enemies with the second weapon you get (Tacab’s Claws). Just hold the right mouse button.

Solve the water puzzle

(Story-related) Soon after you arrive at the Lost City after escaping the ore refinery (again), you'll have to fill an area with water to cross to the other side. Not really even a "puzzle". You just need to move a stone block next to a wall so you can reach a ledge.

Gotta Love Gore
Perform a 50-hit combo

Not as difficult as it might sound. Your first spell (Flames of Kinich Ahau) helps greatly against large groups, sometimes hitting 50+ all on its own. The third weapon you get (Forsaken Sting) also builds up combo very rapidly (I got 200+ combo in the fight immediately after finding this weapon). Getting hit does not break the combo, so go nuts.
Achievements (part 2)
Lost Treasure
Gain entry to treasure room.

(Story-related) As you progress through the Lost City, you will eventually come to a large room filled with pendulum traps. Sadly, there's no actual treasure to be found.

Squid Sushi
Defeat the Water boss

(Story-related) After leaving the City of the Dead, you'll have to fight and kill a giant tentacled fish monster. The first death is a fake-out, so don't worry when the cheevo doesn't pop straight away.

Solve the temple puzzle

(Story-related) After reaching the snow temple, there’s an easy pressure plate puzzle you have to complete in order to progress. Again, not really a "puzzle". Just walk over each pressure plate in order to lower the stone block.

Master Of Arms
Kill enemy with each weapon

You will unlock four different weapons throughout the game. The final weapon will be found shortly before Rainforest City. Just kill at least one enemy with each weapon during your playthrough and the achievement will pop.

Fly across the chasm

(Story-related) You will receive the flying ability near the end of the game, in Rainforest City. You’ll need to eventually cross a large chasm by gliding atop crumbling stone pillars to progress (after the Chieftain Hammerhead fight).

Glide for more than 6 seconds

The best place to get this achievement is shortly after you get the gliding ability in Rainforest City. Instead of crossing the first chasm, just glide down to your death and the achievement will unlock.

Blown Away
Defeat the Air boss

(Story-related) Another boss you have to beat in order to progress, this time a huge dragon. You’ll also unlock the final magic spell after killing him (Huracan’s Winds).

Mind over Matter
Kill enemy with each magic

You’ll unlock the four magic spells as you progress through the game. The final spell is unlocked after beating the Air boss. Just kill at least one enemy with each spell during your playthrough and the achievement will pop.

Down Boy
Defeat HellHound

(Story-related) The hell hound is not really a boss, more of a unique elite enemy. He shows up shortly before the final boss.

There Can Be Only One
Complete the game on any difficulty

(Story-related) Unlocks after killing the final boss.

Watch all credits

There’s a minigame during the credits where you have to guide a mask/rocket through the falling credits until you reach the top. The steering is horrible, but at least you have infinite attempts.

Skip Master
Skip all cutscenes in one play through

Whenever you get the "Hold SPACE to skip" prompt, just hit space for the cutscenes. There aren’t that many of them, mostly just after beating bosses or acquiring new weapons/spells. Basically, whenever you get the still-frame montages. The achievement should pop after skipping the final cutscene before the last boss fight.

The Chosen One
Complete the game on Hardcore difficulty

Hardcore difficulty only unlocks after beating the game once. It's exactly the same as the other difficulties, but with tougher enemies. You can still save and there are plenty of checkpoints. The best tips I could give you are:

1) You don’t have to fight everyone; many fights are skippable. Just proceed past enemies and open the door or pull the lever you need to proceed.
2) Use the convert ability (grab enemy, hit E) to make large fights easier. This is especially helpul when fighting spectres.
3) Don't forget to use your spirit knives, they can be surprisingly effective.
4) The final weapon you get (Patan’s Tusk) is able to stun-lock pretty much every enemy, so use it whenever you can.
That's it. I hope this guide has been useful.

Thanks for reading.

Good luck and have fun playing!
Turkey Bone Jones 15 Jan, 2017 @ 11:43am 
Im pretty sure you dont need to skip the letters, like 99% sure.
Deponk 15 Jan, 2017 @ 2:18am 
I have a question for skip master. Do you have to skip the letters you find too?