Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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Xenomorph Scouts: A Documentary
Von Drb
Hi there, I'm Drb, and I bet you want to know more about the rare Xenomorph Scout
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What is a Xenomorph Scout and what do they do?
I have the answer, a Xenomorph Scout (Xenomorphious Scuntious) is a rare species of scout, only appering on Halloween mode. Something about Halloween Mode causes scouts to morph into the Xenomorph Scout. They use their very strong claws to cause people to bleed, and throw sharp objects as a ranged attack. They are very deadly, and are very agressive.

How dangerous are they?
They are able to run at a very intense speed, and you might be horribly scratched 2-4 times before they will flee, and leave you to die.

Here is a video demenstration of a trained Xenomorph, showcasing its weakness, and its power.
How to defend against Xenomorph Scouts?
For a Pyro: spray some Fire to scare them off, if they use a ranged attack, just reflect it! Simple!
For Spy, Medic, and Sniper: Run if you can.
For Engineer: Bait them to your Sentry, if you can.
For Heavy: Shoot him.
For Demo: Lay down Sticky traps and bait them towards the traps.
For Soldier: Shoot him.
For Scout: Lead him toward your team.
In conclusion a Xenomorph Scout is in no means to be made fun of, unless you want your head seperated from your body.

Hope you enjoyed this, give it a rating if you like.
4 Kommentare
Loginnathan 26. Apr. 2016 um 9:11 
Oh lol mortal kombat X GG
Maxes 26. Apr. 2016 um 9:09 
How to anger a Xenoscout ( works on original Xenos too ) :

" You know your head looks like a dildo"
Loginnathan 26. Apr. 2016 um 7:18 
Drb  [Autor] 11. Apr. 2016 um 17:12 
Thanks for Dewill for showcasing the Xenomorph against the Isolated Merc Set!