41 ratings
Oober Achievements
By SyringeTip
To be honest, I thought this game would be a clean sweep. Just click your mouse at the exact point of contact and your 1/2 dimensional protagonist can superbly meet the requirements. Nope. Not even Canadian Oil could stop this.
Prep Time
As with all difficult twitch games, be sure to have water ready for hydration, and don't be ashamed to take a break every few minutes to give your fingers a rest. That way, your reaction time can remain consistent. Death isn't as epic in this game compared to Geometry Dash, which feels emptier and emptier upon each death, and that feeling can carry over when playing similar games.

Keep in mind that you DO NOT earn achievements by beating the unlocked bonus (a.k.a.- "drunk") levels.
The First Take

Piece of Cake and Spiral Mind should be farely straightforward: just fine tune your hand-eye coordination, while gaining additional skill through each death. Don't pay heed to your death count- instead, reflect on how the amount of times you've died in that stage justifies how much better you are in Oo versus when you initially launched the game.

There are no spikes in the first half of Stage 1, so you're free to calculate the timing of each click to ensure level of concentration. As with all games such as this, remain patient when encountering your first obstacles, and measure the timing/placement of each spike in correlation with the speed of your ball.

Dynamic spikes begin to play a larger role in Stage 2, so keep track of bubbles that do not have spikes, and stay in them a little while before moving on at first to make more calculations towards ball speed / spike timing.
Subprimal Tendencies
Moving forward, as the list goes, you must complete Stages 3 & 4 to earn the "2πR" and "Top 1%" achievements. Note that each stage introduces new concepts of combatting the player's sense of awareness, and that the difficulty spike steadily shifts up by the third stage.

With the second level introducing dynamic spikes, Stage 3 exhibits a design much more thought provoking: mini bubbles. To elaborate, your ball can travel around the bubble once in less than half a second, which makes point of contact EXTREMELY HARD to calculate.

To counterract this effect, click the mouse when your ball is 1/4 the distance from the point of contact to the next bubble. There's a pinch of input lag since the ball generates an illusion of traveling faster when in a small bubble, with the addition of your point of contact being smaller.

Stage 4 is where we, as players, must remain ever more patient. In this stage alone, the containment bubbles ACTUALLY MOVE, which places the point of contact difficulty on par with the small bubbles. If you have developed a strong sense of familiarity with this game by now, there's a strong possibility you'll be able to complete the level within an hour. Otherwise, be prepared to wait a few days before you start to see a score on that green menu bubble.

Only experience, dedication and patience defeats Stage 4. Eventually, the achievement will unfold for you open-handedly if you're willing to put in the time.
A Middle-Aged Hope
To finish it all off, we have Endless Mode. This entity of a beast features the final 2 achievements in the game: "Rollin", and "This is SIck!". This section will go into detail on how to score over 100 in Endless Mode- the high bar for meeting standard in "This is Sick!".

This mode consists of your ball traveling as far as possible while consistently being faster than the red curtain of death behind you. The larger the bubble that your ball is currently in, the more likely your ball will get consumed if the point of contact is missed.

If you've waited until this point to attempt Endless Mode, "Rollin'" should be a walk in the park, as you only have to get to 15. Otherwise, come back after completing the first stage, earn "Rollin'", and wait to attempt "This is Sick!" until after completing Stage 4.

To dominate endless mode, one must meet a few requirements and/or follow recommendations in the text below:

*Keep the ball rolling for a little bit on the small bubbles; you need time to determine your next click, and the red curtain doesn't travel as fast as it seems.

*Refrain from restarting if missing point of contact when you know that your ball can clear the curtain. After about 5 to 7 consecutive contacts, you'll re-enter the original distance from curtain.

*If possible, check if you have a monitor with a high refresh rate (60+ hz) and/or if your mouse has good enough dpi (600+). Many times, people who abstain from achieving +100 possess peripheral hardware limitations.


Final Draft
After finally earning every achievement, you can finally put down this Oober monstrosity and gaze at your inner amazement that is the achievements displayed on your steam profile. Happy pixelated wonders, folks 👌🏼
wpprrz 29 Jul, 2021 @ 4:01pm 
I found that the game is very punishing towards players who click too soon or try and be too exact, If you wait a bit and allow the connecting circle to almost be out of reach you'll still clear the cross-over without any issue (it'll feel as if you're going to miss it at first but you'll get used to make intentional but delayed cross-overs). Turning off audio completely helped a ton too!
SyringeTip  [author] 10 Jun, 2019 @ 6:10pm 
No prob mate :thumbs:
Raykon 9 Jun, 2019 @ 3:53am 
Sick tip to turn off the sound. The mode became much easier. Thanks, dude.
SyringeTip  [author] 29 Apr, 2018 @ 8:58am 
Yeah you bet :thumbs:
Milkcat ♡ 29 Apr, 2018 @ 5:40am 
Turning off the music and putting on my own really helped. Just got 100% achievements a few minutes ago. Thank you for the guide!
ultrakawaHD 18 Oct, 2017 @ 5:27am 