Tower Unite

Tower Unite

74 ratings
Mini Golf: Garden Walkthrough/Tips [OUTDATED/MAY STILL BE USEFUL]
By NeverReady
A guide that walks you through each hole in the level garden as well as some helpful tips to get you started on your mini golf journey.
It may still provide you some use if you don't want to know the exact putts and have rather an estimate or helpful hints.
This guide used to just cover shortcuts and and have some tips heres and there. I've gotten so into making it better, I've turned it into a full walkthrough of the Garden course.

Excuse the low quality pictures as well, my computer is a potato.
Hole 1; Par 4
On Hole 1, there are no shortcuts. But you can complete this hole in just two putts.

On first putt, don't use full power unless you want to go out of bounds or have to use more strokes than just an easy two. For this putt, I like to use the bridge as my reference point to where I should be angling. I usually rotate my camera until I can see the entire left side of the bridge railing to get where I want to go.

FIXEDv2: This power should set you up right up in front of the curve.

After putt number one, you should be somewhere around here:

The arrow indicates the best way to go.

Your goal here is to jump over the bridge and slide against the wall, using this power; (as long as you're in between the E in stroke and the # of strokes, you should be fine) and end up in the vortex leading to the actual hole. Be careful when using full power. It can end up in you bouncing out of the vortex and having to waste a putt.

Hole 2; Par 5
On Hole 2, as soon as you start off, you can jump the beginning and save yourself a putt.
You can do this on either left or right side, I've always preferred left. Go full power for the most effective results. The red dot is around somewhere you want to aim because the closer you get your shot to the building, the farther your ball will go. Just try not to hit the building itself. If done correctly, you should land have landed on one of the ramps headed downward. Just hit straight down it, using one stroke. You should be stopped at a wedge/triangle that your ball bounced off of. Take the opposite side that you went down and use this power;
Hole 3; Par 4
This one is pretty self-explanatory as you go through it. There are no shortcuts.
The only thing I've noticed myself is that if you want to reduce the waiting time of going in a circle with the first fan, when you putt do not use full power. Instead use slightly a little less. When aiming, I usually go for the blades in the front on the right side as shown here.

And for people who are bad at getting the right power levels, here's the power level you need to make it into the hole after you get off the second fan.
Hole 4; Par 3
This is another shortcut from the get go.
Aiming the ball off the ramp will lead you to the pipe that takes you to the final hole. Try not to use too much power as you'll fly right past the platform and get an unnecessary stroke added to your score.

If you're still unsure as to what platform you'll be landing on, here is a picture that shows more clearly where you should be landing.
Hole 5; Par 5
There really aren't any shortcuts. This hole is all about the level of power you have.
The point of this level is to not use full power to make it in the first pipe.
If I'm having trouble judging the level of power I need on a level, I'll usually compare it to the hole/par/stroke bar. For this hole, I always go with where the blue and green typically meet, sometimes more towards the S in Stroke.
Hole 6; Par 3
There are no shortcuts on this hole. At the beginning, you can either aim straight for the wall or follow the curve straight center in front of where your ball spawns.
From my personal experience, it seems hitting these areas are very ineffective:
Hitting lower than the red circle seems to be the easiest way to get across the gap. This applies to the second gap right before the hole as well. On the second gap, there is also the probability of your ball jumping over the hole, so be wary with your power.
Hole 7; Par 4
Straight forward level. There are two blocks that will be moving in a circular motion. The easiest way for this hole is to shoot through both blocks. It's not always a guaranteed hole in one as I've found out. Depending on your speed, you may jump right over the hole or just get knocked off it's path right before going in. But if you adjust your power level to something lower than full, remember to make adjustments so that you'll still go straight through the blocks and down the ramp.
EDIT: This can be a hole in one. It seems if you aim straight ahead and set your power between the E in stroke and the 0 showing how many strokes you have, it's an easy hole in one.
Hole 8; Par 6
Hole 8 actually has three shortcuts. The first one, I don't see much of as I've found it's hard to pull off. But I've seen it done a few times.
Your goal is to jump off using the ramp, onto the decline that leads to the other platform.
I've personally never figured out what angle or power to use to get it done. (or just always screw it up) So if you're interested in this one, try experimenting with it a bit.

My method of going through this level is just using the good ole' gong.
I make my way over and fall down onto the platform leading to the next gong which leads to the next shortcut. For this shortcut to work, you need to be somewhat close to the wall you fell from. Not too close, not too far away.

From there, you use the ramp to fly over the curve and up onto the next ramp to smack into the last gong. You can go full power if you want, doesn't really matter since we'll be hitting the gong.
Then just go the normal way down and put that ball in the hole.

EDIT: The third new method I've seen is apparently, when you hit the gong, you want to putt backwards onto the other gong. (gg leaving for a few days and coming back to utter madness)

Hole 9; Par 2
This one is purely luck based unless you get the perfect angle and power every time.
The only real warning here is to not use full power. It'll shoot your ball right back into the spawn.
Hole 10; Par 4
No shortcuts this time. Just ride the walls to the end and you should atleast get a birdie or par.

EDIT: I have found the power you need to hit when you're aiming straight at the hole. You need to aim your power meter near the end of the 10.
Hole 11; Par 3

I've heard a lot of people say this hole is completely luck, that you really can't get a hole in one every time. That is actually wrong. If you move the camera to the side angle, you can see which taiko the pipe is facing.
And if you get it at exactly the right power to where the ball goes straight into the pipe rather than roll around, it's a guaranteed hole in one. Once you have the power figured out, shoot your ball right as it goes to the middle drum. By the time your ball goes in, the pipe will be back to the middle and your ball will be on it's way to victory.

EDIT: I think I have found the right power. This has worked for me all of the times I've tried it, so if it doesn't work, gimme a call.
Hole 12; Par 3
This hole is like a lot like 5. It's more based off of the right power. Full power on this level will just set you back.

If your power is around the blue bar I've placed ontop of the power bar, you should be pretty good.

And if you're wondering about what angle, I usually just aim towards the black block on the wall.
That may not be the best strategy, but it's worked the majority of the time for myself.

(Note the block might be there because of my potato, not actually 100% sure)

There is also the possibility of getting stuck though, so beware.

But if you manage to make it through the pipe, you sometimes might bounce out of the hole or bounce off the back wall and miss.

EDIT: Honestly still trying to figure this one out. I thought what I wrote was good, but every time I go off of it, it ends up going over or getting stuck. Still trying to figure out angle and speed.
Hole 13; Par 5
This is an easy hole in one shot. There are no shortcuts.

The easiest way to get a hole in one on this is aim a little bit towards the pipe you're going for.

The perfect power (that I have found, so if something else works for you, feel free to let me know) seems to be the spot right in the middle of the K on the hole/par/stroke bar.

IT IS POSSIBLE TO STILL NOT GET A HOLE IN ONE THROUGH THE PIPE. The ball can just stop right before it hits the hole. I think it depends on the angle that you pick.
Hole 14; Par 4
Hole 14 is another easy hole in one unless the game breaks of course.
It also has a shortcut. From the start, aim directly at the pipe that leads to a hole in one. If you're even a little off, it can mess it up. I've found that the perfect power level has been right in the middle of the P on the hole/par/stroke bar.

Even if you get in the hole, sometimes you can get stuck on the little ridge your ball follows. Just go the normal route if your path to the hole in one is blocked.

The shortcut on this hole is towards the end, you can take off an entire 1-2 putts.
Where the arrow points is where you should be landing if you're using this route. My only warning is DO NOT use full power. You will fly off the map and add some strokes to your score.
Hole 15; Par 3
There are no shortcuts on this one. At the beginning, you have to bounce off of a taiko to get to the next platform. Another warning; NO FULL POWER. You'll fly off and and not even trigger the drum. Try to go at an angle when shooting towards the drum instead of going straight. From my personal experience it usually has just made me roll right off the map.

After you get to the next platform, you're in front of three different pipes. Your goal is to get to the middle one. It's the most efficient way to the hole. The other two are avaliable if you accidentally hit the taiko wrong but usually lead to a par.

EDIT: This IS a possible hole in one, have just never mentioned it before. You have to get the timing just right or else you ♥♥♥♥ it up though. So I just go the easy way out because I'm a pansy.
Hole 16; Par 2
This one should be an easy hole in one.
EDIT x3: "Also, 16 should be between E and 0, as straight as possible. Full power can send you flying over the hole. Between E and 0, you'll hit the inner wall of the middle area, slowing you down to a nice speed for not going over the hole."

Thanks to Blasphemous for this life-saving hole in one tip. Works like a charm! Cheers.
Hole 17; Par 4
From my experience, Hole 17 really is just luck.
Should be easy enough to get par on though if you don't manage to hit the middle of the plinko board.
Hole 18; Par 2
Hole 18 can have a strategy behind it, but honestly I've never really done anything with it. I've never gotten a hole in one on this hole although it's entirely possible.

(I actually almost got a hole in one with this angle at full power, but my ball flew right off the map instead.)

You can't really be careful, so go full power and whatever angle to your heart's content.
Until I update this that is.
Thanks for reading through my shortcuts and tips. If you have any suggestions, feel free to comment or PM me.

I'm also looking for videos of every hole so if anyone has any that would be greatly appreciated.

I'll also update this when and where it may be needed.
UPDATE/APRIL15:Some of the data I've had recently that I've been trying to work with on a few select holes has gotten erased (literally. whiteboards are a pain in the ass.). So I might be a little slow as to update some of these holes.
VahidSlayerOfAll 5 Nov, 2019 @ 5:45am 
Hole 7 i got a hio with just after the R in par and then you need to time it right.
lyricists 27 Jul, 2019 @ 11:44am 
an awesome guide, thanks!
shroomfriend 15 Apr, 2018 @ 1:42pm 
pls update i need good holes
NeverReady  [author] 16 Oct, 2016 @ 3:29pm 
@Smarrmy's Pizza This is an outdated guide.
Farty 15 Oct, 2016 @ 7:02pm 
You can get a hole in 1 on hole 15. You have to bounce off the wall and hit the second drum while its moving to the middle.
NeverReady  [author] 18 Jun, 2016 @ 10:44pm 
@Tiny McSmall will try and update if working, have been ded recently so outdated
Scout 24 Apr, 2016 @ 7:36pm 
Hole 18: Same angle and have the power berween E and 0
NeverReady  [author] 21 Apr, 2016 @ 2:05pm 
@PaperMoney You have to be basically spot on. Every time I've done it at the power level right between the E and 0, being the straighest I possibly can, I've gotten 9/10 times. (The one other time was one of my own fuck ups.) So you might just be getting it too off.
PaperMoney 21 Apr, 2016 @ 1:39pm 
Hole 16, no you're wrong. Did it went over the whole, even kinda like below E and 0, SO thanks.
NeverReady  [author] 19 Apr, 2016 @ 1:37pm 
@f#ck sensei I just try to see what works best. I suggest my method that works 95% of the the time for myself and share it. If I get another method from someone else and it works great, then I'll share it. Not trying to be spot on, but if it's possible to get a hole in one on some of these EVERY TIME then I'm gonna try and share what I do to get that.