Fallout 3 - Game of the Year Edition

Fallout 3 - Game of the Year Edition

169 ratings
How to change FOV, Pip-Boy color, HUD color, main theme...
By cryptex and 1 collaborators
[NO MODS] This guide will show you how to edit Depth of Field, VATS color, Pip-Boy color, HUD color, FOV, main theme and more...
This is a remake of my New Vegas guide.
How to skip starting intro
Open the Fallout_default.ini file in your Fallout 3 main folder.

Find the following lines:


Change them to this:

If it doesn't work yet :

Delete the FNVIntro.bik file located in Data/Video folder.

Now you don't have to repeatedly click through those slides !
How to edit FOV
  • Go to your Fallout 3 main folder
steamapps/common/Fallout 3
  • Edit the fallout_default.ini file
  • Search for 'FOV'
  • Then you can edit the values
Pip Boy FOV :
Default FOV :
Terminal FOV :
How to edit Launcher music
I've never liked this one... Let's edit it !
  • Go to your Fallout 3 main folder
  • Delete this file : Main Title
  • Put you own music file (wave format) and name it like this : Main Title
How to edit Main Theme
  • Go to your Fallout 3/data/music/Special folder
  • The original music is : Main Title
  • Delete this file and replace it by your own music file (wave format)
  • Name your file like this : Main Title
How to change Pip-Boy color without mods
Open your FalloutPrefs file located in My Games/Fallout 3.

Search for :


Just change the value (9 numbers). For example, if you want the same color as me (just check the screenshot above), edit the value to : 199999999.

  • HERE ARE SOME COLOR CODES (credits to PandaKing1045 & mobil115) :

4290134783 - Default Amber
2552000000 - Magenta
2551000000 - Magenta2
2552552552 - Deep Purple
2559990000 - Tan
2549990000 - Faded Green
2551000000 - RED OMG RED! /Kinda slightly purple
0002550000 - Pure Blue
2550010000 - Radioactive Green
2550100000 - Faded Radioactive Green

0000000000 - Default Greenish
1000000000 - IceyBlue
2000000000 - Light Purple
3000000000 - Yellow Green
4000000000 - Pure Orange
5000000000 - Blue with a Touch of Purple
6000000000 - Crysis Icey White
7000000000 - Deep Pink
8000000000 - Gold
9000000000 - Deep Green
0100000000 - Deep Cyan
0200000000 - Green-esque Cyan
0300000000 - More Green-esque Cyan
0400000000 - Even more Green-esque Cyan
0500000000 - Wtf Even more Green-esque Cyan
0600000000 - Holy poo even more Green-esque Cyan
0700000000 - Alright Its Green now, not even Green-esque Almost Pure Green
0800000000 - Pure Green
0900000000 - Deep Ice Blue
0010000000 - Dark Ice Blue
0020000000 - Where did it go? Dark Ice Blue
0030000000 - Deep Ice Blue

7050000000 - Deep Pink
7020000000 - Lavender
7900000000 - Tan again
7990000000 - Deep Pink /Slightly darker
7999000000 - Pure Goldenrod
7999900000 - Red Tinted White?
7999990000 - Pure Yellow
7999999000 - Faded Yellow
7999999900 - Still Faded Yellow
7999999990 - SLIGHTLY more Faded Yellow
7999999999 - Even more Faded Yellow

705032704 - This is blue
How to change HUD + VATS color without mods
Just search for the line (which should be just under the uPipboyColor= line) :


Change the value... same method (9 numbers too).
How to disable Pip-Boy scan lines
Search for :


And change the value to 0. Simple.
cryptex  [author] 10 Aug, 2022 @ 1:30pm 
@ballin Yes it is hexa
ʞzᴉɥʍp 27 Jul, 2022 @ 4:20am 
is it color hexcode?
Sensei Le Roof 27 Nov, 2018 @ 12:23pm 
Here's a wiki tidbit that'll help you get the colors you want:

The color code used is a decimal representation of RGBA Hex code (Red, Green, Blue, Alpha in Hex). Basically, to get the correct numerical code for the color you want, you first have to work out its Hex value using this <a href="http://www.drpeterjones.com/colorcalc/" target="_blank">RGB Calculator</a> (click the Table link at the top, select a color, and see the resulting Hex code in the top left of the calculator). Copy this code and add two digits for the Alpha (transparency) value (FF is fully visible, 00 is invisible). Then plug the final 8-digit code into <a href="http://www.easycalculation.com/hex-converter.php" target="_blank">this page</a> and the resulting string of numbers in Decimal view can be used as values for the variables above.
Sensei Le Roof 25 Nov, 2018 @ 6:56am 
Wait... you say the color entries are 9-digit numbers, but then you give 10-digit examples.
LenAiread (Old "Dead" Acc) 2 Feb, 2017 @ 10:43am 
But what if my Falloutprefs doesnt have uPipboyColor?
Cyber Ronin XER0 8 Jan, 2017 @ 5:33pm 
FO3 much?
limefiesta 28 Dec, 2016 @ 12:18pm 
cryptex  [author] 31 Mar, 2016 @ 8:16am 
In game, you can only change your HUD/Pip color to blue, white, green... By editing the cfg file, you can create your own color kid.