Block N Load

Block N Load

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Yuri's Uber Guide
By Gsoderi and 2 collaborators
Hello, and welcome to "Yuri's Uber Guide"! My name is Gsoderi, I am level 100 with Yuri, with about a 75% win rate. Yuri has been my main hero since my first 500 hours and I would like to teach you today all the basics and all the more advanced tactics with him, being either defense or offense!

In this guide we've got several sections, the first ones being all the basic things you need to know with Yuri. As you advance with the guide, more pro tips you learn! If you already know the basics, you can skip to the "Defensive Gameplay" and "Offensive Gameplay" parts.
Originally posted by Block n Load Hero Description:
In Russia, you don't fall down the mountain, the mountain falls down on you. Hailing from the frozen wastes of Siberia. Yury combines ancient Yeti snow combat with mountain equipment found on a mutilated ski slope worker (hey, he just found him that way!) to conquer his foes.

As you know, "Yuri the Yeti" can be easily found across the game matchmaking. Yetis those that eight out of ten times are not very good. They usually call him "hard" or even "useless", characteristics that Yuri doesn't has.

I wouldn't blame those players tough, Yuri have a High Learning Curve. So I decided to end this terrible reputation that our friend Yeti got and, instead, teach you how to play him properly and maybe even master him.

*Video made by Jagex, School of Block, Yuri
Yuri's Arsenal
Primary: Snowballs

The ancestral weapon of the Yeti is powerful, but requires Snow or Ice Blocks for ammo, (you still can get it on ammo crates, but at a slower rate of regen). Charge up Right Mouse Button for a deadly long-range "frostball special".

Secondary: SnowThrower 6000 Sux

Slow and damage enemies with a blast of freezing snow, or Right Mouse Button to quickly deposit snow blocks. Limited ammo capacity when away from Snow or Ice Blocks.

Active: Avalanche

Yury throws a marker and summons an avalanche at its location, temporarily blocking vision and covering the area with Snow Blocks.

Passive: Chilling Out

Yetis thrive in cold conditions. When close to Snow or Ice Blocks, Yury gains infinite ammo and slowly regenerate health. He can also move on Ice Blocks without slipping.

Tool: Ice Axe

'Borrowed' from an unfortunate mountaineer, Yury's Ice Axe is for digging, building and taking out objectives. Left Mouse Button to dig, Right Mouse Button to build.

Block: Ice

Hero Block. Slippery Ice makes Yury feel at home (and his enemies feel unstable) and is stronger and more durable than snow. It actives his passive.
Yuri Perks
Yuri the Yeti have 3 different perks, suitable for 3 different kinds of gameplays. I will be showing here, the 3 perks and how they affect your gameplay.

Yuri 'n' Ice

This perk, is the perk you want on your defensive Yuri. It increases your Hero Block (Ice) HP, making it take 7 hits (on level 3) instead of just 4 to break. The downside is a 0.25 seconds build time, so you can't spam strong ice, or make ice bridge/walls so quick.

Positive Effect per Level
Negative Effect
Level 1 - Ice blocks have 50% more health
Ice blocks have a 0.25 sec build time
Level 2 - Ice blocks have 75% more health
Ice blocks have a 0.25 sec build time
Level 3 - Ice blocks have 100% more health
Ice blocks have a 0.25 sec build time

Chill Dude

This perk is a must have if you want to do a good Yuri Offense. It increases the HP regeneration your passive gives to you. You can pack it with another healing perk to be a monster on regeneration. The negative effect is 25% less regeneration from your passive, but don't worry! Your passive still gives you infinity ammo.

Positive Effect per Level
Negative Effect
Level 1 - Healing from Chilling Out increased by 50%
Ammo regeneration from Chilling Out reduced by 25%
Level 2 - Healing from Chilling Out increased by 75%
Ammo regeneration from Chilling Out reduced by 25%
Level 3 - Healing from Chilling Out increased by 100%
Ammo regeneration from Chilling Out reduced by 25%


This perk is great for you if you don't have god aiming skills, or if you want to support your Offense with a slow + great damage. This perk increases the base damage of the Snowthrower normal fire. But it have a 25% less ammo (75 in total ammo) as it negative effect.

Positive Effect per Level
Negative Effect
Level 1 - Snow Thrower does 25% more damage
Snow Thrower ammo reduced by 25%
Level 2 - Snow Thrower does 35% more damage
Snow Thrower ammo reduced by 25%
Level 3 - Snow Thrower does 45% more damage
Snow Thrower ammo reduced by 25%
Block Loadout
Your block loadout may change if you are defending, attacking, or playing as midfielder. I'll place here the best options and the "must have" blocks:

Sandbags are the toughest building Blocks you can get, take a little longer to build (1 second) but make up for it. Very good for covering Cube Shields. You should take it in all loadouts.

When placed this allows your Allies to spawn on it, useful for both defense and offense. It makes a lot faster for your allies to Attack/Defend. You should take it in all loadouts.

When placed it reveals enemies and devices nearby, great for both defense and on the offense. You should take it in all loadouts.

Detonates when an enemy gets close, or when it takes damage. Amazing trap to hide in your Ice/Snow. You should take it in all loadouts.

Slows any hero walking through it, great for trapping. Very good when placed with Ice, amazing for defense, and good for midfielding. It's optional.

Explodes after being placed, the small variant of the Large Bomb but still packs a punch. Since Yuri doesn't have any explosive in his kit, it's good to take something like this when attacking. It's optional.

Why don't you take bricks? Because they aren't worth it. With Ice perk, your ice will be stronger than bricks and will take less TTP (time to place). If you are attacking with any other Hero, you would like to have crates, for speedbuilding and quick covers, but with Yuri, the Ice unperked serves the same purpose and even have some extra health.
Begginners Tips
Here you have the tips if you are starting to play as Yuri. As you scroll down the guide, you will see more advanced tips and tricks for each playstyle.

How to use your weapons:
  • Snowballs
    • Normal Fire for Close and Medium ranges. Alt-Fire for Long ranges. Normal Fire deals a lot more FPS, Alt-Fire deal a lot more damage and will be less affected by gravity, but its fire rate is very low
    • If you are sure that you will get the kill, use the Alt-Fire then.
    • Fight heavy firing power heros like Cogwheel at range only since they can melt you at close ranges.
    • If you are quick, use snowthrower first and then switch to snowballs. The slow will make easier for you to hit your target.
    • If you are far from ammo, use your alt-fire it deals more damage and let you save some ammo.

  • Snowthrower 6000 Sux
    • Don't use your Snowthrower as your main weapon (unless you have the perk).
    • Use snowthrower only for slowing down people and not for the damage. If you are with someone, it's worth to slow down the enemy.
    • If you need ammo, quickly deploy some snow with Snowthrower Alt-fire
    • Try always aim for the head, it can be hard, but it's worth the damage, even with the Snowthrower.

Build Phase - What you should do

There are several things you can spend your time in the build phase, it will depend a lot in your playstyle. So I'll place both playstyles for easier understanding.

  • Defesive Gameplay
    • Try cover the whole area of your cube with Ice, it will be good, for your passive, and to slow down the enemys.
    • After you cover all the area, if you have some time help with radar coverage, it is very important to have a good radar coverage, otherwise enemys can place Respawn pads.
    • Try placing some glue around, it is very good to delay enemys.
    • Building a roof when you are against a Cogwheel is crucial, since you can defend your base from mortar attacks. A roof made with perked Ice is even better!
  • Offensive Gameplay
    • Help your team with cuts*, these are crucial and can earn your team lots of bricks.
    • Place radars around your cube area and behind your base, you don't want anyone sneaking to attack your cube or sneaking behind your base for a respawn pad.
    • Help defense if they need to, if they need a roof or walls, try help them if you finished all your tasks.
    • Place a defensive spawn hidden somewhere near the active cube. Having one is great so if your defense die, they can quickly respawn and defend the cube.

*Cuts are when you break all the base blocks a building have to sustain itself. Depending on the amount of blocks and their qualities this building has, the more bricks your team will earn (capped at 1000)

Offense Phase - What to do

After the Build Phase is over, it's time to attack if you are an Offender, or defend if you are a Defender. As a defender, try defend your objective at all costs, keep up good teamwork and fix/improve your defenses.

Now as an Offender, there are a few things you may want to do:
  • Take out enemy radars, if you have good hearing, you can find enemy radars even more easly, since it emits a beeping sound every few seconds.
  • If you took out radars of an area, try get a respawn pad, so your team can quickly spawn to attack.
  • Don't place a radar with your respawn pad, enemys may find it out more easly, since they will see the Radar Icon in their hud.
  • Try attacking from high places; it is easier to land snowballs on enemys and destroy structures.
  • Work up with your Offenders to take down defenses and kill defenders.
  • If your defense is failling, try fall back to help them. You can't attack the other cube if you don't have one, right?

    Well, now that you learned all the Basic Tips, see Index in your right for Advanced Strategies!
Defensive Gameplay: Placements and Weapons
Ice and Snow Placement

Yuri is a great defender, many times he can hold himself alone if who is playing him have the skill. His kit is also great, with a good amount of CC (Croud Control), delaying incoming attacks, and got loads of huge DPS if you have a good aiming. Besides good aiming and game knowledge, you need to know how to do a good Ice Placement, so you can have easy ammo and a good area with CC.

See how the Ice is placed? You should cover a whole area, so your Ice affects the enemies. You may choose to pick up glue on your block load out, so you can deal even more CC, and if you pack with Snow Thrower slow effect, you are going to have a monster CC on the area!

This is an example of how you should NOT place ice. Placing your ice like this is terrible, your passive effect will be a lot harder to get (because sometimes you may not be close to ice because of this placement), and you won't affect your enemies with the ice. It's even worse when you use your active on the cube, it blocks your vision, your teammates vision, and make your life as a defender very hard. About snow, I will talk about it placements now.

This is an example of how you should use your active. As a Defensive Yuri, you are going to rely more on Ice, and not on Snow, use your active to block some attack areas, so you can place some deadly mines and get an easy kill on low life enemies, or even use that snow as some cover when you are going to gather supplys, or even the BB. Also, use your snow on cubes that have a natural (map made) roof, so you can protect it a little more from mortars and explosives.

Weapons Uses


These are going to be your main weapon for this playstyle, not only because of the higher DPS than SUX 6K, you will have infinite ammo due to the proximity to your Ice. At close ranges you should use your Primary Fire when near your Ice, it have higher DPS than the Alt-Fire and can be deadly with the right aim.

Use the Alt-Fire when you are in situations far from your ammo source, so you can do more damage with less snowballs. You can also use the Alt-Fire to shot at Medium to Long Ranges if you haven't calculated the Primary Fire Arc.

Talking about Snowball Arc, it is something that only time will teach you. The Snowball Arc is the distance that snowballs will take to start falling due to the effects of gravity. You can use it in your favor, to hit targets with more damage than the Alt-Fire (due to the DPS, and not a single stack of damage) at long ranges. So if you have a target at a long range, usually you would want to place your aim a bit up so the Snowballs can drop in your target. After playing a lot, you will learn most of the spots and where you should aim in most maps.

Using the Primary Fire is quite better than Alt-Fire at longe ranges if you know the arc, because it makes hard for enemies to dodge the snowballs. But if you are confident that you are going to get a kill with your Alt-Fire, use it then.

Snow Thrower

In defensive gameplay, you are going to use the Snow Thrower, a lot less. But you should still be using it for many purposes. It will be even greater if you know when combine it with your snowballs.

The Snow Thrower main purpose in defense, is to use it to slow your targets, creating a bad time for Suiciders and Meele classes. It has a moderate DPS, so you can use it to finish off enemies with very low HP. It is amazing also to chase enemies who are trying to run away from you or trying to get in the back of your base, since they are going to be slow down, the other defender among with you can help to kill him, or even you can kill him by yourself.

One of the amazing combos you can do with the Snow Thrower is to slow your enemies while they are in your Ice. The Ice effect makes you lose control of your acceleration, enemies can still run in your ice, but not instantly. So the purpose of using the Snow Thrower with Ice, is that enemies won't be able to run at all they will also get slowed because of the debuff, making it a lot easier to hit some snowballs in their heads, and most of the times, rewarding you with a kill. This combo may be nice, but you need to time it well, since the slow effect doesn't last too long.

Alt-Fire of the Snow Thrower isn't a big thing in this kind of gameplay, but it's something very good in Offensive Gameplay. In defensive gameplay you are not going to use it much, unless there is somewhere you want to go but your tool range doesn't reach there, I'll explain it more as we advance further in the guide.

Remember: a good Yuri always knows where and when he should be using his arsenal.
Defensive Gameplay: Helping Midfielder
You all know that 15 minutes into the game, the first Block Buster will drop. Many players start preparing the possible spots for the drop in once the timer is around 10-12 minutes. When you feel your defense is safe to leave (because you either killed all attackers and there are no respawns or because they are doing a 5 man defense), one of the best things you can do is go to setup mini bases in the BB spots with your Ice.

Try placing down some mines among your Ice and some radars surrouding the area. The key to change the sides of games is to always keep your spots secured. Having Ice near BB will not only slow down your enemies a bit, but it will provide you infinite ammo, making it easier for you to kill the other team and get the Boost for your team.

But beware, your main job is to defend the cube, so don't spend too much time in the mid, otherwise your enemies will be free to get into your cube and take down your defenses.
Defensive Gameplay: Good Defenders
Defending alone can be hard and sometimes just not possible, so you should always have someone with you to defend. I'm gonna list some good Defesive combinations here:

Eliza - Bunker Defense

With the Ice perk, your Ice is going to be quite strong and won't take too much time as Sandbags take to place. With Eliza, Yuri can cover the surface and skys, and Eliza can cover the underground and the close quarters of the cube, removing one of the flaws in Yuri Defense (digging through).

As an overall, cover your cube with Ice and Sandbags, and try to make a little house over it, so Eliza gas can be more effective.

Nigel - Sniping Combo

Another combo that remove one of the major flaws in Yuri's Defense. Nigel can get Sarges and Kiras who are spamming Rockets and Kittens from a far to break your Ice and stuff. And you can help him by killing people at close range, or even help him snipe.

As an overall, keep an eye among with your Nigel on people to snipe, and help him if someone gets too close.

Note that in this combo, you won't have more HP/Ammo stations instantly if some are destroyed.

Tony - Turret Support

Here you act more like a secondary defender. Your job here is to protect Tony turrets and the walls, roof, etc of his death cube with Ice, Sandbags and Radars. You can snipe enemys from a far if you have a good aim, and can slow down incoming attackers that will try to suicide into Tony turrets.

As an overall, try do your best to defend Tony Turrets by slowing people down and doing enough damage so Turrets can finish off incoming attackers.
Defensive Gameplay: Perk Options
Perks are items that you can equip in your Hero for game changing mechanics. It's always good to have some perks equipped, as they can help you in game, or even change your playstyle a lot. I'll show you here the best perks for Defense.

Defensive Perk: Healthy

This perk will help you a lot in your defense, it will increase your base HP helping a lot to defend. And it will compensate the slower movement speed, since you aren't going to move a lot.

Positive Effect per Level
Negative Effect
Level 1 - Gain 5% default Hero health pool
Default movement speed is slower by 7.5%
Level 2 - Gain 10% default Hero health pool
Default movement speed is slower by 7.5%
Level 3 - Gain 15% default Hero health pool
Default movement speed is slower by 7.5%

Offensive Perk: Killer Shield

Among with Healthy perk, this perk will help a lot when dealing with 2-3 enemys at the same time is a thing. It will give you a shield after you kill an enemy, so aim for weaker enemys attacking, and after you get your shield, go for the others.

Positive Effect per Level
Negative Effect
Level 1 - Gain 30% shield for 5 sec on killing an enemy Hero
Healing effects reduced by 10%
Level 2 - Gain 40% shield for 5 sec on killing an enemy Hero
Healing effects reduced by 10%
Level 3 - Gain 50% shield for 5 sec on killing an enemy Hero
Healing effects reduced by 10%

Hero Perk: Yuri 'n' Ice

This perk, is the perk you want on your defensive Yuri. It increases your Hero Block (Ice) HP, making it take 7 hits (on level 3) instead of just 4 to break. The downside is a 0.25 seconds build time, so you can't spam strong ice, or make ice bridge/walls so quick.

Positive Effect per Level
Negative Effect
Level 1 - Ice blocks have 50% more health
Ice blocks have a 0.25 sec build time
Level 2 - Ice blocks have 75% more health
Ice blocks have a 0.25 sec build time
Level 3 - Ice blocks have 100% more health
Ice blocks have a 0.25 sec build time

Obs: These perks are the ones I choose when I'm playing Yuri, you don't need to choose them if you don't want to.
Defensive Gameplay: Tips and Tricks
With Yuri:

  • Always try to cover a large area with Ice
  • It is hard to keep up a good radar coverage and good Ice placement at the same time, so try to get 1 or 2 extra brawns with you. Try placing at least 4 radars around the cube surroudings
  • Don't be hungry for kills, if you are the main defender and then you die, your defense will be very vunerable.
  • Many Explosive and High Momentum are your top counters, so try having someone else to counter these.
  • Always set up a defensive spawn, let your Offense save bricks for other spawns, radars and bombs.
  • Try replacing damaged Ice, so you can reduce the amount of damage your base will take to break.
  • Kill Heros that can damage your base with explosives first.
  • Meele classes are easier to deal if you use Ice + Snowthrower. Beware that when slowed down, these will try to use their momentum skills (Ex: OP smokes, SS dashes).

Against Yuri:

  • Try destroy his Ice with explosives.
  • High movement speed will make it harder for him to land snowballs on you.
  • Don't pick up a fight with him always if you are a Meele Hero. If you need to, try luring him away from his Ice.
  • If you see him holding a snowball for too long, he is taking a charged shot, so make sure to find some cover.
  • If Yuri finds the perfect snowball arc to hit you, make sure to try climbing into somewhere higher or going somewhere under. It will make him to calculate the arc again.
  • Yuri is vulnerable when using Snowthrower alone. If you get slowed by him alone, make sure to kill him and not try to run away.
Offensive Gameplay: Placements and Weapons
If you are not a Defensive Player and likes more action instead of building, don't worry! Yuri can also be great in Offense! Here you will learn many of the strategies I like to do with my Ice and weapons in Offense!

Ice and Snow placement

The placement of Snow and Ice in Offense is exactly the opposite as you do in Defense, but, in their base! Throwing you ability in the enemy cube is great for covering turrets, tikis, mines and traps area with snow, or even make a quick cover while you are hitting the cube. It will make a perfect spot to hide in the enemy cube. Even being something quite important, it's easy to learn and master.

One of the things you want to do in Offense is to stay in a high place and use your avalanche there, or even make a small base. There you can spot the enemy defenses and even break it easly with your snowballs. The gravity will help you a lot to land precise shots into structures and enemys.

Weapon Uses


Here again you are going to use mainly snowballs to get your targets. It will help you a lot to break defenses from distance and land some snowballs in the defenders heads. As I already stated, stay in high places, it will make easier to land snowballs. Use the Alt-Fire when you are away from Snow/Ice, because it won't only save your ammo, it will deal a good amount of damage.


Different from the Defensive Gameplay, you are going to use a lot more your 6K SUX. There are several ways you can use your Snowthrower. One of the main ways is to qucikly deploy snow with Alt-Fire when you don't have access to your Active, or you can't place Ice.

By quickly deploying snow like this when you are 1v1 someone, you can use your primary fire when you are not confident enough to hit shots with the alt-fire. It's great to deal with Juans, since they have low HP, you will finish them off very quick.

One of the tricks I like to do with 6K SUX is to make quick snow bridges and climbing towers and high structures.

It's good when you need to quickly get a supply drop and you don't have any speed Heros avaible at the moment. Another amazing thing which I like to call "Sux Climbing", is to negate fall damage with your Snowthrower. While you are falling near a wall, you can quickly throw a block of snow with your alt-fire under your feet close to the wall. It's usefull to prevent dying from height if a Sweet Science pulls you over a cliff.

Beware that Sux Climbing requires good timing and good latency. If you have a bad ping, it may not be possible to do. Pay attention to the height, since after 20 blocks of height, any Hero will die.

Offensive Gameplay: Playing as Midfielder
One of the roles in Block n Load besides Attack and Defense is Mid. But what a midfielder do? He/she helps both Defense and Offense when they need and prepare all Block Buster/Supply drop spots, so his/her team can gather the BB bost more easly and get an easy source of bricks. Even when he/she helps both roles, the one to help is the Offense, since they will need some more power to penetrate the enemy base.

Yuri can be very good at midfielding, helping teammates by sniping incoming attackers, preparing BB spots with your Snow/Ice and even helping the Offenders by sniping enemy defenses.

Your Hero perk choices may variate a lot depending on what you want to do. If you want to set up BB spots, you should take Yuri 'n' Ice. If you want to snipe, you should take Chill Dude. Both perks are better for high maps like Mountain Express, so you can setup in the islands and snipe from there. If you really want to play midfield and it isn't a high map, take Facewash perk instead, it will be a lot easier to support your teammates with the constant slow and good damage.

Try always keep an eye in the mid if you are away from it helping your team, since once the enemy spots you aren't there, they may want to retake control.

Offensive Gameplay: Good Offenders
Attacking alone is hard, even more with a Hero that is more suited for Defense. So bring on people to attack with you and earn the delicious victory! Here we have the best Offenders to have with Yuri.

Sarge/Kira and Sweet Science - Triple Package

Ever wondered what happens when you combine Fast Killing, High Explosives and Range in the same place? So this strategie is perfect for you! Everyone in the "Triple Package" have a role, and with good teamwork it can be very deadly to defenders.

Sarge/Kira will do their best to explode enemy walls, roofs and defenses with their Rockets/Kittens. While SS will pull Defenders and finish them off before they can go back into a Healing/Ammo Station. While you provide them cover with your skills, by destroying structures like turrets with snowballs, blocking sight with your Avalanche or even slowing down the enemy with your Snowthrower for an easy kill to your allies. You can even act as a midfielder here and helping your Offenders when they need. Kira can be even better for this composition if you need more Killing Power.

As an overall, while Kira/Sarge destroy their roofs and walls, and SS keeps Defenders busy, you can help by destroying Blocks like Turrets, Tikis, Radars, etc and even help sniping the Defenders. It is better to stay high, so it can be easier to shot snowballs, rockets, etc.

SS and Eliza/Vander - Offensive Area

Yuri, Eliza and Sweet Science can do an amazing area denial with Ice, Gravity Wells, and Gas. In this combo, you will have your passive healing you and HP Stations, since Brain Heros (Eliza/Vander) can place these. Sweet Science will work in the same way he works in Triple Package, pulling defenders that are running away and finishing them off. Then we have Eliza, who will provide gas in enemy defenses from a far, making them get out of their cubes, it will help a lot SS to finish them off and your team procced to the cube.

The weakness of this combo is that you lack in explosive power, but if that is really a problem, you can always have a Vander instead of an Eliza.

As an overall, keep togheter with Eliza/Vander at sniping defenses, SS will try to pull defenders that are running away, so you and Eliza/Vander can finish them off.
Offensive Gameplay: Perk Options
Perks are items that you can equip in your Hero for game changing mechanics. It's always good to have some perks equipped, as they can help you in game, or even change your playstyle a lot. I'll show you here the best perks for Offense.

Defensive Perk: Healthy

This perk is just working as a filler, since there aren't any other good perks for Offense with Yuri, this perk will counter Health Scavenger negative effect and even give you a bit more HP.

Positive Effect per Level
Negative Effect
Level 1 - Gain 5% default Hero health pool
Default movement speed is slower by 7.5%
Level 2 - Gain 10% default Hero health pool
Default movement speed is slower by 7.5%
Level 3 - Gain 15% default Hero health pool
Default movement speed is slower by 7.5%

Offensive Perk: Health Scavenger

This perk will improve a lot your passive HP regeneration among with Chill Dude Hero Perk. The negative effect is less base HP but it can be countered with Healthy level 3.

Positive Effect per Level
Negative Effect
Level 1 - 10% extra healing from all sources
Default health reduced by 10%
Level 2 - 15% extra healing from all sources
Healing effects reduced by 10%
Level 3 - 20% extra healing from all sources
Healing effects reduced by 10%

Hero Perk: Chill Dude

This perk is a must have if you want to do a good Yuri Offense. It increases the HP regeneration your passive gives to you. You can pack it with another healing perk to be a monster on regeneration. The negative effect is 25% less regeneration from your passive, but don't worry! Your passive still gives you infinity ammo.

Positive Effect per Level
Negative Effect
Level 1 - Healing from Chilling Out increased by 50%
Ammo regeneration from Chilling Out reduced by 25%
Level 2 - Healing from Chilling Out increased by 75%
Ammo regeneration from Chilling Out reduced by 25%
Level 3 - Healing from Chilling Out increased by 100%
Ammo regeneration from Chilling Out reduced by 25%

Obs: These perks are the ones I choose when I'm playing Yuri, you don't need to choose them if you don't want to.
Offensive Gameplay: Tips and Tricks
With Yuri

  • As any other Offender would do, try taking out enemy radars and place a respawn pad, it will help your team a lot.
  • Try attack from high places, if they have a roof, try making a little base up on it and attack from above.
  • Use your ability in their cube, it will not only give you some cover and protection, it will also block the sight of some Hero Blocks like Turrets and Tikis.
  • If they have a Defensive Ninja, try making some floor with Ice and stay on it. It will make it hard for him to get you. If he is a real trouble for you, try picking up Glue in your loadout.
  • You can use your Snowthrower alt-fire, to bury a Sweet Science Gravity Well, so it can make easier for you to escape and reduce the incoming explosive damage.
  • Kreepy Knockback can be a real pain, since it will make you far enough from snow to not receive your passive. Try dodge is gloves.
  • You can break Tonys Turrets in a faster rate than he can fix them with Glue Gun, keep it in mind.
  • Sux Climbing can be a savior when trying to escape from death when a Sweet Science pulls you.

Against Yuri

  • Try destroy his avalanche as quick as you can, since if used in the cube, will kill the sight of your defenses (Turrets, Tikis, etc).
  • If Avalanche and sniping from above is a problem for you, build up a roof, it may help a lot.
  • If you see Yuri placing Snow with his snowthrower, destroy it as quick as you can, otherwise he will have infinity ammo.
  • When Yuri is away from any Ammo source, try make him waste his 5 shots, it will make easier for you to fight him.
  • Don't try fight him if you are a Meele class and if he is on his Ice. If you need to, try luring him out of his Ice.
Top Counters
Even being an amazing Hero, Yuri still has its flaws. I've seen many people complaining how Yuri is strong and should receive nerfs. Here are some Heros that will counter Yuri:


Even being weak and underpowered, Yuri might have some trouble facing Astarellas in Medium to Long range. She is very fast, making it hard to land snowballs on her. Her saurcers and beacons can easly destroy your Ice and Snow, making your defenses easier to penetrate/Removing your infinity ammo . One of the ways to deal with her is to use your Snowthrower, but it can be hard if she is too far.


Being fast, but not as fast as Asta, Sarge can still be a real trouble while running, jumping and shooting with his rocket launcher. He will destroy your sandbagged cube/Snow pile very easily with Rockets and Grenades.


She can be a true hell for you, with her chem grenades and HP/Ammo stations. She can very easily make a base underground. If you try to get close to her, she will start spamming chem grenades, making it hard for you to reach and kill her. Even if you do some damage, she can just block herself and heal up with stations or even her Active Ability.

*Mostly a pain for Defensive Yuri, if she is defeding, and not attacking, don't worry then.

Yuri can Counter too!

Many Heros are also countered by Yury the Yeti, so don't worry! Here are the Top Counters, so if you see one of these Heros in the enemy team, be happy, you won't have a lot of trouble.

Sweet Science

Sweet Science can be very easily countered by our Yeti friend. His snowthrower will reduce his movement speed and reduce the effectiveness of his Dashes. Once SS is slowed, Yuri can land snowballs on him without any difficulty.

O.P. Juan

Juan is very easy to deal with when playing with Yuri, you don't even need to place mines to get him, some Ice and Glue will already get him vulnerable so you can just throw some snowballs. His small HP will help you. But beware, kill him quickly, otherwise he can just shrine away.

Roly Poly

She has a large hitbox, and her rockets are hard to use, you won't have any difficulty at all trying to snowball her to death. If she uses her emplacement mode, make sure to run around in circles while shooting snowballs at her so you don't get hit by rockets.

Kill or Be Killed

There are some heros that may vary the enviroment a lot and other stuff, I'll place some of them:


Make sure he is far away from you, otherwise you will get melted. His large hitbox will help you to hit snowballs on his head. The only tip I give is: don't let him get close, at any cost.


Kreepy can easily get Yuri with his knockback, sending Yuri away from his Snow/Ice, but if he gets close to try to melee him, Kreepy won't stand a chance.


She has a good source of explosives from her Kitten Launcher and Active Abillity, which combined can melt your Snow/Ice, and if she has good aim, her Uzis can be deadly. But if you have a better aim, you can kill her first.
- I haven't wrote a "Support Playstyle" with Facewash perk, because there isn't much to write and I don't have Facewash perk yet. If you want to see a section dedicated to Supporting as Yuri, tell me in the comments please.

- I know Yuri is actually Yury, but I like calling him by the first name.

- I would like to thank all the people that helped me take the screenshots and build up the scenarios.

- I would like to thank Block n Load Wiki[] for providing me most of the images.

- I would like to thank Devs for their amazing game.

- If you feel that some information is wrong, feel free to tell me in the comments.

- Sorry if anything is incorrect. I tried to do my best with grammar.

- If you would like more images, tell me please.

- I would like to thanks Sassy Solo and NickLol for helping me. Loyal friends.

- I would like to thanks you, for reading 'till here.

j100j 2 Mar, 2022 @ 10:22am 
Under defensive gameplay: tips and tricks you said vunerable instaed of vulnerable.

No need to thank me.
thanks a lotl 26 Jun, 2018 @ 4:22pm 
The ice perk is totally worthless now- it doesn't even have anything to do with the ice.
DRFRANKENSTEIN 31 May, 2018 @ 4:43am 
Someone has waaaaay tooo much time on his hands...never seen players that actually know how to play YETI -snow fall around base is one giant mess and choas creating fukkfest .
Eldritch Kitsune 30 Dec, 2017 @ 2:32pm 
Yury N Ice has been removed.sadly Pls Update
Gurck 20 Sep, 2017 @ 4:31pm 
BMO he really does counter science and juan. your probably just fighting bad yuris.
Galeaxel 15 Sep, 2017 @ 8:16am 
I JUST DON'T GET IT, why all the people think he is op and should be nerf if HE DOESN'T DO ANYTHING!!! i just don't get it, counter of sweet science and op juan, really? REALLY! you haven't fight agains me as i see...
Wreck 5 Jun, 2017 @ 3:44pm 
nice guide
The Dab 13 Dec, 2016 @ 9:07pm 
great guide indeed
Gsoderi  [author] 16 Nov, 2016 @ 12:34pm 
Chill Dude is good, but the Ice Perk gives amazing HP to your ice, so you can quickly build strong structures when you need. You will also probably have HP cubes around your defenses, so having more healing from your passive isn't a big deal.

I don't know if they nerfed the Ice/Ice perk (again...), since it's already some time that I don't play, even tho, it's still a good perk.
MKTPlay 16 Nov, 2016 @ 9:56am 
I think chill dude perk is also good in defence, so tell me why did you chose having better ice instead of twice as fast HP regeneration?