Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

81 ratings
Reign of Giants (Guide to Bosses and dangerous enemies)
By oXXXymiron official ✔ and 1 collaborators
In this guide, we want to tell you about Giants (bearger, deerclops, dragonfly and moose/goose) and other enemies who can deliever sensible damage, how to fight them and of course how to use acquired loot. Note that this guide is about Don't Starve Multiplayer, not singleplayer (Most creatures in DST have greatly more health than in vanilla version of the game.)
Deerclops (Giant of Winter)
Here this winter fiend goes. Giant of Winter, who says "Ha!" to your hopes like "At least things won't get worse!" It's said, that Deerclops won't come to hunt you every winter, but believe me, he comes annually in Together! He also has 4000 hp in Together instead of 2000 so you're really in a big trouble. That monster comes at the end of the winter (12-15 day of winter, winter is 16 days totally.) and growls for some time (about two minutes enough for making a spare log suit, not a whole day) before appearing on the screen. His top priority is to wreck your base (he can destroy your entire camp, he even won't spare your firepit... cruel mongrel!), but don't make a fool of yourself! Deerclops still wants to see your guts spilled, so the fiend won't allow you to beat him while he hurts your farms and chests made by bloody sweat! But the most dangerous thing about this giant is his freezing splash attack with big range and it's quite hard to dodge it. Remember, that his attacks deliever 75 damage to players and 150 to NPC (thanks the gods!). Also he can deliever sensible damage to your sanity (you'll lose 400 sanity points per minute if you stand next to him.). One of his weaknesses is speed.
Okay, that's it! Big dangerous scumbag who can bury you on the ruins of what you called "base". By the way, the devil is not so black as he is painted! Then let's get a closer look on...
The ways to fight this rascal!
There are a couple of ways to confront Deerclops! I'll write down a few of them.
1. False base
First way to solve the Deerclops problem consists of his love for wrecking handmade structures. You should make a chest before the beginning of growling (don't place it until sounds start*). When roar begins, you must place it in more than 4 frames away from your base and wait for Deerclops to appear, then return to your true base as soon as possible! Fiend will break the chest and then he'll just wander around without any goal. Easy way, but you won't get 8 big meat and Deerclops eye!
2. I love the smell of a swamp in Don't Starve... (suits for any other boss)
You surely know what to do if you know what is swamp in Don't Starve. if you don't know, swamp is a battlefield of merms, spiders and tentacles. Just keep him hostile towards you and lead him to marshes then... just watch and collect the loot. Great and safe way to destroy this menace but it may take a couple of days and spiders can eat Deerclops's meat or even his eye.
3. Forest vs Winter (suits for any other boss... except Treeguard :P)
This way to fight Deerclops is simillar to second way but you need to lead him to forest instead of swamp. As far as he follows you, beast destroys trees on his way, this leads Treeguards to emerge from nearest trees. Tree will start a fight with Deerclops and one of the bosses will die and second one will be damaged hardly. Keep in mind, that Deerclops will win over lone Treeguard because of his freezing attack. Result: lots of wood, cones, living logs, meat and eye.
As you can see, most ways to fight bosses in Don't Starve consists on "one meanie + other meanie(s) = 0 meanies" rule... but of course we've got the last way! And it is...
4.Rembo squad (suits for any other boss)
Just crush his bones with your friends. 5-6 players dressed in football helmet, log suit and spear (better gear is highly recommended!) is enough to take him down. Just remember about 4000 hp and freezing splash attack!
What to do with the loot
The loot is: 8 major meat and eye of Deerclops.
I think you know what to do with meat so I tell you what you can do with his eye. You may eat it raw, so you'll restore 60 health, 75 hunger but also lose 15 sanity, but you do better if you'll make an eyebrella - hat with 100% rain protection and 240 overheat defence. You also need 15 twigs and 4 bone shards and you can wear it for nine days before it breaks. While rain is a quite dangerous thing, it's DEADLY for WX-78, so do your fellow a favor, give him an eyebrella.
C'mon, make this guy happy!
Goose/Moose (Giant of Spring)
Goose/Moose, Giant of Spring and a true Canadian. She (she lays eggs anyways) comes early on Spring just after the first character responce, but don't worry, Moose won't attack you without being provoked. She spawns on her own nest which looks like this:
After a few days, Goose lays an egg on this nest. Once laid, egg is guarded by electricity so if you try to destroy the egg with a hammer, you'll get 10 hp damage per hit, 50 totally. Moslings will emerge from crashed egg (350 hp, 50 dmg per hit) in numbers! If you start to hit them, they will call their mommy. "Mommy" have got 6000 health in DST. She can shout loud, so you'll drop your weapon/tool. As noticed, there are several nests on server, so there may be multiple Gooses.
How to leave bunch of some cute culfs without mommy... oh, I mean, how to deal with Moose.
Moose isn't very dangerous as it looks. There's some new ways of killing her.
1. Spring Fever.
Have you noticed that every beefalo and bee have turned hostile since it's Spring and a mating time for them? Use it to your profit! Big herd of beefs will make proud giant a little maggot to squish under the hooves. Just lead Moose to them and watch!
2. Rembo squad
Even easier than with Deerclops. Moose have got 6000 hp but she lacks splash big-ranged attack. Everything you need to do is to hit her 3 times then run away.
What do with the loot.
Drops are:
Moose: 6 major meats, 2 drumsticks and 3-5 down feathers.
Mossling: Major meat, drumstick and 2-3 down feathers.
Meat you should eat (rhyme is a nymph). You can craft Luxury Fan (extinguishes fire, useful on Summer) and Weather Pain (objects that spawn dangerous tornadoes)
Dragonfly (Giant from Wastelands, Giant of Summer previously)
Here this monster goes, Giant from Wastelands. IMMORTAL Giant from Wastelands. Literally. In RoG, it has 2750 hp and it was giant of Summer, but in DST this beast has 27500 hp and it can summon its suitors/children. It lives in part of desert, where lava lakes dot the ground and trees and bushes are burnt. While you can chop trees to get charcoal, you still have to take care about this insect. It flies quickly and it's very hard to dodge it's swing attack (2 swing attacks = 1 dead Wilson, Willow, Wendy etc) so if it is chasing you, better put on your armor and only then run for your life (in DST, it has it's lair, so it may lose interest in you and return back home). And... splash attack. Dragonfly starts to knock the ground like Glommer 3 making rings of fire, 37,5 dmg each, so Dragonfly can make a roastbeef out of 15 beefalos. As you can see, it's the most dangerous mob in DST (a damn fly), but there's a bad+good+2bad new. Kinda bad new, which contains a good one in it, but a good new contains two bad news. This fiend has rage mod (more speed and range). It won't turn to rage mode immediately, BUT, once it's angry (80%, 50%, 20% health) lavaes will start to spawn from lava lakes (500 hp, 50 dmg). Once lavaes are killed, Dragonfly will become to glow and rage bonuses will apply to the beast.
Wolfgang is screwed!
And you think it's enough?! It is, lel. So it's time to look on...
What on Earth can you do with that beast.
Well, you can try to kill it. You can actually defeat this devil! 6 experienced players using dark swords and night armours. If really want to kill it, you may use this trick! Feed 20 ashes to the fiend. It will fall asleep. Then, you shoud plant as much gunpowder as you have... and KA-BOOM. Dragonfly will be sensibly damaged, still, it'll trigger rage mode most of times. Dead Dragonfly yeilds scales, treasures (gems and gold) and lavae pet egg.
Gee, it sleeps like an overgrown fly! Hey, wait...
Instead of trying to kill Dragon like a jackass, you may use it as ward for bosses. Just lead Deerclops or Bearger to beast's lair and watch, how a mighty opponent becomes a pinch of ash.
Remember, it won't attack you without being provoked. Just leave monster, which you don't want to fight at peace. Be smart!
What to do with the loot
Dragonfly drops: scale, much gold and various gems.
Imagine! Miracle happened! You stand before dead Dragonfly! What you can do with it? Of course you would like to dance conga! collect the loot! You have gold (you know what to do with it!), gems (used for various staffs and amulets) and scales (needed to make fireproof chest and floor). But... do me a favor! Dance on the grave of this beast!
Conga! Conga! Conga!!!
Bearger (Giant of Autumn)
Last of the one of season Giants, Bearger. His heart is as dark as fur on his belly, his roar is as fearsome as butthurt of a russian Dota 2 nerd and... he likes honey (he's a bear after all!). He won't come on your first Autumn, don't worry. Bearger has 6000 hp in DST (3000 in RoG) and two attack types. First one is -100 dmg swing and other is, also -100 dmg, splash attack slam. Bearger is nothing but a bear-badger, who looks for food before hibernating. Guess who has the most of food in the world? That's right, my little don't starvers! He'll come to you to rob your icebox and pilfer your meatballs and honey! Bear informs of his presence by roar, becoming louder. Once appeared, he'll stride stright to the food and start eat it (this drip will destroy constructions and trees on his way). ALso, he drops a fur tuft every 45 seconds. If you try to eat "his" food, he'll start to get upset and when you do it for third time, aggro mode will trigger (aggro mode also triggers if you attack Bearger). In aggro mode, Bearger becomes aggresive (Captain Obvious) and moves faster than in calm mode. And yes, he waves his arms like a jerk when he moves. Okay, here we have a giant, who's about to wreck your base and take your food for WInter. So let's see what you can do with this beast.
How to confront the Bearger
1.Only those who ask, will get.
Bearger wants honey! Let him get it. Just drop 10 honey before him and watch! Bearger will eat the honey and fall asleep. Then he's yours! Plant gunpowder, surround him with walls, dance conga around him... whatever. Still, you need 29 gunpowder to bring Bear on the verge of death. Also you can feed Bearger with monster meat, which will damage him by 20 hp, 300 pieces of monster meat to kill Badger (easy, right?!).
2.Rembo squad (some updates).
As I said, Bearger has two attacks: swipe and splash. You can hit him 2-3 times before he tries to attack again. Before 2 swipes comes one splash attack. (yes, it can destroy constructions) Beware, Bearger is, maybe, more dangerous than Deerclops. Splash attack, which originated like a construct-destroying attack (same range and damage with swipe), is espicially dangerous for a squad.
Even in death, he looks like a jerk!
What to do with the loot?
Bearger yields: thick fur and 8 meat
Thick fur can be used to make a Hibearnation Vest (dapper vest and 2 ropes needed) and an Insulated Pack (3 gears and 3 electric doodads needed). Hibearnation Vest is the best winter item you can imagine! The best cold protection (240), second best sanity restore (4,5 per minute, good at winter's long evening and nights) and slows hunger loss. Insulated Pack is a backpack-fridge, useful on Winter, when food spoilage is a real problem!
Treeguard (non-seasoned Evergreen Giant)
Treeguard. This guy doesn't need a foppish introduction, we all know him! He comes (appears from a tree) when we chop too many trees and starts to follow us restlessly (Yes, restlessly. He won't bugger off you, if you just run 42 kilometers away from him). He is the first boss one encounters in Don't Starve. Even Deerclops or a Spider Queen can't match his renown, still Treeguard lacks the might of a seasoned giant, such as Deerclops, and doesn't have any minions to come and help him (even another Treeguard won't give a damn about attack on his fellow). Okay, let's get to facts.
Maybe someone doesn't know, but there're three forms of a Treeguards, depending of a tree, from which Treeguard appeared. First form has got 2100 hp*, 35 dmg attack** and a very small range of attack. Second form has got 3000 hp, 50 dmg and still small range of attack and, at last, third form has got 3750 hp, 62 dmg and normal range. Concerning walking speed, Treeguard's form affects it as well, but speed is just beyond "very slow" anyways. Eventually, there's a structure called "living forest" with more than 5 Treeguards in it.
* - health values are given as they are in DST
** - Damage value for mobs is multiplied by 3 from damage to players (it's 105, 150, 186)
How to deal with Treeguards.
1. Do fella a favor.
Use your wits for a second! Why does a Treeguard wants your guts spilled? Revenge for all the trees you've chopped! What can you do to make him nice again? Chop him down as well! Make new trees. How can you do this? Cones. That's right! Just plant three or more cones near Treeguard and he will stop following you! Remember, he'll just stop and take form of an ordinary Evergreen, he won't become one! Don't try to chop him!!!
2. Rembo squad. (once again)
Treeguard is one, if not the weakest Giant in Don't Starve. 2 player with log suit and a spear can take first and second form of a Treeguard down! Third form may require 2 spears and a football helm. Hit Treeguard 3 times, then run some steps away, then repeat!
3.Ally your enemy.
Why do you want to kill Treeguard, if you can make him nice and acquire a mighty ally? Lead hostile Treeguard to your base, plant cones near him and chop trees in other place.
Species of Treeguards
Lumpy Treeguard
Usual Treeguard, which appeared from a Lumpy Evergreen. Same stats for forms, same drop.
Birchnut Treeguard
This Treeguard is different from Evergreen Treeguard. Firstly, it's a tree, not a creature, so it doesn't have health bar and it can't move. You may chop it down with an axe and grub a stomp with a shovel. The difficult part is their tentacle-like roots and birchnutters (50 hp, 5 dmg), but it's not much of a problem. Poison Birchnuts aren't actual giants!
Treeguard's loot
Every Treeguard drops 6 living logs and 1 monser meat independent from his form. You know how to cook monster meat, right? Put monster meat and 3 berries in crock pot, if you didn't know. Living logs are needed to craft many "magic" tab items, so keep logs, if you happen to kill a Treeguard.
Spider Queen (non-seasoned Spider Giant)
Spider Queen. We know her well too. She spawns from third level spider dens and a first level den spawns on the place, where previous den was. She also spawns minions (spiders and spider-warriors) if the player is nearby up to 16 followers. She has 2500hp (1250hp in Vanilla) and her only attack deals 80 dmg and she is slow. She won't see Webber as an enemy (Webber is too cute to die of this vomit). There's not much to say about this monster, so let's get to the point!
Ways to counter Spider Queen
You can take Spider Queen with almost any way of the listed above. Tentacles, beefalos, killer bees, gunpowder, rembo squad etc. Spider Queen just can kill you with her high damage and her minions. Spiders from other dens and even other Queens can help her, so make yourself armor and weapon (better more than one copy) and call your friends. Killing Spider Queen isn't necessary because Spiderhat just makes spider farming easier, unlike Treeguards (living logs are used for almost every "Magic" tab item) and Seasoned Giants (drops from them are used in next seasons). Try to kill her with any way you please!
Drop and uses for it
Queen drops: 4 monster meat, 4 silk, spider eggs and spiderhat.
Spider eggs are literally pocket spider den. With spiderhat, you can enthrall nearby spiders and force them to fight for you (friendly spiders even can attack their fellows). With this hat, you can clear spider-infested regions out of this vermin!
This guide will be edited frequently. I hope this guide will help you more, than page from Don't Starve Wiki (I confess, most of the text in guide been wrote with help of this wiki.) We'll add Warg and other enemies to the guide soon, but I'm too lazy and my friend's nickname is lazy :P. And yes, our English is far from perfect, so we will be grateful if you'll inform us about our typos and grammar mistakes. Thanks for reading, good luck on your hunt. Don't Starve:)

Cultists Of Explosives 25 Jan, 2021 @ 9:37am 
you can farm df for alot of scales without killing df - woodie 777
Adept 11 Jul, 2019 @ 4:52am 
Че пиндос что-ли?
Skinimink 4 Apr, 2019 @ 10:05am 
oh and a bunch of dangerous enemys that are not booses like splemunkey the shadow type
Skinimink 4 Apr, 2019 @ 10:04am 
Skinimink 4 Apr, 2019 @ 10:04am 
you forgot anceint guardian ancient fuilweaver
Chiro 30 Mar, 2019 @ 9:49pm 
What about the antlion? He counts as a boss
Edgy Bast4rd 2 Aug, 2017 @ 7:06pm 
What of the bee queen? She seems to be rooted to a particular point and if you run too far away she loses agro and goes back to thee hive. I tried to "rembo" her with three other people, but her stiger does about 50 dmg/hit and she trades you with a stinger seemingly everytime you attack. Needless to say we failed horrifically. Any suggestions?
Ornlu Wolfjarl 2 May, 2017 @ 12:48pm 
The Bee?
scout gaming 24 Dec, 2016 @ 8:45am 
rembo squad? you mean rambo? otherwise 10/10
Mqndo 18 Dec, 2016 @ 6:34am 
man. i lure deerclops to swamp and it works. conga dance!!!