Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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(Discontinued Outdated) Scout Guide - From Noob to Better
Bởi QuartzCandy và 1 cộng tác viên
Here is a guide I made with one of my friends who is a Scout Main.
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This Guide is a Co-Op that I made with a friend. I try to keep opinions out of my Guides but when I Co-Op it is bound to happen. The point of this Guide is not to discourage you from not using a weapon. But to learn about it. Every weapon had a use, no matter how small.

Hello and welcome to this guide on how to be a better Scout! As said in my other guides, I am in no means a Pro. I will start with the weapons first then work my way over to strategies, play styles, and more. If there is something I missed please tell me and also make sure to check other peoples guide for even more info. Or if I made a grammar mistake please tell me. :3

NOTE: The "[---]" are to make sure the pictures go in order so it doesn't look weird.
To start off with in our scout loadout is our handy dandy meat pickin' fancy Scatterguns. There are 6 as of now, each with their own unique play styles and effects. The one i will be focusing on in this section will be the Scattergun.
Yep, the stock Scattergun. Why?
Stock is statistically the best in any situation because it has no downsides BUT has no upsides. Being one of the most used Scatterguns, you have to stop and ask "why not use the others for their attributes." And that's a good question. Each Scattergun has their own unique play style (which I will list later on) and the Scattergun is good for scouts (like me) who want to be aggressive. 6 shots, 100 dmg meatshots and no disadvantages. I recommend you learn this Scattergun and get the feel to it.

The soda popper is a gun that is used for the ability to have 5 extra jumps just for running! Yep, if you run long enough, you fill up a "Hype" bar which allows you to jump an additional 5 times for doing what a scout does. This is basically a FaN, but you trade extra pellets for 5 jumps. It also reloads 25% faster than the FaN, making this one of the fastest guns to reload in TF2 and the fastest for his loadouts. Use this gun for fun times and to be a little ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ to that heavy you're dueling with.

Oh boy, the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
JK. This weapon is actually really good and sometimes better than the Scattergun. It has a faster firing speed than the Scattergun and its only stats are 20% bonus from medkits and increase in force taken from airblasts and rockets, so why not use this instead of stock? There's a hidden attribute Volvo didn't add. It does less damage then the Scattergun. It only deals 70 dmg for a meatshot and used to use your pistol ammo. (Which is why the Mad Milk is associated with this loadout set. But not really anymore) If you can pull this gun off and not use up all the ammo, it's a really good primary. Just keep in mind, 70 dmg meatshots.

The Force-of-nature. This... "Thing" has a 50% faster firing speed (same as soda popper) knocks back the target and you by a football field, 20% more bullets per shot, 10% dmg penalty and 2 shots in the clip. This weapon is both useful and bad because of the knockback mechanic and the more damage it puts out. Even though there's a 10% dmg penalty, at point blank range, this weapon does MORE than the stock because of the extra pellets. Not considering the knockback it does. It sends you flying.

This weapon is meh. it has 2 less shots in the clip, is 20% less accurate and has no random critical hits. (♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ why cant that last one be on all guns) It makes up for this by minicritting anyone who shows their backs to you, so it's basically a knife for the scout. This is a fun gun to use, like the soda popper. Fun to use because it does 33% more dmg to anyone that isn't facing you and has their back towards you. So if you want a semi-good time, have this gun with the Bonk! to get behind enemy lines and massage their backs shoot them in the back.

Killed in the Gun Mettle update. Don't bother. We say this because of the nerfs that Valve gave this weapon. This used to be a VERY good weapon in the right hands. You start out 10% slower but gain more speed based on the damage you do. This gun also has 4 ammo in a clip. You could use this weapon to speed past enemies but don't jump as you will lose quite a bit of that speed. This weapon is considered dead by the fact that if anything practically touches you, you lose all your speed.
Lots of Scouts don't really use their secondaries. As in many games, when your gun runs out of bullets or you don't have time to reload you switch to your pistol. That is true here as well. When your Scattergun uses all of its clip you should switch to your pistol. You should also use the pistol to pick off far away enemies since the Scattergun does not shoot very far. Use this to take out a sentry as well. (It ticks off Engie) The Scout's pistol has 12 bullets in it's clip as well as a reload of around 1.25 seconds. That is pretty fast!

The good o' troll weapon, the Bonk! Atomic Punch. This secondary allows you to become invincible for 8 seconds. However you can't attack while under the effect, and you can't push the PayLoad or pick up the Intel. You can use this secondary to get behind the enemy team and kill them from behind. (Good when paired with the Back Scatter) It takes around 1.2 seconds to activate and has a recharge time of 22 seconds. Or to be even more of a troll you can use the Home Run taunt kill while invincible to get a kill.

While it can be confused with the Bonk! Atomic Punch, this secondary does not give you invincibility. It gives you the opposite of invincibility, dea-- 8 seconds of mini-crits! The weapon (soda) also makes you 25% faster. However, you take 10% more damage of anything that hits you. Just like the Bonk! Atomic Punch, it is consumed in 1.2 seconds, lasts for 8 seconds, and has a recharge of 22 seconds.

Mad Milk. (Not Scout's *** you filthy minded people!) This secondary acts just like Jarate. You throw it at somebody. They best part about this weapon, (milk) is that any damage put on an enemy who is covered in Mad Milk, you get 60% of the damage restored to your HP. However, Sentry and Afterburn damage do not count. This also can't overheal you. You can also use the Mad Milk to extinguish your teammate. This will also shave some time off of the cooldown.

The Winger! This pistol deals 15% more damage than the pistol but only has 5 rounds in the clip. However, when you hold it you jump 25% higher. Yep.

Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol. Before Valve "fixed" this gun it would make it so you would take no fall damage. Now you actually have to hold it for you to not take fall damage. But now you get +5 HP for every enemy you hit. But you this gun shoots 25% slower than the default pistol and you take +20% more damage. Why?
--- (Random thing from the wiki to add more space.)
"I bet you're all thinking, 'Scout can handle the meanest guns out there, he wouldn't use a tiny gun, he's too awesome for that.' And you'd be right, I am awesome. Then I realised I could tell people that they are going to be killed BY THE SMALLEST GUN KNOWN TO MAN! Then kill them. Ma always said don't make threats you can't carry out."
— Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol publicity blurb

The Flying Guillotine, also known as the flying knfie. It is a throw-able meat cleaver with Chinese characters for "dead meat" (死肉, sǐròu) right above the grip. This knife gives the enemy bleed damage. Or if you are cool, use the Sandman to stun players and hit them for crit damage. Skill. It recharges in 6 seconds.
The stock Bat. The stock Bat does less damage than any other stock melee but swings 37.5% faster. It does one-third of the Scattergun's damage at point-blank range. Yea.

The Sandman. Really great for someone with good aim and prediction skills. (Meaning not me) This bat lets you hit a baseball (default Mouse 2) at someone and if you hit them it stuns them for a time depending on how far you were when you hit them. Longer = more time. However you lose 15 health the entire time you have it. Meaning you have 110 HP. You do the Home Run taunt kill with this weapon.

That Candy Cane is NOT EDIBLE. Don't even think about it. The Candy Cane is very simple. It does the same damage as the stock bat but drops a small health pack on kill. However you take 25% more explosive damage.

The Basher from Boston, the Boston Basher. The Boston Basher will cause people you hit to bleed for 5 seconds. However if you hit yourself. Way to go genius. You will not hit yourself if you hit a teammate or object. You can use the hit yourself function to double jumper higher. It is hard to explain so look it up online.

The joke of a weapon...Sun-on-a-Stick. This "weapon" does -25% damage. Not that the bat already did low damage anyway. But it has a 100% chance to crit on a burning player. So it is good if you follow a Pyro everywhere. But other than that, not the finest weapon.

The Good o' Fan of War. The Fan of War does -75% damage doing around 9 damage. However, when you hit someone with this weapon they are "Marked for Death" meaning they take mini-crit damage. This weapon also crits when it would normally mini-crit. Doing around 26 damage if you hit the enemy again.

The Atomizer, or as I call it, the Atomic Bat Thingy. It has a -20% swinging speed and does -20% damage against player. But it makes up for it with a triple jump. When you have this bat equipped, you can perform a third jump for the price of 10 HP. It is worth it to dodge a 150 damage Headshot or Crit Rocket.

The Assassin of Wrap. The Wrap Assassin. This final bat is like the Sandman as in it shoots a ball. However it shoots an ordainment instead. If the ball hits someone it causes them to have bleed damage for 5 seconds. It also recharges +25% faster. But in return does -65% damage.
Main Enemies
This is the part of the guide where i show you what classes you should waste mouse battery on.

The Mem or The Medic
"Come over here. I promise I will heal you!"
This guy should be everyone's priority for all classes. He keeps the enemy team alive which keeps you from getting that god-like killstreak! Show this guy who's the real menace in all of the badlands by blasting him from behind with your Scattergun. Just watch out for his pocket and those Ubersaw crits.

The Engineer
"Y'all just got dominated, city boy."
Don't waste time with him if he's in a tight room with a sentry, let your team take care of him. If you have a pistol, chip off some hp from his sentry. Watch out for RR bolts though. If he is alone with no sentry, take him out.

The Scout
"I am the Scout here!"
He's the same as you, a slippery little bandit with the same weapons. How would you fight him? Well, it would take practice fighting someone who runs as fast as you playing the fastest class in-game who has a double-jump mechanic, so try to maneuver around him. Jump over his head, side-strafe him, stop to aim if you have to. Just make sure you don't get 10 pellets lodged in your chest.

The Demoman
"Yer so bloody TINY! Yer like a toy-sized version of a man!"
Oh boy, sticky traps and pipes, a drunken mans dying wish. You can jump over the stickies, but I wouldn't recommend that because if there are more than 2 you'll die anyway. Shoot them or find another way around. The pipes are fairly easy to dodge, just don't get too close to him or get predictable to where he can blow you up into thin gruel!

The Soldier
"You kids today don't know how to dominate."
This ♥♥♥♥♥♥ will mess you up if you get too close. I recommend to let your team do a bit of damage or distract this guy before you blast him. If you're in a closed room with him, you're dead 95% of the time.

The Pyro
"Murr hurr mphuphurrur, hurr mph phrr."
Ugh, do I really have to explain why you shouldn't get close to him? He has a flamethrower that dishes out so much DPS, (Damage Per Second) and has flares that crit and 1 melee weapon that crits. His class is full of crits. Try to avoid as much as possible unless you can get behind him and get a free pick.

The pootis or The heavy
"Killing you is full time job now."
300 Health means he can survive 2 meatshots before dying. He's also an excellent pocket buddy, so he most likely has a medic on him. His Minigun takes time to spin up, so throw him off by jumping on his head after shooting him in the back. If he has a medic, then refer to the top of this page.

The Sniper
"Couldn't skip around that, could ya? Ya precious little posey!"
So...this guy. You have the smallest head in-game, are the most mobile class and you are devastating at close range. He could have Jarate / Bushwacka combo, so watch out for that. And the Kukri Kritz are pretty bad, too. Overall he's an easy class to kill.

The Spy
"So, your deadly skill is jogging? Mine is murdering people."
Go to hell, spy. This guy will ♥♥♥♥ up your whole team, so be on the watch for spies. Spycheck everyone you meet and put a few extra in case they're running a big earner loadout. He's a very easy class to kill, just watch out for a Diamondback or amby, those will hurt. As a spy main in my past TF2 games, scouts were never really an important target because they were so mobile. So you heard it from an ex-spy main. Scouts are the target they will not try to backstab yet should be on the watch for them. Also if they're body folds in half after you kill them, they dead ringer. (A glitch Volvo has yet to fix.)
Play Styles
The Bird Scout

This loadout is for jumping around like a bunny with the wings of Archimedes. You get 5 extra jumps after filling up your "Hype" bar, your original 2 jumps and an extra one at 10 health! Along with the Winger's extra jump height of 25%, this loadout can be used to avoid rockets and snipers alike. Or just to be an arrogant prick to that medic main over there in BLU spawn.

Queen Scoutibeth

So do you know someone who would not like a convenient "Made in China" portable guillotine to carry in their pocket!? If you do, be sure to hit them with that little league baseball of yours! The Guillotine crits any stunned enemies, doing 150 dmg plus bleed dmg. The Natasha also counts as a stunned enemy, so you can abuse that exploit.

The Baby Face's Blaster

Nope. Move on.

One Shot City (pardon my FUNKe reference :P)

The FaN is already a disgusting weapon, but what would make it more cancerous, you say? Mini-crits. Dealing 150 dmg at close range with the Crit-A-Cola, this loadout is sure to eliminate that guy Bob who keeps using up your internet.
Why did they call it the Crit-A-Cola? Why not Mini-Crit-A-Cola? I guess it just wouldn't be as catchy.
-Aim is key when playing as scout. Find a sensitivity that works for you and make sure it works for you.
-Some scouts aim with their A and D keys and barely move their mouse at all. It's a preference for all players. Strafe left and right, or aim with your mouse? Whichever one you feel comfortable with.
Maps for practicing aim can be found on Gamabanana suck as tr_aim.
-The spacebar is your friend! Never forget to use the spacebar almost always when you're in a fight as it makes you harder to hit. Practice aiming with this fast paced movement on practice maps.
-Never wear an all green loadout! For the love of god please!
You can create your own custom crosshair. you know that, right? Go to "Options-->Multiplayer."There you will find an option to customize your own crosshair for your preference.
-Stock isn't always the best! Try out some loadouts such as mine. Scattergun/Winger/Atomizer. The extra mobility along with an amazing scattergun makes you as a scout a very deadly target to fight.
-Don't run in a straight line. Be as unpredictable as you can be and run all over the place, like a Medic with his heavys head cut off.
-Flank the enemy! Get behind them and act like a spy, except you trade cloak for speed. Like I said before, you're the fastest class with a double-jump mechanic. There always is a way to flank as long as your team clears out stuff like sentries. Don't 1v1 any class unless you KNOW FOR SURE they are low on health. And think like a spy.
"A heavy ran past me, will he have a medic I can pick off so the enemy team won't have Uber?"
Other Guides
Other Class Guides:

Scout Guide:

Soldier Guide:

Pyro Guide:

Demoman Guide:
Coming Soon

Heavy Guide:
Coming Soon

Engineer Guide:

Medic Guide:

Sniper Guide:
Coming Soon

Spy Guide:
Coming Soon

Random Guides

Record Source Engine Games:
In Conclusion
If you liked this Guide and it helped you out please +Rate this and maybe even Favorite it. If you want to help me out a bit you can donate! Every donation counts even if it is just a crate of a weapon! Everybody who donates to me will have their name under the "Donations" section of my Custom Info Box on my Profile.

MagmaDude's trade

I made this guide with my friend Copyright so be sure to give him a thanks or even a nice little donation. *Wink, wink, nudge, nudge*
Copymark's trade

Happy scouting!
48 bình luận
J_A_P_G 17 Thg01, 2017 @ 10:29pm 
The soda popper is objectively a straight upgrade to stock. Same DPS, higher burst, plus the hype feature.
CrypticAdder 25 Thg03, 2016 @ 9:23pm 
People who think this is for comp, well neck yourself, cause it isn't. This is to help IMPROVE from SHITTY to somewhat useful in a game.
steppa pig 25 Thg03, 2016 @ 7:30pm 
Is it just me or does that Medic Portrait look like Hitler?
moon 25 Thg03, 2016 @ 4:00pm 
Instructions too clear to read right, 35 soda cans are now in my stomach
The Great Scribbly One 25 Thg03, 2016 @ 10:16am 
Good pyros shouldn't be predictable and W+M2 constantly. If you ever see a pyro with a puffy jacket 99% of the time he will be a W+M2. If so just out range him (as a defender soldier/scout main, this is easy, groundshot or shotgun him as solly, spam pistol as scout. Sandman is pretty safe so long as you aren't running in a straight line, DO NOT USE MILK).
Mattt 25 Thg03, 2016 @ 8:41am 
"has a flamethrower that dishes out so much DPS" Stock flamethrower has 153 dps if you hit all your flames at point blank (which won't happen). It's the 2nd lowest in-game, behind the medic. Unless you're shit at scout/don't have an s key the only danger is puff and sting. If you are playing against a good pyro, don't double jump after being airblasted to avoid the flare. Most good pyros aim above the head.

In scout 1v1s, strafe in the same direction as the other scout, he won't expect it and you can get some good meatshots without him using the easy shots.
I also recommend getting a null-movement script. Look it up for more information.
Ev 25 Thg03, 2016 @ 5:00am 
this guide sucks, it hasnt told me anything new
Reragi_ 25 Thg03, 2016 @ 1:11am 
also, how to be a prick that wont die: Shortstop + Mad Milk + Candy Cane.
2TochuEz 24 Thg03, 2016 @ 7:20pm 
Is this supposed to be a competetive scout guide? Because if so this is awful and incorrect.
MG 24 Thg03, 2016 @ 7:00pm 
Scout Guide: Don't play scout