Zavix Tower

Zavix Tower

38 ratings
Zavix Tower General Information Guide [Updated 7/25/2016!]
By DEETS and 1 collaborators
Long story short: this is (in its current state) intended to help people with basics and questions while the developers are aiming to make things easier/clearer. I'm not an expert nor affiliated.

I am by no means an expert in this game nor very knowledgable about it (yet). This guide is entirely a WIP (work in progress), and is about things I've discovered or encountered so far.
W/A/S/D or ↑↓ (Arrow Keys)
Camera Rotation
Q/E or ←→ (Arrow Keys)
Left Mouse Button or Associated Hotkey
Moving Items
Left Click and Drag or Right Click
Moving Characters (for formation)
Left Click and Drag, Right Click to Remove
Passing Your Turn
"W" or associated button
Open Map
"M" or Left Click on map.
Toggle FPS Counter
Ctrl + R

Controls in Zavix Tower may be re-bound by entering the tower and accessing the 'esc' menu.
Currently, there are three in-game currencies: gold, power shards, and signets. These can be used to purchase a wide range of items, upgrades, or even skill point resets (specifics on this below).


Gold is the main currency in Zavix Tower. It can be obtained by selling items and fighting enemies. For uses, please see the "Uses for Currencies" table.

Power Shards

Power shards were the premium currency for Zavix Tower. They can be obtained through doing daily quests, and purchasing them via the shard store/daily deals.

This currency has been phased out as the game has gone into a paid model. When asked about the fate of currently owned power shards (during the phasing out of the currency), a developer gave this response:
Originally posted by Batholith Entertainment:
We may be performing a reset, we may convert them to Signets, and we may be doing neither because we don't want people to feel like they should buy shards to get more signets...
The phasing out of power shards involved a full game wipe for every player, to level the playing field on the high scores for new players who purchased the game.


Signets are an obtainable form of in-game currency, which replaced Power Shards. They may be obtained from battles at random, and will often not appear until floor 4 or higher.


Uses for Currencies

(Power Shards)
*Please note, enchanting requires both signets and gold

Power Shards may also be used to re-roll the selection of heroes at the tavern, although this functionality may be changed in the next few updates. This has been changed, now you may use signets to re-roll the selection of heroes at the tavern. Additionally, there are no longer any means to spend or obtain power shards.
Character Stats
Leveling in Zavix tower works exactly as you might expect; heroes will level up when they gain enough experience through combat. That said, there are some special nuances in the leveling system.

Each time a hero gains a level, you gain 3 more attribute points to allocate, as well as 1 skill point. Additionally, dependent on hero race and class, some attribute points are automatically assigned.

Race Bonuses
On leveling, each race recieves an automatically assigned boost to two attributes. The attributes that are automatically boosted are dependent on the hero's race.

Leveling Bonus
+1 to two attributes. Cycles through all attributes, two at a time.
+1 to STR and DEX
+1 to STAM and AGI
+1 to INT and SPIRIT

Class Bonuses
On leveling, each class cycles through three different boosts of two attributes. These are class dependent, and generally give an idea of the primary stats associated with their respective classes.

Class Name
1st Boost
2nd Boost
3rd Boost
+1 STR and STAM
+1 STAM and AGI
+1 STR and DEX
+1 AGI and DEX
+1 STAM and DEX
+1 STR and AGI
+1 INT and STAM
+1 INT and AGI
+1 STR and STAM
+1 STR and INT
+1 INT and STAM

Each of the 6 attributes in Zavix tower influences heroes in several ways, some of which overlap when certain skill bonuses are active. The 6 skills are:

Influences: Physical damage, Armor.

Influences: Health, Physical Resistance

Influences: Speed, Dodge Chance, Armor

Influences: Speed, Chance to Hit, Chance to Crit

Influences: Mana, Spell Power, Spell Hit, and Spell Crit

Influences: HP regen, Mana regen, Magic Resistance

  • Physical Resistance
  • Magic Resistance
  • Fire Resistance
  • Ice Resistance
  • Holy Resistance
  • Arcane Resistance
  • Shadow Resistance

Influenced by stats and equipment, this stat reduces damage (though in exactly what way I still haven't figured out). Physical resistance is different from armor due to physical resistance's ability to help reduce physical effects (such as garrote).
Classes & Skills
There are 6 classes in Zavix Tower: Warrior, Rogue, Mage, Priest, Paladin, and Shaman. Each of these classes rely on different attributes in unique ways and have unique strategies.

The Paladin and Shaman
At the start of the game, the paladin and shaman are not available for use. To unlock them, you must first beat floor 5 (for the paladin), and floor 10 (for the shaman). After defeating these floors, you will be able to obtain these classes via the tavern.

Class-by-Class Breakdown
This section will be in a different guide, which will be linked here soon.
The Town
On first creating your world, you'll be brought to the town screen. Each of the 8 buildings in the town serves its own purpose.

The Town map
The Church

When heroes die in Zavix Tower, the church is able to revive them, but at two costs: you will have to pay for them to be revived, and they will lose all of their gear on being revived. When the church is upgraded, heroes can keep some items when revived.
The Cart

The Cart's sole purpose is to serve as a shop to upgrade the player's inventory size, as well as the buildings in the town. All upgrades to the town are permanent, and have varying effects. Formerly you were able to use power shards here to upgrade facilities (hence the power shard symbols on the cart).
The Tavern

The Tavern is where players can go to recruit/buy new heroes for their party. Heroes are randomly generated here and do not necessarily start at level 1. Keep in mind before purchasing here, you can also find heroes as random floor bonuses in Zavix Tower.
Zavix Tower

Zavix Tower is where all the action happens. All the loot, experience, gold, and lore comes from this building. Clicking on it will bring you to the preparation screen, where you will begin your adventure.
The Inn

The Inn serves the dual purposes of acting as a bank and as a means to allow interaction with heroes while in the town. Any items stored in the bank will not be accessible while in Zavix Tower; however, they will not be lost if you die.
The Academy

The Academy is where players can purchase skills for their heroes. These skills can be equipped to the hotbar while fighting in Zavix Tower by pressing 'i'. Not all skills are available here however; some skills are earned through talent points.
The Blacksmith

The Blacksmith serves as the only item shop in the game. Items in stock are randomly generated each time you exit the tower, so if you have some extra gold and a need for improved equipment, check the Blacksmith frequently. When upgraded at the Cart, the Blacksmith's stock expands (without upgrades, only 4 items are randomly generated)
The Enchanter

The Enchanter is a location that is still being developed. Currently, you can use signets and gold here to upgrade your equipment. There are no upgrades for this building at this time.
The Zavix Tower
This segment is currently missing some content (lever doors). Thank you for your patience while I'm updating it.

Currently, the only objective(s) are to level up characters, get better gear for characters, and get to the highest floor possible in the Zavix Tower. The exit for a floor is shown graphically as stairs leading upwards (once you walk into it, you leave the area and gain loot as a reward for completion).

Starting at a Higher Floor in the Tower
As stated by the devs:
Originally posted by Batholith Entertainment:
You leave the tower only at stair points, at which you can choose to go to the next floor, or you can exit (you can enter at floors 1,6,11,16, etc as you have gotten to them).

Meaning you can't leave until you've completed a floor, and you can only re-enter at a higher floor at every 5th floor (starting at floor 6) once you've reached it. The entry floor is selected when you set your formation (in the top right corner).

Doors have several symbols and slots for symbols, which indicate the enchantments on a room. IE: a flexing arm muscle indicates physical damage. If it's outlined in red, physical damage is reduced. If it's outlined in green, physical damage is increased. This goes similarly for all of the various enchantments.

Locked Doors
Some doors are locked doors, which require you to find a key to open them. Keys can be found by killing enemies, however, you are not guaranteed to find a key on that floor. To unlock doors, open your bags (by pressing 'b'), then drag the key to the door, and drop it.

Anything that regularly appears in the tower may be found behind a locked door. That said, there is a chance to find a jeweled chest, which is unique to locked rooms. More on the jeweled chests below.

Boss Room Doors
Another type of door is the boss room door. These only occur on every fifth level, starting on floor 5. A boss will always be found behind this door (though, which one will vary per floor), along with the floor's exit.

A tough battle awaits!

Rarely, you'll come across a chest or jeweled chest in Zavix Tower. These chests contain loot, and have different chances of spawning better loot than simple monster encounters or floor loot. To open a chest, left click while looking at it and next to it.

A regular chest can contain up to 4 pieces of juicy loot!

A jeweled chest can contain up to 5 pieces of even juicier loot!

Occasionally you'll come across a lecturn of sorts with a book on it. If you left click while looking at it, you'll gain a new bit of lore.

One of the lecturns which provides you with lore

If you come across a bowl containing a liquid, use it strategically. These bowls, or shrines as they're called, will regenerate your heroes' mana (blue liquid), health (red liquid), or both (purple liquid). Sometimes it's better to leave it and come back for the regeneration effect after you've discovered the stairs, as the bowl will be fully depleted after one use.

A bowl full of healing liquid. Use it by left clicking while looking at it.

Traps are uncommon in Zavix Tower, but still unpleasant. Traps (which share the same color coding as shrines) will knock off some of your heroes' health, mana, or both. Currently, there is no way to avoid triggering a trap, or determining where they are located before opening a door.

It's a (health) trap!
All equipment in Zavix Tower has an item rarity. In order from most common to rarest:

Gray / White

Drop Rates
The different methods of obtaining equipment have varied droprates. This makes some methods better for finding improved equipment.

Drop Rate (Best to Worst)
Boss Fights
Jeweled Chests (in locked rooms)
2nd Best
End of Floor Reward
3rd Best
Regular Chest
4th Best
Fight Reward

Level Requirements
Equipment in Zavix Tower displays an item level, which most times is the same level required to equip it. However, various rarities reduce the level required to equip the respective items:

Level Requirement
Same level as item level
2 levels less than item level
4 levels less than item level
7 levels less than item level
Inventory & Equipment Management
A good part of Zavix Tower revolves around inventory management and equipment management. As you'll be gaining loot at nearly every room, it's fairly easy to flood your inventory with loot until you don't have any space left. Here are a few techniques you can use to make this process easier and with much less pain.

Inventory Management

Common Items
When you've first started a new world, your first priority is to get at least something in your heroes' equipment slots. This means initially, you'll want to pick up everything (even common items) until every character is at least equipping something. However, after you've gotten past the initial equipment, common items are less than impressive and will flood your inventory. As a rule of thumb (with the exception of keys), you will want to drop/ignore all common items, unless you're absolutely desperate for equipment. This will save you massive amounts of time and will prevent you from micromanaging your equipment.

Selling Items
Even without having to deal with common items, you still might find yourself flooded with items. A simple fix for this is only collecting items you'll use, and only items worth more than a certain amount of gold. Initially, unless you're using it, try to avoid picking up items worth less than 5 gold. When you find that common items reach that price, raise your limit up by 5 gold (so you're only picking up items worth 10 gold or more). Repeat this process, and you've successfully eliminated half of the micromanagement of items.

Equipping Heroes

To make keeping your heroes equipped, there are two major things you can do. The first (and more important) is to only deal with equipping heroes when either your inventory is full, or you've started the next floor. There's a fair chance it won't make much of a difference at all, unless there's a boss on your current floor.

Secondly, you'll want to look at one type of item at a time (such as boots, chestplates/robes, or gloves). Hover over each peice of equipment and compare all of them to one heroes' equipment at a time. Make sure you save equipment with added stat boosts for appropriate characters if needed. At the end of it, you can use the same method mentioned under "Selling Items" to eliminate useless equipment.
Bosses (Spoilers!) [Work in Progress!]
In Zavix Tower, bosses appear on every 5th floor, and must be defeated in order to progress to further levels. Before each boss floor, the stairs will have a skull on both sides of the stairs to indicate the upcoming boss.

These skulls indicate an upcoming boss on the next floor.

Boss Information
Boss Name
Boss HP
Recommended Party Level
210 HP

A well equipped level 6-7 party of 5 or 6 heroes can easily knock him down. Focus on the priests on the sides first (one at a time), then the imps in the back, then Redrum.

If you can't kill the priests fast enough, consider training up a bit more, or getting better gear to help out.


Boss Information
Boss Name
Boss HP
Recommended Party Level
229 HP

A well equipped level 13-14 party of 6 heroes can easily annihilate Klopo, as long as the correct approach is taken. Klopo is a slime which splits into two new slimes (three different times) when one part dies. This means you aren't just fighting one boss, you're effectively fighting 15 of them.

That said, Klopo seems to be a relatively easy boss with the correct strategy. Since all of the slimes seem to have identical attack power, you want to keep the amount of slimes on the field to a minimum; target one slime/one slime's split-offs at a time to achieve this.

As with Redrum, if Klopo proves to be too difficult, try to either level up more, or go back for better equipment.

More coming soon!
Q: I just bought a skill for my character. How do I equip it?
A: If you press 'i' or click the associated button towards the bottom of your screen while in combat, it will open a menu with all the skills that character can use. Click and drag skills to the hotbar for easy use!

Q: Is there a way to quickly sell items?
A: To quickly sell items, go to the blacksmith, then right click the items you intend to sell.

Q: When orcs and such attack, why does their portrait turn orange (or another color), then nothing happens?
A: When a character's portrait turns orange (or another color), this indicates that they are charging up an attack which takes multiple turns.

Q: How do I obtain the shaman and paladin?
A: To obtain the paladin, you must first beat floor 5. To obtain the shaman, you must beat floor 10.

Have a question? Feel free to ask it in the comments below!
If you see anything incorrect, missing, outdated, confusing, or just have questions or feedback please comment below! I'm only human, I make mistakes too!
To-Do List
I'm posting this here as I'm editing the guide so that people can see what's on the list, and hopefully point out things that aren't on the list, or suggest changes.

  • Add prices and effects of items from the cart in town
  • Add new bosses
  • Add complete beastiary (may be seperate guide)
  • Add Lever doors
  • Add Enchantment related stuff
  • Add info on new classes

If you see anything missing from this list, please bring it to my attention/suggest it in the comments section!
Special thanks to:
  • Batholith Entertainment, for producing the game and providing many of the specific details here.
  • Double Deuce, for the Redrum strats
  • Microsoft Word (player), for information on Klopo and reviewing for errors.
  • Astrea_Anerada, for pointing out errors and missing features related to combat.
  • LSK, for pointing out missing content, and for providing ideas for new content.
If you (or anyone else) wants to use content from this guide to establish a wiki for this game, be my guest! No credit/citation/permission is necessary!
DEETS  [author] 16 Aug, 2017 @ 6:23pm 
@Nickwulc thanks for dropping in, and sorry this is out of date. Iron doors are unlocked by levers, and unless they've changed since I last looked, those levers will always be on a north wall of a room.
nickwulc 16 Aug, 2017 @ 6:20pm 
I hav met an iron door. it says I need to find something to open it.(not the key, i've tried it) What 's "something"?
egamer1 30 Aug, 2016 @ 11:50am 
I just read through the comments and i have a few of the problems as others.When i come out of a level with dead characters they auto revive with no need to go to the church.Also i only have one world icon in the start game area.Why?I filled out a comment in the suport that when i loaded my game today my characters were all level 50 and no experience is regestering

DEETS  [author] 25 Jul, 2016 @ 7:15pm 
@LSK it would appear as though dead party members are unusable for the remainder of the run, but afterwards revive for free and automatically as long as one person survives to exit the tower.
DEETS  [author] 24 Jul, 2016 @ 8:45pm 
@Zareth Hmmm looks like I missed that update while I was out and about. Thanks for the info!
ZarethKnyght 24 Jul, 2016 @ 8:42pm 
There's a way now to check regen. If you change "base stats" to the last thing, it shows regen tick. I'm just not sure if it's health regen, magic regen, or both though.
DEETS  [author] 24 Jul, 2016 @ 6:01pm 
@LSK sorry for the slow response, was on vacation with no net!

- There's currently no way to check hp/mp regen (though this has been suggested)
- I don't have a clue, but I'd love to look into that. I'll get info up on that tomorrow
- Currently not that I know of. If you want, post a suggestion of it on the forums!
- Chests/doors/shrines are the only lootables as of this moment.
- Yup, sure are! I've gotten a bit behind lately. I'll add that bit tomorrow as well.

Thanks for the feedback!
Łşk 22 Jul, 2016 @ 1:16pm 
Hey, just a few quick questions and something you can add:
- Is there any way to check health/mana regen?
- If the whole party doesn't 'die' and you make it to the stairs, will everybody be fine when you enter town?
- Is there anywhere i can see exactly what the different enchanter options do before i use my currency?
- Are there any other lootables in the game (loot piles, barrels etc) or just shrines/doors/chests? i always spam click/interact but i guess they arn't.
- Metal doors are missing from the guide, to open those you need to find a lever on a wall somewhere on the level :)
ZarethKnyght 22 Jul, 2016 @ 7:02am 
So can't start with a Paladin or Shaman...kinda sucks :(
astrea_anerada 8 Jun, 2016 @ 6:14am 
yup, have a look and test it too :ss13ok: