Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

551 ratings
Der Eisendrache complete guide
By Nx2000Mx
This guide is mainly made for myself so i can have a quick recall of everything on this map. Thought it could be usefull for anyone.
(Pictures and videos coming later!!!)
Low gravity
In the pyramid room there are 4 tiles around the pyramid. To activate low gravity you simply have to stand on each tile for a couple of seconds.
NOTE: Low gravity will only appear in the pyramid room and has to recharge.(launches automatically).
To get the shield you need three parts.
Their locations:
  • Part 1 can be found in the courtyard area near the double tap machine where you need to feed the dragon as well.(3 locations)
  • Part 2 can be found in the courtyard near the bell tower or even in it.(3 locations)
  • Part 3 can be found in the pyramid room.(3locations)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
For those who don't know the name, since i'm gonna use this name a lot in this guide, it is the launching machine. To activate the wundersphere, all you have to do is activate the corresponding landing pad.
Wundersphere 1
Wundersphere 2
Wundersphere 3
Wundersphere 4
To build the ragnarok wonder weapon, you're gonna need 3 parts.
Their locations:
  • Part 1 will be dropped by the first panzer that you kill.
  • Part 2 requires you to activate the death array trap and take the correct wundersphere to actually take the part.
  • Part 3 requires you to go to the rocket test platform and when the test starts you'll have to flip the switch next to the platform, then run inside the teleporter hall. When the three lightbullbs on the device next to the teleporter are green, the switch will flip. All you have to do is flip the switch again and the part will be in the teleporter.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
To activate the Pack-a punch, all you have to do is go to two of the three places and interact with it to teleport the pack-a-punch pieces. The Pack-a-Punch will be at the third location.
Their locations:
  • Next to the death array trap on the upper floor of the castle
  • In the pyramid room in front of the teleporter room
  • At the rocket test platform it is located near the rocket on the platform itself
To get the panzerclaw which will like stick on your face. You have to kill a panzer with each claw around the map. To reveal the claws you're gonna have to shoot them. They will be hidden somewhere on the ceiling.
The locations:
  • Claw 1 will be found in the catwalk above double tap when you walk up to the tower.
  • Claw 2 is just inside the door next to quick revive at spawn.
  • Claw 3 is in the hallway leading to power.
Claw 1
Claw 2
Claw 3

Obtaining this claw blocks the panzers ability to punch you at close range, but you'll still get burned and schocked.
Get free mega gobblegum

Go to the teleporter room and when you walk in look directly to your right. You should see some sort of flower pot. Interact with it to pick it up.

Step 2(Method 1)
Get the ragnarok and go up to the bell tower. Go completely up the stairs and break the wall hiding the fire arrow (see upgrading fire staff) to reveal the mechanism. Place the Ragnarok in front of it and go to the bottom of the stairs and switch the lever. This should start the clock. Now its best to have a teammate who you can coördinate with, because you're gonna want to hit the lever again to stop the clock at exactly 9:35 (Reference with group 935).

Step 2(Method 2)
You can also start off with the easter egg and time travel with the easter egg step. When you do this you'll place the pot where you've picked it up. Skip step 3 when you do this!!!

Step 3

When you stopped the clock at 9:35 you need to go back to the pyramid room and start wallrunning over some orb symbols until you teleport in time. Once there you'll have to pot the flower pot back in its original position and you'll notice there will actually be a plant in it now.

Step 4

When you teleport back into the normal time. The only thing you'll have to do is go back into the teleporter room and interact with the flower pot again. Enjoy your mega gobblegum.
Wrath Of The Ancient bow
Just feed the 3 dragons on the map and you'll be able to take the bow from the chest next to the knights tomb.
Their locations:
  • At the side of double tap when you open the first gate.
  • On the fireplace at the speed cola perk.
  • Down at the pyramid room just next to the pyramid.
Wolf Bow

Step 1

You need to activate the 4 pictures in the following order.
NOTE: The pictures are not always at the same locations.
After you've done that a wolf will howl and you can go collect your arrow at the pyramid room.

Step 2

Go to the rocket test platform where you'll see a flag very high up the hill. Shoot with your bow at the flag until a wolf starts howling again and you see a blue skull fall down. Pick the skull up.

Step 3

Go back to the pyramid room and next to the wolf bow chest you'll see a wolf skeleton. Interact with the skeleton and a ghost wolf will appear. You need to follow the wolf around the map. When it stops near like a pile you're gonna need to kill zombies next to it. When enough zombies are killed, the wolf will now start to dig. Pick the pile up and follow the wolf to the next pile.
NOTE: if you weren't able to follow the wolf and you no longer find him, you'll have to reinteract with the skeleton to reactivate the ghost and follow that one to the next pile.

Step 4

Whenever the wolf appears to want to go up the wall in the pyramid section. You'll gonna have to wait till anti-gravity to kick in. When you have anti-gravity,
you'll have to wallrun where the ghost wolf is located, on the wall you'll see the wolf symbol and you're gonna need to shoot that symbol when wallrunning.
This will allow a platform to come up. Jump on the platform and hit interact in the hole. A new arrow will appear. Hit interact again to pick up the arrow.
The wolf will have disappeared.

Step 5

Place the wolf arrow in the wolf chest(Will give you a max ammo) and you're gonna have to kill zombies with your bow around the chest until you hear a noise
and no more souls are going in the chest. Interact with the chest and The wolf bow will be ready to pick up in a few seconds.
Void bow
Step 1

Go to the wundersphere just above the double tap machine. On a wall when you're facing the buyable barrier to drop down, you'll see the void symbol. Shoot the wall with the bow to reveal the arrow.

Step 2

Once you did this you're gonna have to go to the tunnel underneath the bell tower. There you'll notice that one of the tiles on the ground has like a purple glow around it. You need to kill a zombie with the arow(knifing while holding the bow) when he's standing/crawling on the tile. When succeeded the tile will break and will reveal a vase hiding in the ground. Interact to make the vase float.

Step 3

Next step involves collecting 6 skulls.
Their locations:
  • When you go down side to spawn/quick revive you'll notice mule kick its hidden along the wall.
  • At the right side of double tap on the wall.
  • In Samantha's room in the large toybox.
  • At the field at the side of the vase in a window sill on the second floor.
  • In the teleporter room in the sink at the right side when you enter the room.
  • At the rocket test side in the back of the left truck(When you come in using the teleporter)

Step 4

Go back to the vase and now you're gonna have to let six crawlers get eaten by the skulls. I recommend you do 5 and try to get 2 zombies at the end of a round.
So that you can listen carefully to the 3 words you're gonna hear.(If you missed one of the words, you can just shoot the urn and it will repeat the words for you)

Step 5

Now you're gonna need to kill zombies until you collected 6 purple symbol drops. Go to the hallway near the power where you'll find statues with objects on it.
If you listened well you'll find the objects you heard before. Interact with the statue that has the object on it and remember the symbol.
Repeat for the 3 words.

Step 6

Place the void arrow in the void chest(Will give you a max ammo) and you're gonna have to kill zombies with your bow around the chest until you hear a noise
and no more souls are going in the chest. Interact with the chest and the void bow will be ready to pick up in a few seconds.
Fire bow

Step 1

Go inside the bell tower and take the stairs all the way up. There you'll see the fire symbol on the wall. Shoot it with the bow to reveal the arrow.

Step 2

Once you have the arrow you're gonna need to go to the rocket test area and wait until the rocket test starts. When it starts you run inside and take your bow out already. When it ends you run out and look to the right. Shoot one fully charged shot just slightly above the red glowing orb on the stone/meteorite.

Step 3

Now you're gonna have to use the wonderspheres to shoot an arrow in three diferent circles. You need to shoot them when you're mid-air. When you see it glowing red whenever you're just walking, you know you've done it. All that remains is to Kill zombies when you're inside the circle.
Repeat for all 3 circles.

Step 4

Once all three circles are done. You're gonna have to go back to where you got your arrow and interact with the clockwork. It will show you a symbol.
Each symbol corresponds with a certain fireplace.(They're the same each game) You're gonna have to shoot an arrow from the red circle(Only 1 will be lid now) to that certain fireplace.
Wherever the arrow lands a small volcano will pop up. This means you can take your shot from the volcano now.
You can take 3 shots and the 4th one has to be in the fireplace or you'll have to retry. When you've shot in the fireplace(you'll clearly see when you succeeded). Interact with it to see the broken arrow and the smoke dissapear slowly.

Step 5

Go to the death array trap and you'll see that the giant fireball is now very low. Just interact with it and it will explode in the air, giving you the arrow.
Now you only need to pick it up.

Step 6

Place the fire arrow in the fire chest(Will give you a max ammo) and you're gonna have to kill zombies with your bow around the chest until you hear a noise
and no more souls are going in the chest. Interact with the chest and The fire bow will be ready to pick up in a few seconds.
Electric bow

Step 1

Go to the death array trap and shoot the wind vane on top of one of the towers to reveal the required arrow.

Step 2

Now you need to make 3 bonfires with your bow.
Their locations:
  • Next to the bell tower
  • Next to double tap
  • At the rocket test platform

Step 3

When this is done, go to the pyramid run and wait till the low-gravity is enabled. Now you have to wallrun around on 5 wind-symbols. You need to do them in 1 run otherwise you'll have to retry them all.

Step 4

After the wallrunning, you'll need to fill up three urns around the map by killing some zombies around it. Once the urn is charged, you need to charge a shot with your bow next to it to electrify the arrow. Shoot the electrified arrow to one of the bonfires. Repeat for the 3 bonfires/urns.
Their locations:
  • Inside the bell tower(upper part) at the bottom of the stairs.
  • Near the wundersphere machine above the double tap machine.
  • Just on the opposite side of the teleporter in the rocket test platform side.

Step 5

Go back to the death array and where you've picked up your arrow, you know are gonna need to interact with the place and your upgraded arrow will appear.

Step 6

Place the lightning arrow in the lightning chest(Will give you a max ammo) and you're gonna have to kill zombies with your bow around the chest until you hear a noise
and no more souls are going in the chest. Interact with the chest and The lightning bow will be ready to pick up in a few seconds.
Musical easter eggs
Teddybear Music
The first musical easter egg in this map is called 'Dead Alive' by 'Elena Siegman' and 'Kevin Sherwood'.

This song can only be activated once by interacting with the three teddybears around the map.
Their locations:
  • In Samantha's room sitting on a chair.
  • In the corner where the juggernog machine is located.
  • In the passenger seat of the truck on the right side of the rocket test platform.

Gramaphone Song
The second musical easter egg is a small opera song and can also only be activated once by interacting with three grammaphones around the map.
Their locations:
  • In Samantha's room just across the teddybear on a closet.
  • Just in front of the speed cola machine(Impossible to miss this one)
  • When you take the stairs all the way down next to the speed cola machine. At the bottom you'll find the third grammaphone.

Samantha's Lullaby
This is why i call the room Samantha's room, because of this song that can be activated by interacting with like a balerina box. Its just next to the bed where the teddybear issitting on the chair. This song is famous and well-known as the 'Moon Solo Loading Screen Song'.
Disco Room
The title says it all. In the room where speed cola is. You'll see a globe and a rocket spinning around the big globe. You need to shoot the small globe when all three items are in a line.
NOTE: You can activate this easter egg as many times as you want.
Main Easter Egg

For this easter egg the only thing you'll ned are the 4 bows and the DG2-Ragnarok. You can start the easter egg until Step x without the requirements. Step 2 will require at least 1 upgraded bow.

Step 1

With a regular bow, you'll have to shoot all the orbs above the teleporter.

Step 2

After you activated the orbs step, the easter egg is now launched. And you'll hear like a weird noise. This indicates that the next step has started. You're gonna have to scout around the map looking for electrified objects. When 1 is found, shoot on it with an upgraded bow and after a few seconds the next one is gonna appear. Do this 4 times and make sure you do them in 1 round and that when its done you stay on the same round.
Their locations
  • A phone next to the quick revive
  • A radio on the shelf next to mule kick
  • A clock in the upper hallway near the bell tower.
  • A clock in the operations hall (where the dragon is near speed cola)
  • In that same hall, there's like a spiral object in a corner
  • A phone hanging on the wall just next to power
  • A globe in Samantha's room
  • A toolbox near the wundersphere above double tap
  • A tire of the car near double tap

Step 3

After step 2 when you're still on the same round, all players should go to the teleporter. You will travel in time and you'll see a cutscene.
During the cutscene however, you should focus on three things:
  • You need to collect a blue vial
  • You need to collect the fuses (They're so small, but they are always at the same location)
  • Remember the code that he puts on the safe

Step 4

Return to the area where the death array trap is located and put the fuses in it. After that set the trap to protect instead of destroy.

Step 5

After the previous step is done, the computer should now be active. In this computer you'll need to input the code from the safe (From top to bottom). If you put in the wrong code you'll hear a noise indicating that you've failed and you'll have to restart from step 2 the next round.

Step 6

When you've put in the correct code, you need to go to the teleporter room. You'll see that the safe is now open. Someone collect the cilinders that are located inside of the safe.

Step 7

Now you need to go back to the dead array trap where you have to put the cilinders that you just picked up into the pilars where you'll see there is a gap in the middle. (1 in the left pilar and 1 in the right pilar). Once they're in place, set the trap back to destroy.

Step 8

After you've put the trap back on destroy, go back to the pc next to the bell tower. When you interact with the pc, it will show you 4 symbols. Remember these symbols and their order fast, because we are gonna play a game of simon says. Beware that while doing this step you'll have an infinite dogs spawn. When you're done with this pc, head over to the rocket test platform, where you'll do the same for the second pc.
NOTE: The symbols can be in a different order on the second pc and if you fail at the second pc, you're gonna have to restart from the first pc.

Step 9

When you've done both games of simon says, get back to the death array trap again, where at the back of it (side facing the castle) the green button will now be lid. Just interact with the button and a rocket will fall and crash into the bell tower.

Step 10

Notice that all the previous steps can be done in 1 single round if you have enough points. For this step we need to reactivate the 4 electrified objects, meaning that you're gonna have to start a new round. For the locations i refer back to step 2. After that stay on the same round and time travel again.

Step 11

When you travelled back in time again, there's only one more thing to do. You'll have to interact with a book to open a chest to reveal a stone slab, which needs to be picked up. I suggest you get all upgraded bows before continuing!!!

Step 12

Go to the crashed rocket where you will find the golden rod from black ops 1 call of the dead and pick it up. Now go to the tomb of the knight and put the golden rod in the hole. A ghostly keeper should spawn in. From now on the 4 upgraded bows are required. As suggested i recommend having them all 4 already since you'll have an infinite dogs spawn whenever the keeper is active.
You just follow the keeper around the map until he stops. There a circle will appear. Stand in the circle to see a color glow. The color tells you which bow is required to kill the zombies. Kill zombies with the required bow to collect zombie souls until the keeper moves to the next spot.
NOTE: When you arrive at the spot where double tap is located you're gonna need to place the collected stone slab in the wall before starting.
After all 4 places have been done, the keeper will no longer be a ghost and will go to the pyramid place, which should be gone.

Step 13

When the keeper gets there, 4 lasers will shoot the keeper, teleporting him to the moon. You'll have no zombies until the next conversation is done and the MDP(the pyramid) from moon is teleported there. You'll notice that on one of the corners a blue vial is missing. Interact with it to place the picked up blue vial.
Now the ragnarok is required as well. Prepare yourself well, make sure your ragnarok is charged, get a good gobblegom and good pack-a-punched weapons, because you're going into a bossfight. To launch the bossfight have each player stand on one of the low gravity tiles and all players place their ragnarok as a trap.

Step 14(Bossfight)

The bossfight consist of three stages with between two stages a panzer wave. When you've defeated the boss, you will be teleported again in front of the MDP.

-stage 1: There will be only skeletons spawning in to attack you. Dodge the fire and skull attacks from the keeper. Whenever an electric orb appears under the keeper one of the players has to put their ragnarok in it and all players should hide behind one of the pilars. Once the chest of the keeper starts glowing shoot at it with the upgraded bows.
-Panzer wave: here you'll have a few panzers spawn in and you'll have to kill all of them in order to proceed.
-Stage 2: There will be skeletons and dogs spawning in now. For the rest it's the same as in stage 1.
-Another Panzer wave: Same as previous panzer wave.
-Stage 3: Now there will be more skeletons and dogs spawning in. Once again the rest is the same as in stage 1.

Step 15

When you have defeated the boss and got teleported back. You'll hear a small conversation. After it the summoning key will pop out of the MDP.
Take it to the computer near the bell tower and enjoy the final cutscene.
Skeleton zombies easter egg
Thanx again to The Syndikat for notifying that i forgot to add this, but any way here it is.

In this map there is a small easter egg which allows you to turn all the zombies into skeletons(Like the ones that you fight against in the easter egg boss fight).


To do this easter egg you need to get one of the bows(wether it's upgraded or not) and you need to make sure you have the gobblegum "In Plain Sight". Now you're ready to start this simple easter egg.

How to do it

The only thing you need to do for this easter egg, is shooting three floating skulls with the bow. The skulls will only be visible (and thus only be shootable) while you're under the effect of the gobblegum.

Their Locations:
  • To the right of Mule Kick. Look out into the mountains and you should see the floating skull.
  • To the right of Double Tap. If you stand in line with the black section of the destroyed wall(where zombies come) and look out into the mountains, you should see the floating skull.
  • Just before you enter the Church(or the giant room before the Undercroft). Look straight up and you should see the floating skull.

Whenever you shot all three of them with the bow, all of the zombies will now be Skeletons. This lasts the rest of the game.

Can we stop it?
To stop this easter egg you need to go to the main fireplace and hold the "use-button" on the 3 skulls. One skull stands for one skull shot with the bow(3 means completed). You can do this easter egg as many times as you want in 1 game.
Der Meisterbogenschuetze
Pretty straight forward what you have to do. Just make all of the 4 upgraded bows in 1 game and you should unlock the achievement.

None left standing
Easy method for this achievement is to get the gobblegom which allows you to spawn in a death machine powerup before round 12. When the panzer comes at round 12, you let him shoot the electric bombs, which will electrify the zombies around it. After that you need to get close enough to the panzer to let him use his flamethrower enflaming any zombies that are in his way. Now that you have a regular zombie, a flame zombie and an electric zombie, you spawn in your death machine and kill all three types. Then you focus all your fire with the dead machine on the panzer and when he dies the achievement should appear.

Take a bow
Easy achievement. Just make one of the upgraded bows and when you take it you get the achievement.

Not big enough
For this achievement you need to have the ragnarok. When the panzer arrives you need to kill him while he's trapped in the ragnarok trap. It's best to shoot at the panzer until his helmet falls off. Then you place the ragnarok next to the panzer which will trap him and aim for the head to kill the panzer. When done correctly, the achievement should appear.

Time to slam
Easy to tdo if you play with 2 friends. Just let them go down next to each other, place the ragnarok next to them and revive them both. The achievement should unlock.

Quick off your feet
In the pyramid room you need to wallrun on 2 symbols that are located in the middle part. After that the wallbuy of the BRM will be visible, to get it, just wallrun and hold f to buy the BRM.

That's a lot of jigawatts!
This achievement will be unlocked by killing 121 zombies in 1 game using the electric trap, electric bow, or even Dead Wire(not certain!!!)

Fling me to the moon
Just use every wundersphere twice in one game.

Death from above
This requires you to kill a zombie while you're in the air by using a wundersphere.
TIP: Easy way to do is taking the electric bow and shoot a charged shot just in front of the wundersphere when there is a large group of zombies. After you shot you immediatly take the wundersphere and the achievement should be unlocked.

My brother's keeper
This achievement is earned upon completing the main easter egg.
m7mdrd2010 8 Jul, 2023 @ 10:29am 
thx its a good guide and i just did the ee from it
alwayshavetocary 27 Jun, 2023 @ 4:14pm 
can you please provide pics for the skulls for void bow/
alwayshavetocary 27 Jun, 2023 @ 3:50pm 
can anyone help me with this?
im not as good as i use to be
i use to be able to get to round 50 now i cant even make past round 15 on solo
♠ Ace ♠ 20 May, 2022 @ 10:54pm 
Instructions unclear, dad turned into the milk he went out to buy to help with the EE step.
wilmenwurm 2 Feb, 2021 @ 3:55am 
can anyone help with the revive 2 player in the dg 4 achievement just ad me and shoot me a message
Fair 19 Oct, 2020 @ 1:16pm 
The wall-run section for electric bow is fucking god awful. The most inconsistent frustrating thing I've gone through in this game, i swear.
LilDreadnaught 5 Oct, 2020 @ 7:24pm 
What about the plunger? ************ 18 May, 2019 @ 12:47pm 
would anyone share me on second acc?
Nx2000Mx  [author] 28 Jun, 2016 @ 1:57pm 
@The Syndikat Good explanation, couldn't be more precise
Nuri 28 Jun, 2016 @ 6:55am 
If it is trying to open the vault, you have to go back in time and get the new set of codes and do it again, and if you continue to fail\, you do the same thing over and over.
But if it is on Simon says, you jsut have to back to the other terminal and do it again.
-If you finish the first Simon says terminal but fail the second, then you have to do the first one again.