Orion Trail

Orion Trail

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Wascally Weasels
By Caya
A guide to the Warp Weasel Wevolution achievement
The Lowdown
To get the Warp Weasel Wevolution achievement, you need to get a Blue Star success on a Bravado roll for the Warp Weasel Warning! encounter (any other weaselly activities don't count, afaik). So, three things must happen:
  • You need to get that particular encounter on your trek. Pure chance (it's not particularly common, in my experience).
  • You need to be offered Bravado as a choice in this encounter. Pure chance, too (sixty per cent in this case).
  • You need to get a Blue Star for this encounter. This, of course, depends on the Probabilty Drive being merciful, but you can influence it - by getting as many blue stars as possible.
Every point in a stat changes a yellow X to a green hook in the Probability Drive. However, once you've run out of yellow Xs, those remaining stat points instead start turning green to blue (nothing can be done to make skulls disappear, afaik). This is what you'll want to up your chances.

It takes 8 points in bravado to turn all the Xs in an easy encounter, 11 in a medium and 13 in a hard one. So for every point more, you get one extra blue chance for success. And, say, nine blue stars make for far better odds than one.

So how do you get those points? First, select your crew with an eye for Bravado. If you're out hunting Weasels, I'd not start with anything less than 7 (you can get up to 10 out of the gate, theoretically, but there's only one officer with 3 bravado so I wouldn't bet on it). Second, whenever offered a choice, go for bravado if possible. Third, though this is debatable, go for The Long Haul - you'll get more chances to raise bravado and may thus be better prepared if the weasels show up.

That being said, my highest bravado score ever was 22, I think, and those little furbeasts refused to turn up then. Instead, I got them with a measly 10 bravado, so go figure. In the end, luck is your mistress, but you can nudge a bit.

Happy Weasel hunting to you all, and best of luck!
MasterionX 24 Apr, 2022 @ 8:14am 
There are actually several officers with 3 bravado, so it's luck-based. :cozynekros:
Cpt. Bee 9 Jul, 2016 @ 3:36am 
Ty Mate :8bitheart: