Cities: Skylines
130 оценки
GiTS Office Tower (ID#02c) 7x5 Lvl 5 Unique Building
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7 март 2016 в 8:40
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GiTS Office Tower (ID#02c) 7x5 Lvl 5 Unique Building

В 1 колекция от Eacon&Bggs
Ghost in the Shell Buildings
8 артикула
GiTS Office Tower (ID#02c) 7x5 Lvl 5 Unique Building by Eacon&Bggs

From the Ghost in the Shell Buildings Collab by EaconNBggs and Haruban

Collection Link:

Foreword & Building Description

Hi again people!

This is here is the tallest of the trio of office buildings that can be seen in the Ghost in the Shell 1995 Film. It stands at 291 m and it also has lesser specular artefacts than its sister buildings and slightly different Roof features! I gotta update those sometime...

As always, Thanks for the interest! Any questions, comments? Feel free to PM me anytime!


Technical Info
Mesh Triangles: 2,670
LOD triangles : 194
Size.type Kb*
texture(diffuse) map : 1024x1024.png xx
Specular map: 1024x1024.png xx
Illumination map : 1024x1024.png xx

*before compression (raw size)

no alpha map
no normal map
no colormask map

no LOD diffuse map

Game Info
Cost to build: $175,000
Upkeep: $900/week
water: 240 m^3/week
electricity: 640 KW

Height 291 m

footprint : 7x5
Level 5 unique building.
2 коментара
Droidhacker 29 септ. 2016 в 13:12 
It would be awesome to have some of these scaled down so they could be growables!
Captain-No 7 март 2016 в 9:19 
fit well in the -JAPAN- all in one Collection:
thank you, Thumbs up