Team Fortress 2
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Mann Co. Trade-Up - Everything you need to know!
Από Toxins 🐑 και 1 συνεργάτες
Both CS:GO and TF2 have the option to Trade-up 10 weapons of one tier to make one weapon of the next highest tier. However, the mechanics of trade-ups are different in TF2 versus CS:GO. For a good guide on how Trade-ups work in CS:GO see this guide by RoadRunner and Serg. For a guide on trade-ups in TF2 keep reading!
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How to do a Trade-Up
To perform a Trade-Up simply click on an item in your inventory that is Civilian, Freelance, or Mercenary grade (if from a contract reward), or Mercenary, Commando, or Assassin grade (if from a case collection). Then from the menu that pops up select 'Mann Co. Trade' and click on 'Item Grade Trade-Up'. You then select 9 more items of the same grade to trade-up with send in your items!

What will I get?
What you get depends on what you trade-up with.

Rarity Tier
What is guaranteed is that the item will be from the next highest rarity tier. For example, if you trade in 10 Mercenary-grade items you will receive a Commando-grade item from the trade up.

*Only applies to 'Contract Reward' items
*Only applies to 'Contract Reward' items
*Only applies to 'Found in Case' items
*Only applies to 'Found in Case' items

You can do a Mann Co. Trade Up with regular items or 'Strange' variants (but you cannot mix regular and strange items in a single Trade Up). If you Trade Up with regular items you will always receive a regular item, and if you Trade Up with Strange items you will always receive a Strange item.

*Civilian-Grade items with Stat Clocks count as 'Strange' quality

In a Mann Co. Trade Up you are allowed to mix items from different collections as long as the items share the same rarity tier. The new item you receive from the Trade Up will always belong to one of the collections you traded in. For example, if you trade in 10 Hickory Hole-Puncher Pistols (from the Teufort Collection), the item you receive will be from the next highest rarity-tier in the Teufort Collection.

Contract Rewards

If you are Trading Up with Decorated Weapons they have a 'Wear' attribute that determines how many scratches/stains/blood splatters etc. are on the weapon. In Mann Co. Trade Ups the wear of the new item will always be the same as the wear of one of the items that was Traded Up with.

Trade Up
Advanced: Getting what you want!
In order to tailor a Trade Up to suit your desires you need to understand in more detail how a Trade Up is done. Unlike in CS:GO the process is actually rather straight-forward. When you send off your 10 items one of them is selected at random to be 'upgraded'. Lets take a look at an example:

Trade Up with:


You will receive:


So if you were hoping for a Factory New Teufort weapon you are out of luck! If one of the Teufort weapons is randomly selected for 'upgrade' it's wear value will carry over to the new weapon. However, if you want a Factory New Craftsmann weapon this is a good Trade Up because 50% of the time the result will be a Factory New Craftsmann weapon!

This means if you want to be guaranteed a Factory New Craftsmann weapon you will need to Trade Up with 10 Factory New Craftsmann weapons. Conversely, if you want to at least have a chance at receiving a Factory New Craftsmann you need to make sure to include at least 1 Factory New Craftsmann weapon in the trade up (to give you a 10% chance), and then maybe fill in the other 9 slots with (cheaper) worn weapons.

Are there any items that are only available by Trading-Up?
Yes. There is a tool called the 'Civilian Grade Stat Clock', which adds a strange stat clock to a Civilian-grade weapon. At the time of writing performing a Trade-Up with 10 Strange Civilian-grade items is the only way to obtain Strange variants of Freelance, Mercenary, and Commando-grade weapons from the Teufort, Craftsmann, Harvest, and Gentlemanne's collections.
Is a Traded-Up item different in any way from the same item obtained by completing a contract or opening a case?
Yes and no. The same variation in skin texture placement, scratches, blood splatters, and stickers can be found among Trade-Up items, and they look and function the same in-game. Outside of the game there do have a couple of different attributes. Firstly, they all have a different origin attribute. Secondly they all have an attribute that tracks how many items were traded-in to make the weapon which is visible only in 3rd party backpack viewers (e.g.
Is Trading-Up profitable?
Doing a Trade-Up is essentially a game of chance. After reading this guide you should be able to design Trade-Ups that are likely to produce items you want. Whether it's profitable or not is less easy to determine. Sometimes (especially after a new collection is released), it might be easy to identify Trade-Ups that could potentially yield an item that is going to be rare/sought after and could sell quickly for a good price. However, most Trade-Ups cost more to do than the value of any item you could possibly get from that Trade Up. That said, there are often Trade Ups with good potential for profit if you are willing to take the time to look for them and take a few risks.
52 σχόλια
Sparktite 1 Δεκ 2023, 5:12 
Not sure if anyone is gonna see this but the info on the civilian grade stat clock is way outdated.

We know that you need 5x of any freelance or higher grade items or 5x of any strange items to get you 1x civilian grade stat clock. The only way to obtain some strange war paints for example is via this trade up system as they never dropped in game otherwise.
Sparktite 1 Δεκ 2023, 5:06 
@The Real Ghostface Im not sure thats how it even works. I just came here to comment that the guide needs to be corrected as it has some really outdated/incorrect info on it.

Typically how it works is you trade in 10 items from a given collection to get a random item from the next grade up. However, one of the stipulations is that the trade up must have a grade above it to trade up to. Hence the name trade up.
So you shouldnt ever see 10x of an item to get a similar item ever.
Cat Bitch 19 Σεπ 2023, 9:07 
if i trade in 10 red items will i get the other red item from the crate its from?
Mystery 22 Μαρ 2022, 4:34 
@man : yeah
Syder 24 Μαρ 2021, 18:03 
Can you trade up with crates?
calm247 28 Σεπ 2020, 16:30 
would trading 10 civ scatterguns get 1 freelance scattergun or a random weapon (rocket launcher, minigun, etc.)?
mau 23 Μαϊ 2020, 8:19 
So if we put 10x Space hamster Hammy we would get a batsaber, right?
Dero 23 Ιουλ 2018, 11:18 
10 strange phobos filters trade up to a strange shooting star. 33% chance but hella easy profit if you are ok with spending 5 bucks.
Spunow_ 28 Ιαν 2018, 13:57 
One time i got a battle scared skin which was nothing but blood on like 50 percent on the weapon and some scratches. Lol.
blue man 26 Μαϊ 2017, 15:49 
[h1]Question:[/h1] suppose I had 10 of the exact same cosmetics from the same case, all of them being at the top of the list (ex. the Dead'er Alive is at the top of the Assassin grade list for the Gargoyle Case, the second being the crusader's getup, and the bottom one is the Grim Tweeter). If I have 10 top-list items, would that give me a higher chance of getting the top item from the next tier (like the Catastrophic Companions, which is at the top of the Elite grade list), or is it still 50/50? I've done the Dead'er Alive-Catastrophic trade up like 11 or 12 times (two or three of which were strange) and I have only gotten the ant thing twice. Am I insanely lucky or is what I was doing affecting the chances of getting one?