Penumbra: Black Plague

Penumbra: Black Plague

83 ratings
Penumbra Black Plague Puzzle Guide
By Nickolashx
Are you stuck?
Can't find the code?
Forgot the password even though this is your third playthrough?
Worry not, my dear Monkeys!
For this is the Penumbra Puzzle Guide!
This guide may contain spoilers!
Hello and welcome to the Penumbra Black Plague Puzzle Guide!
This guide contains all of Penumbra's Puzzle solutions.
Beginning Puzzle
The First Puzzle!
This is probably the easiest one. But here we go:

Step 1: Take the coin out of the locker

Step 2: Put the coin into the vise, then twist the handle. When you've done that. Pick up the coin again.

Step 3: Use the coin on the ventilation shaft behind the shelf.

The Thermostat Puzzle
Now, to solve this puzzle. You need to get a can of soda from the vending machine.

Step 1: Locate the vending machine

Step 2: Put a coin in the vending machine. You've still got the coin from the last puzzle.
Alternative Step 2: Throw a rock at the vending machine.

Step 3: Pick up the can.

Step 4: Use the can on the Thermostat to stop the hot gas in the ventilation shaft.

The Syringe Puzzle
Step 1: Locate some alcohol in the first room in the hallway.

Step 2: Walk to the end of the hallway and throw a rock at the Power Box

Step 3: Now try breaking the wire. This will open the last room in this hallway.

Step 4: Locate the syringe in the last room in the hallway.

Step 5: Use the alcohol on the syringe.

Step 6: Use the syringe on the body near the lasers.

Step 7: Use the syringe on the door lock.

The Smoke Detector Puzzle
Step 1: Find a barrel

Step 2: Put the barrel in front of the power box & flip the switch

Step 3: Drag the burning barrel below a Smoke Detector.


(The Computer Door code is: 1167)

Opening the Gate
Step 1: Locate a large metal stick

Step 2: Drag the metal stick to the gate, and open the gate with it.

Doctor Eminiss
Step 1: When you walk into the computer room. You will meet doctor Eminiss. A scientist who locked himself in his office. He will ask you for a saw. You can find this saw in the residential corridors. When you've obtained the saw, give it to Dr. Eminiss.

Step 2: He's now patrolling the area. He will usually walk back and forth between the room with the burnt computer cards and the Freezer. Let him walk in the freezer

Step 3: Lock him in the freezer.


Computer Cards Puzzle
Easily the hardest puzzle in the entire game. (That's just my opinion)
I bet half of you came for this puzzle.
Here we go:

The Red Card is:

The Blue Card is:

The Green Card is:

(The Code to unlock the door with the Doorlock Controller.EXE program is: 3061
Infirmary Puzzle
Step 1: Find & equip the wristband

Step 2: Find the locked locker. Break the glass by throwing something at it.

Step 3: Take the bottle containing: "Viscae Somnus" and combine it with your syringe.

Step 4: Inject yourself with the syringe.


The Kennels Puzzle
In the Kennels it's important you stay in the light. Do NOT venture forward in the darkness, without knowing what you're doing.
In the long hallway where it's possible for you to turn off the light, there are holes in the wall.
Beware of these holes because something lurks in the darkness.
Make sure to block all the holes with metal boxes to prevent it from catching you.

Infected Crusher Puzzle
Now as you walk into this room, you will be trapped here with an Infected. This infected will slowly walk towards you. If he gets too close, just circle around him.

To kill him you have to turn the wheel that lifts an iron box.
When you've done that. Make sure the infected is directly under the iron box, and then flip the switch.

Now, when that tragedy is over, you can play some good ol' SCHMUP!
SCHMUP is a video game on Dr. Swanson's Computer.
The code for SCHMUP is: xor451

Have Fun!

The Chase Puzzle
After being chased into a room by two Infected.
Block the door behind you.
Now you'll have to look for a tube, it's on the ground near the computer.
Once you've got this tube, put it inside of the machine on the left side of the room

Now use the claw machine to pick up the crystal object and drop it in the hole.

After you've done that, pick up the tube again.
Now you'll have to turn the wheel on the right side of the room to open the door

And now run!

The Chemical Puzzle
This is the examination room. In here you can find 6 chemicals. If you can't find them all. Do not worry! I've made pictures of all their locations.







Now when you've put in all of the chemicals. Insert the tube in the machine

After you've put in the tube and collected & mixed all of the chemicals, you'll have to press the buttons in a specific order.

as you can see, I've given every button a number. Now press them in this order: 2-1-6-4-5-3
The Tuurngait Puzzles
Now these puzzles can only be solved in one way. If you solve them differently, you will be forced to redo them.

The First Puzzle: You'll find yourself locked in a room. Next to you is a wall with a loose brick.

Once you've removed this brick, someone will ask you to throw him that pipe in your room.
Do this and he will free both of you.


The Second Puzzle: At the end of this level, there's a door with a switch nearby. Do not try to kill the infected wandering around. Try flipping the last switch in this area and then hide.


The Third Puzzle: When you start this puzzle there's a pressure plate behind you.
Find a block and put it on this pressure plate.

After you've done that. A door will open. When you enter you'll see two things; A switch and another pressure plate. The first thing you should do is flip the switch

When you've flipped this switch, you must hurry back to the pressure plate you just put a block on. Drag the block into the room with the switch and put it on the pressure plate.

Well done! Now this may not be obvious, but you should kill yourself.
Run into the flames.

The End!

That were all of Penumbra's Puzzles!
I really hope you've enjoyed this guide!

Please leave some feedback. Did I miss any puzzles? Am I grammatically incorrect?
I'll be happy to edit any mistakes I made!

Warrior2012 13 Jul, 2023 @ 6:39am 
This puzzle guide doesn’t cover everything. It doesn’t even cover the hardest puzzle ever where you have to match the barrels to the circles. Like who the fuck would figure that shut out??
MC MCGIVER 15 Jan, 2023 @ 10:20am 
the puzzles on this game are god awful, most of them are really fucking weird and have no base on logic and when they do its on the retardest way possible, at least overture was kinda understandable, this game man
BaboonMan 17 Dec, 2022 @ 3:47pm 
Thank you for the guide. A couple of those puzzles were really weird, like the soda can one, I don't think I would have solved it without the guide.
Gibbon the builder 2 Jan, 2022 @ 4:22am 
(to two guys below) Whole solution and logic of the chemical puzzle was in the note "antidote". There was info about in what order does machine store compounds, in what order you have to mix them, and that because of some issue in production the lower buttons were in misplaces (upper were 1,2,3 and the lower ones 6,5,4)
-Frog Yorke- 1 Jul, 2021 @ 6:28am 
wondering also whats the logic of the chemical puzzle
Procyon 24 Apr, 2021 @ 8:31am 
What is the logic of the last chemical puzzle. I would like to know how and why are the buttons in that order.
evil bob 4 Apr, 2021 @ 6:02pm 
for the The Thermostat Puzzle i dragged the sack from the freezer to block the gas
^6M̵̖͛athelgar 11 Nov, 2020 @ 5:52am 
Haven't played this in a very long time, guide helped a lot, thank you kind sir :)
The Slunch 19 Dec, 2019 @ 10:41pm 
You just click all the ones on the left
Big Black Boss 27 Jun, 2018 @ 8:27am 
Shouldn't you also include the C4/Explosive puzzle? You know, "Trigger Interface".