Cities: Skylines
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Tram Tatra T6B5 (Changes Colour!)
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20 фев. 2016 г. в 1:07
23 фев. 2016 г. в 3:13
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Tram Tatra T6B5 (Changes Colour!)

В 1 коллекции, созданной komurka
Murka's Public Transport Collection
Предметов: 48
Окраска вагона изменяется в зависимости от цвета линии.

Венец инженерной мысли Tatra, T6B5 был первым серийным электронным трамвайным вагонов в Соц.лагере. Этот трамвай производился с 1983 по 2007 год сначала в Праге на заводе ČKD, затем в Плзене фирмой Inekon и даже на Украине, в Днепропетровске на заводе Южмаш.

Вагон создавался для работы на маршрутах в г. Москве, однако, по ряду причин не прошёл испытания. На самом деле, виной этому были вовсе не недостатки самого вагона, а нежелание местных бюрократов менять договора на поставку, а работников хозяйства - осваивать принципиально новую технику. Всех устраивала безнадёжно устаревшая, но простая и надёжная Tatra T3. Тем не менее, оба испытывавшихся прототипа T6B5 так и остались в Москве, где и проработали вплоть до 2006, когда один из них был превращён в сарай, а второй отреставрирован и передан в музей городского транспорта, где хранится и по сей день.

Новый жизнь этому великолепному трамваю дала модернизация трамвайной системы в Киеве, под которую в 1986 в город была поставлена огромная партия T6B5. С этого момента во многие города СССР поставляются эти вагоны. Так продолжается до распада СССР.

После распада большинство пост-советских городов уже не могли себе позволить этот вагон (из исключений - столица Узбекистана, Ташкет, закупившая огромную партию T6B5 в начале 90х, или Тула, как-то ухитрившаяся приобрести довольно много этих вагонов в середине 90х же). В итоге нереализованные в СССР вагоны были закуплены Болгарией для трамвайной системы в Софии, а также КНДР на маршруты только что открывшегося в Пхеньяне трамвая.

Производство T6B5 было налажено в независимой Украине, в г. Днепропетровсе. Собираемая модель получила название "Татра-ЮГ" и дала начало линейке высокопольных трамваев, довольно распространённых в крупных украинских городах.

После закрытия пражского завода ČKD несколько вагонов были собраны в Плзене. Последние T6B5 были проданы в 2007 в Уфу, столицу Башкирии, где ходят и по сей день.

В игре модель представляет собой следующее:

~3000 tris
1024x1024 textures
55 capacity
80 km/h speed


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Комментариев: 30
hry_plays 24 мар. 2022 г. в 7:35 
can you please make the T6A5 too?
DAKI4 11 янв. 2018 г. в 10:49 
That trams are still running in Sofia
komurka  [создатель] 4 мар. 2016 г. в 11:22 
Yes it is en exellent bargain)
フロニャン 4 мар. 2016 г. в 11:19 
Actually I read that they modernize the old Tatra trains at Prague Public Transit Company. The first ones were renewed external but later they did by themselves because it was cheaper.
Well, Prague's KT8 (no. 9006) was damaged in an accident that much that they decided to not rebuild it (in 1995). Strausberg got 2 new trams anyway, so they need only 1 KT8 as backup (they can only use 2 trains at the same time). So they sold 2 of the 3 KT8 to Prague and got the 3rd one modernized (I think I read for free but I'm not sure where I read it). Now they have another backup KT8 in Prague and Strausberg got a modernized one back. Sounds like a great deal to me.
komurka  [создатель] 4 мар. 2016 г. в 8:14 
Zhitomir and Vinnica are cities in Ukraine with 1000 mm. Trams there were established in Russian Empire.

Lvov was an Austrian city before 1917 (and was known as Lemberg), but may Austrian cities have 1435 mm gauge.

We here have mostly 1525 mm gauge on trams (and 1520 on heavy rail). But there is an unique tram system in Rostov-on-Don, where the gauge is 1435 as in Europe. It is strange but they still don't use used cars from Europe.
komurka  [создатель] 4 мар. 2016 г. в 8:14 
"Why does the 2nd wagon have the old pantograph?"

No, both cars are definetely T6's. I think this is a pantograph from some local car. Original one get to another head car instead of broken one. People in Russia and Ukraine are very inventive in such things.

Here is a photo where second car still has its original pant:

About 1000 mm in Russia: the other city in Russia with 1000 mm gauge is Pjatigorsk. It is placed in North Caucasus. Germans were there in 1942 but the tram is much older =))

Also Cremean trams (Evpatoria and closed Sevastopol and Simferopol systems) have 1000 mm. Evpatoria uses Tatra KT4 and never used Tatra T4, but used Gotha trams (GDR built).

komurka  [создатель] 4 мар. 2016 г. в 8:03 
About Strausberg's KT8:

yep its realy looks like Prague modernised wagon. Strange mb they were rebuilt in Plzen?
And actually this car has low section on the middle so it is compartable for disabled persons. Why they disbanded it?

"KT4 trains in some cities here got a middle part with low floor"

yes sometimes this cars even called Tatra KT6 (like in Tallin).

I know about Kt4 - Soviet sistems prefered T4 trams (narrow version of T3) for a long time, while KT4 were purchased by GDR. You know our people was very... conservative if not say retarded) Moscow purchased Tatra T3 till 1988 (!!) although there already were T6B5 and KT8D5. The good point - we still have a great amount of rebuild Tatras here , the bad... you know it looks very cute but still strange for such a large city as Moscow is.
フロニャン 4 мар. 2016 г. в 4:30 
The EU law I mentioned prohibits high floor trains in the European Union, so they have to get rid of the old trams. Official reason is to have more accessibility for disabled people in wheelchairs but I guess it's more about beating out small operating companies (high fines for those who can't upgrade due to financial reasons) and production of new trams...

That's maybe the reason why all the Tatra trams are getting disbanded.
At least it's the reason for the German ones.
KT4 trains in some cities here got a middle part with low floor (from first sight maybe a bit like KT8 light edition)

The KT4 were actually built fist for German cities so their width was set to our old tram system standards. The prototype has been tested in Potsdam.
フロニャン 4 мар. 2016 г. в 4:23 
About your photo:
Why does the 2nd wagon have the old pantograph? I mean, the doors are obviously those from Berlin. Also the red lamps over the doors (door closing lights) are from here. But did they maybe put a pantograph on a B6? I mean, we replaced all pantographs here to the newer ones...

Well, the reason Kaliningrad has 1000mm gauge is that the city used to be Prussian by the time the trams were introduced. We normally use 1435mm gauge here but some cities here still have 1000mm. But since it's not common in Russia and it's hard to get new trains from local manufacturers with that gauge they got rid of most lines in Kaliningrad.
フロニャン 4 мар. 2016 г. в 4:12 
Well, apart from Strausberg all our Tatras in Germany used Scharfenberg coupling (which is standard here too^^)
The Temirtau train looks like it just came from Potsdam, with old operator logo and even number.

I know many old KT4D and T6A2 are now in Szcecin. Actually rode them last year during my visit and noticed they even have the last repaint information etc. on the outside still in German.

About Strausberg's KT8:
Before modernization
After modernizarion
They seemed to modernize it the same way they did for Prague's KT8 with differences in the design which is the actual BVG (Berlin's tram, subway and bus operator) corporate design. Also the interior as far as I could see it on photos is the same as BVG has, not Prague's design.