The Witness
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The Shipwreck Puzzle
โดย Innocentive
How to solve the puzzle in the shipwreck.
This guide is supposed to shed some light on how to solve the puzzle on the shipwreck. I've literally spent hours listening to the sounds and running around to find clues and I came up with a rather simple yet cleverly hidden solution that fits with everything I've learned on the island.

Also, I am aware that my findings may be incorrect but I can match the following rules with the two valid basic solutions that I found and all other invalid solutions. Anyway, if I'm wrong this guide may at least serve as a central discussion point for this puzzle.

So let's start :)

PS: I strongly recommend to first try and figure out the solution to this puzzle on your own with the following hints because it is very rewarding to make sense of all the clues you have:
  • The puzzle is a combination of a sound puzzle (as can be found in the tropical forest) and a symmetry puzzle (as can be found on symmetry island).
  • There is a red light right next to the puzzle.
  • Listen very carefully to the sound clues. There are only two that overlap.
  • Try and find a symmetry puzzle that would fit with the puzzle inside the shipwreck.
Ok, you've been warned! You're now entering territory mined with
The Panel

The panel contains two groups of colored pick-up symbols and two black pick-up symbols. In conjunction with the audio ambience it is rather safe to assume that the panel is a sound puzzle as can be found in the tropical forest. According to the rules of sound puzzles, we have the following pitches available:
  1. Orange: low, medium & medium;
  2. Pink: low & high;
  3. Black: medium & high.
Furthermore, the panel is a symmetry puzzle because we have two entry points and two exit points. The symmetry mode is a point reflection.
The Sound Clues
There are two sound clues that can be found. When I first approached this puzzle I didn't even figure that out and thought there were three sound clues. I had to take a look/listen at the audio in a wave editor because the loop intervals are so long. Here's what I found:

1. Drops Loop
There is a loop consisting of three drop sounds. Considering that one of the three drop sounds is much louder and forceful, it can be assumed that that one is the starting sound of the loop. Thus. the pitch order of the loop is:

low - high - medium.

You can download an example sound file from here[] but I guess everyone reading this guide has heard it at least dozens of times already ;)

Now it can be said that there are also different pitches to the whole of a loop. That got me stuck quite a while but as far as I can tell the different pitches to entire loops have a random order. If need be I can also link you to a sound file examplifying that. If there's any purpose to these different loop pitches it's to add to the ambience so that this audio clue doesn't become too monotonous.

2. Horn Loop
The second loop consists of four horn sounds. The loop is almost two minutes long which makes it very difficult to detect in its entirety. Anyhow, the intervals between the sounds differ. While you have three gaps of roughly ten seconds between sounds, there is one gap of about fifty seconds. It can be assumed that the first sound after the long gap is the starting sound. The pitch order then is:

medium - low - medium - high.

I took the liberty of creating a sound file with the gaps cut. You can download it here[].

3. Conclusion
The pick-up symbols have to be collected in the two above-mentioned pitch orders. If we look at the available symbols on the panel
  • the pink symbols would provide for the first two pick-ups of the three-symbol sequence, and
  • the orange symbols would provide for the first three pick-ups of the four-symbol sequence.
So it is fair to assume that each pick-up sequence has to be extended by one more symbol.

Coincidentally, the two black pick-ups exactly fit the sound profile. But what about the colors? They don't seem to fit.
The Symmetry Clues
In fact the color clues make perfect sense. But don't worry, I was also deluded by that for quite some time. Just take a look at the following screenshot of three puzzles that you can find on symmetry island:

You have blue and yellow colored pick-ups as well as black pick-ups.That sort of fits with the board that we have on the shipwreck. Considering our knowledge of the rules from the symmetry puzzles, it is safe to assume that one of the lines to be drawn has to pick up all the yellow symbols while the other line has to pick up all the blue symbols (except we don't have blue and yellow ... I'll get to that in a moment). The black symbols can be picked up by either line.

Now, why are the pickups pink and orange?
The Light Clue
Contrary to what I believed so far, this puzzle does need a little color theory. However, it's not subtractive but additive color theory.

In fact, what puzzled me most about this panel was that you could see pink and orange dots. Now, pink is a mixture of red and blue light while orange is a mixture of red and green light. In both cases there's a stronger red amount. The puzzleing thing about that is that the scene of the puzzle is lit only by the red light right next to the door. In such case, one should not be able to see pink and orange because according to subtractive color theory, pink and orange objects would appear red.

So there is another very well hidden clue here: In order for the symbols to appear orange and pink, there must be other light sources that cover the blue and green spectrum of light. These sources can only be the symbols themselves. If you take another look at the previous screenshots of the puzzles on symmetry island, you can see that the yellow and blue symbols actually have a shiny aura around them. That's because they are lit themselves! That's the missing clue to make everything in this puzzle fit:
  1. If you mix red light with yellow light you get orange light (depending on the intensity of the red light).
  2. If you mix red light with cyan light you get pink light (depending on the intensity of the red light).
  3. Black unlit symbols will appear black in red light.
Summary Conclusion
Putting all the above findings into one coherent set of rules, we end up with the following:
  1. Sound clues: One sequence of low - high - medium and one sequence of medium - low - medium - high are required for the solution.
  2. Symmetry/Light clues: One of the two solution lines can only cross pink and black symbols while the other solution line can only cross orange and black symbols.
These rules should be sufficient for you to figure out the solution to this puzzle. If not, here is a screenhot of a valid solution (spoiler hidden - if you want to see it hover your mouse over the black square below):

48 ความเห็น
GuybrushMonkey97 24 ม.ค. @ 9: 57am 
Thank you so much! I never would have caught onto the color part, and thought there were three sound cues as well, glad I looked it up!
baffle strike 13 ก.ค. 2024 @ 3: 25am 
This is great but I'm still not sure how the color plays into this. it seems like your solution can just treat them like they're pink and orange.
KaeraNeko 10 ต.ค. 2023 @ 5: 54pm 
it is intuitive with the context provided in this guide, but this puzzle is probably the worst one in the entire game. it's a poorly executed hodgepodge of mechanics. the most infuriating part is interpreting the sound clues. what's the point of making the sheet metal notes so far apart that they can be misinterpreted as ambient noise?
TeddybearEnthusiast 10 มิ.ย. 2023 @ 2: 14am 
welp hearing damage means sound puzzles are not for me. Thanks.
EssentiallyFalse 28 พ.ค. 2023 @ 7: 05pm 
jonathan blow is toying with us
TerrArist 2 มี.ค. 2023 @ 5: 23am 
I'd seeked for copper but I found gold
P.S. I really tried all the morning, but couldn't succeed, mostly because I didn't want to assume there is a sound hint. Still, red your guide thoroughly, comparing with my own thoughts and trying to figure out the rules for myself based on your notes I succeded with the puzzle. Hurray!
Innocentive  [ผู้สร้าง] 12 ม.ค. 2023 @ 11: 34am 
Nice to see that this guide is still getting some love :) Thanks, Koreniakis!
Koreniakis 12 ม.ค. 2023 @ 10: 17am 
Just to add another year to this thread, thank you for this guide! I was incredibly close to the conclusion and the only thing stopping me was the insanely long time for the "horn" sound. In my mind it is just metal bending and gliding, and that scared me so damn much I couldn't do this puzzle by myself. Thanks a lot!
Innocentive  [ผู้สร้าง] 6 มิ.ย. 2021 @ 12: 25pm 
You're welcome, THE_LOL!
The_L0L 6 มิ.ย. 2021 @ 12: 06pm 
I absolutely love this game, but the sound puzzles are not for me.. Thanks for good sound hints without spoiling the solution :)