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DC AP Spam, People actually like the stuff XP
By 131ake
I receive a lot of compliments on my AP DC build and so I figured I would put it out there for everyone to see. It has awesome buffs, debuffs and of course AP gains. Let's have some spam together all!
So, I’ve been asked a lot recently about my build and I figured I would share mine. This is as of Module 8 -Underdark- and is my interpretation of an AP DC. It should be noted the gear and powers of what I write in this build are what I consider as ideal. Remember, a build only goes so far, it’s having the skills and knowing the capabilities of what your character can handle that is more important.
To begin, this build is for an Anointed Champion DC, if people like this build enough, I could work on other versions. For ability scores focus on wis and cha for each point. Wis for outgoing heals and cha for AP building. For races I chose human for the extra feat and defense. Your main focus should be the following when building a character: Power>Recovery>Defense>Crit>Movement/Regen. Power for two reasons: It directly effects your HOTs (Heals over time) and boosts allies damage output/ power with the weapons of light feat. Recovery for two reasons: It allows your encounters to CD (cooldown) faster which in turn allows you to spam your daily faster. Defense for survivability. Movement for survivability also. By level 70 you should be looking at around 12k power, 6.5k recovery, and 5k defense for 2.5k IL.

Again, please note this is based off a human build. I’ll note what should be removed for other races to make up for the loss of feats.

Healing action 5/5: More AP for healing abilities, absolutely. With this build we spam heal moves, this bonus is a must.

Greater Fortune 3/3: While we’re focusing building player’s AP, we must also concern ourselves with their health. HOTs ensure everyone stays topped off, but this gives us that extra security.

Domain Synergy 5/5: 5% more recovery is a must.

Initiate of the faith *2/5: If you’re a human and have the extra feats, take this. It’ll help your overall heals by increasing the chance they crit. It’s a great bonus too with a huge power source like ours. BUT IF YOU DON’T HAVE EXTRA FEATS DO NOT TAKE.

Repurpose soul 3/3 or 2/3*: Good for keeping our allies alive. Everyone’s play style should be to stay somewhat bunched together to maximize our AP gains. As a result, this small heal can really bring back a lot of health. *2/3 if you don’t have the human feats, take only 2/3.

Bountiful Fortune 5/5: It may seem like a waste to have faster Divine power, but with this build it allows us to spam our moves at a faster rate. With this feat we can fill our divine meter in 3 hits, meaning we can spam our ap gains.

Have Faith 5/5: This procs with every HOT, as a result from the build, anytime someone gets hit, they’ll receive 5% Dam. Resist. Fantastic in combination with Shield of the Divine.
Battle Fervor 5/5: This increases allies power by 15% with use of Blessing of Battle. That is an awesome bonus to an already great at-will. With 12k power you’re seeing a boost of 1.8k for just using an attack. Great buff.

Gift of Haste 5/5: This is the crux of the build. HOT grant targets 5% of their AP when applied. Every move we use applies HOT and Shield of Divine ensures every hit allies take will grant them AP.

Unbreakable Devotion 5/5: Since HOT lack the ability to heal quickly and at crucial moments, the best we can do is grant a shield to prevent any damage from happening. While we cannot control when this procs, it could mean the difference between someone being nuked or not. Remember, Shield of Divine will apply this shield too, so you don’t have to baby sit someone not in range of moves.

Purity 5/5: Again, lacking the crucial quick heals means we need amazing HOT. Purity stacks with SOTD (Shield of the divine) increasing that chance astronomically.

Shield of the Divine 5/5: Another crux of the build. Every hit allies take applies a HOT meaning EVERY hit applies HOT, Dam. Res from have faith, AP from Haste, and Shield from Unbreakable. The HOT is great too increasing the heal output from our healing word and divine glow, two moves you’ll soon see we use a lot of.

Furious Intervention 5/5: Generation of our AP is awesome. 10% more when we spam attacks, even better. This stacks with Healing action too.

Ancient Warding 5/5: The daily we use is Anointed Army. Meaning with this feat we heal 3% of anyone effected by it and they gain 5% of their AP. Again, AP gain with heals. Furthermore, this effects you every time, you’ll always receive this daily as you are the center of the blast.

Weapons of Light 5/5: Allies within 30’ get 10% of our power. Note this stacks with Battle Fervor and every power boost you use. If you drink a power potion, allies receive a free bonus from that too. If gear procs, allies receive the bonus too. It’s a really great feat and will help burn down bosses faster.
Powers and usage tips
Here I will talk about the main powers needed for the build. Anything not mentioned here is up to you to take, but these mentioned should be upgraded and used first. Also I will give you tips on how to use the powers properly, 90% of the build is playing right.

Astral Seal: Applies a heal for anyone attacking targets. With current feats, one attack will build 75% of a divine meter and can be used 3 times within 5 seconds.
*TIPS* This is a great way to build Divine Power and AP while applying possible heals to bosses or adds for allies. It can only proc once every 4 secs, but this is additional to heals you’re already applying. When you’re not using anything else, you should always be using this. There should always be an AS (Astral Seal) on a boss!

Sun Burst: This move applies a heal and grants a ton of AP when used correctly. Furthermore, when used with divinity, it can spammed to apply Haste to ourselves and all allies. Note the haste and the damage ap gains stack for us. A divine sun burst without boosts will grant us about 11% AP per use. Also, note a Sun Burst without divine is not effected by SotD and as a result can be used to apply a direct heal to allies and self. Divine sun burst also applies a HOT and will proc Haste for everyone caught near it’s blast. This is a must.
*TIPS* This move should be used always when divine is full. With a full meter of divine you can get 4 sun bursts out of the move, 1 from regular 3 from divine. Against a dummy, with this move you can build 30% of daily in 4 hits. The regular has some applications but needs to be used wisely. Do not use it when your HR or CW is gathering adds together, Sun burst applies a blast on the regular ONLY (not on divine). The blast will push adds away and could make your CC very angry. But use it when on a boss. Position yourself close to allies receiving damage and near boss and you’ll always proc the extra AP gain while keeping allies always healed. Divine should only be used for sun burst. There is no blast from divine mode and it applies a HOT/Haste to everyone caught in its blast. Divine should be thought of as encounter charges for sun burst. Try to get your allies to group a little to maximize AP gains for everyone.

Healing Word: Applies a HOT to allies and can again be spammed up to 3 times. Can be a great long distance heal for allies, and if your positioning is correct, you can usually get everyone a haste boost in the line provided.

*TIPS* Never use your divine for this, divine does not give us AP for healing word! A single charge of healing word should grant your about 12% of your AP. Also, never let the charges refill totally. You should always be on cooldown for at least 1. Use healing word out of combat if you have to, but if your healing word is ever full, you’re not maximizing your AP gains. When waiting at the door to the boss, try to spam as many as you can before the cut scene, you’ll help build AP for allies for upcoming battle, and charges regain during cut scene. During battle, make sure you position yourself close enough to allies to apply sun burst spams, but also can apply healing word. If nothing else, a healing word should always be on your tank. Always try to keep at least one charge, in case of emergency healing, but that’s not the point the healing word, it’s another way to build AP quickly. At this point, we have 4 sun bursts and 3 healing words. The spam is real.

Holy Fervor: Attacks generate 5% more AP. This in conjunction with Sun burst is detrimental to the enemies and awesome for our build.

Blessing of Battle: Grants a defensive and power buff (from our feat). Very useful, but only needed occasionally. Main at will should be focused on astral seal. One Blessing should grant an entire bar of Divine power, but you can only get 2.5 out in 5 seconds. Being locked down for the animation is not desired.

*TIPS* Blessing of battle is a great opener as most allies spam their ults right off the bat and that power boost will ensure maximum dps for all. I recommend using the rotation of 1 blessing, 2 astral seals. That usually fills it up quite nicely. Unfortunately, the blessing can be canceled by using other moves or dodging, so make sure you receive your divine before using anything else or you won’t gain the power and defense buffs.

Divine Armor: This is our safety net in case someone is in dire need of saving. Do not use normally as AP cannot build during a set time, use only in cases of emergencies as you’ll be stuck waiting for an invisible CD to end before spamming more AP gains. This is our secondary Daily

Divine Glow: Applies HOT and Haste while granting allies Dam Resist and reduces foes dam resist. Don’t use with Divine power, but an awesome buff/debuff.

*TIPS* Always try to use this on the largest group possible near foes. While this is great for a haste buff, it’s best if used as a way to maximize the buff. Altogether a great skill for everyone.

Anointed Army: Our crux to the build and main daily. Grants everyone temp hp, are immune to control, take less damage, buffs power greatly and with our feats grants power, grants AP also, and each orb acts as a shield against damage. This is awesome already, but even better is that while the daily is up, you can build AP for your next one, unlike Divine shield or hallowed ground. This makes the spam even more real. So amazingly good.

*TIPS* When entering a room with a boss, wait for the health bar to appear for boss then use this daily. 1 it will prevent incoming damage that bosses tend to toss out at the beginning. Also, allies tend to spam their daily right off the bat, this increases their power astronomically for that. If you can, try to have daily out at the same time as blessing of battle buff is on to maximize power output. Try to position yourself to hit as many allies as possible with your daily and anytime you have full AP use it. With this build, you’ll be spamming dailies so fast your allies won’t even know what to do with the AP.

Hastening Light: With every spam of your daily, you reduce timers for allies. Essentially granting them a portion of your recovery too. This helps maximize the team overall. Great passive.

Everything else is up to you for solo play. I'd recommend getting DPS powers so running campaigns isn't such a chore. However, running anything solo is going to be like pulling teeth, as we DC don't have much DPS. If you can find a group to run with, i'd recommend that.
Your primary focus as you have seen in this build should be Power>Recovery> Defense. Choose Items accordingly to that. With the introduction of Underdark I recommend working towards the twisted weapon set as it boosts overall power and defense accordingly. Very usefull.

For Armor, I recommend the underdark set seeing as it will help running Edemo's.

For rings, I recommend working towards rings of brutality and rising power as each increase in your power means a subsequent power increase for allies.

For Neck and waist, I recommend Lathander set in conjunction with Lathander artifact. The invunerability from injuries is a fantastic bonus. Yes there are artifacts that increase our healing, but if you are to drop during combat an injury could be detrimental to not just yourself but the entire team.

For Artifact, I recommend the Eye of Lathander primarily on it's utilitarian usage. Should an ally drop for whatever reason, the eye allows you to get them back up without having to reposition yourself. This is essential for dungeons like VT where some allies are caught in red blast and there is no way to stand in one spot to rez.

For weapon Enchantment, I recommend Holy as it applies awesome radiant damage, increasing our HOT and it applies a possible heal for each hit we make. Seeing as we spam sun bursts, each of those increases our chances of healing our allies.

For Armor Enchantment, I recommend Soul Forged. If you somehow do get nuked, it is detrimental to the team to have to rez you. Once you drop, you'll see your ally's health drop astronomically. Soul forged prevents this problem and gives you a second chance while simultaneously boosting ally's recovery. This is why lathander set is necessary, because if you are rez'd from soulforged you will not incur an injury that could probably lead to another quick death. Lastly, if you are with a team where you are drawing all the agro, once you drop and rez from soul forged, you drop all agro you had before death.

KOT 26 Nov, 2020 @ 1:51pm 
Zazorok 9 Sep, 2018 @ 3:42pm 
too many words, needs some pictures