Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

このアイテムは Counter-Strike 2 と互換性がありません。 このアイテムが Counter-Strike 2 で動作しない理由については、 インストラクション を参照してください。
28 人が評価
ゲームモード: カスタム
タグ: Map
92.206 MB
2016年2月2日 18時31分
2016年10月13日 12時42分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )



Mapa de jailbreak brasileiro com diversos grafites e pixações, além de várias brincadeiras e secrets por todo mapa.

  • As portas das celas irão matar qualquer um que interromper sua abertura / fechamento.
  • Aperte um botão por vez no colours.
  • Não deixe de dar seu feedback e se inscrever no mapa!
  • Se encontrar qualquer bug ou problemas, não deixe de avisar nos comentários!
5 件のコメント
Geladeira Brastemp 37Litros 2018年2月24日 12時05分 
tellas  [作成者] 2016年7月17日 14時12分 
Thanks for the feedback Yashiro, I'm almost finishing the version 2 of this map!
Yashiro 2016年6月8日 9時02分 
cont... 2/2

+ There is no climb? It would be nice if a proper climb could be included. The race thing is fine, but kind of predictable. Maybe find a way to randomize the panels?

+ Death Crate could use a 2x larger pit

+ Chicken Race seems to be broken? I couldn't get the chickens to race properly. Most of the time they would just stand at the start and do nothing. Sometimes they would start spawned at the end of the race.

+ C4 Throw didn't have any C4 or ball to throw

+ The duct is cool for rebeling. 1 or 2 more could be added, especially one from the main cell block into the armory (for War Days). I didn't look to terribly hard for any secrets so I'm not sure if one exists in the main cell block that leads to armory.
Yashiro 2016年6月8日 9時02分 
Good start.

+ It would be nice if the map itself was bigger to accommodate servers with larger player counts.

+ Pool is small and doesn't have any proper diving boards that actually launch the player.

+ Disco has a bug where you can play all 5 sounds at one time. Pressing one button should cancel all other sounds.

+ Colors is good, but it would be better if you spread out the panels so players must jump over the gaps

+ Roulette Wheel could use bigger color panels for players to stand on, as well as walls that trap the players inside so they can't run off or switch panels

Rabbit_wolf 2016年2月3日 1時39分