Dreamfall Chapters
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Decisions (warning spoilers)
От Ligea
A very useful guide for info about the various decisions made at key points in the game. This is mostly based on the future portion, if you picked the first option back in the storytime, at the start of the game (I will try to update when I get to the past portion). I'm not entirely sure what happens, if you pick the past option, though I am aware that the "bot" you find in both times are different, but both in a weird way still help you in the story. Advisable, that someone not read this if they don't want information on the game or characters. However, there were a few mistakes I've made on my first play through, that might allow another person to choose a better option, because let's face it some of the decisions are better than others. But, the cool thing about this game, is that ultimately it's up to you to decide how you want the story to unfold.
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Future Decisions
Hello, now just to be clear, this may contain spoilers, as will my screen shots. I don't do that to annoy others, but mostly I like to leave notes and references to myself for a later time. However, if someone could get any use out of any of this info, perhaps make a play through a little less hairpulling, though in all honesty, other than a few of the puzzles, most everything about this game is decision based (similar to some that have been popular and already out there, as with tell-tale games,etc). Unlike, other time games, which often relied on Paradox theme, such as Life is Strange, Chrono Trigger, Shadow of Destiny. This sci-fi fantasy is based more like , well about the only comparison I have is "Sliders", much of it is based on a waking world and a dream world, light and dark, your actions affect something called "the balance" much like a yin/yang, though it's not really spelled out on good and evil terms. I will add a past part to this guide when I've gotten though that section. And I'm sure many people have already accomplished this, but most people don't take the time to write tips and guides on it really.

This next big, for 2 or 3 paragraphs is simply a comparison about the game/company, you may want to skip toward the decision part, if you are pressed for time. I do have a tendency to find it hard to get right to the point. It's a weakness, but I've learned to live with it.

With as popular as this game was, I was surprised that there was only a few guides listed. I was also surprised that the same company that made Secret World, also made this game...while I don't mind my share of a good scare, I actually think I would have prefered an MMO based on this game, rather than something that scared me every 10 minutes. I guess as I'm getting older, I just prefer games that challenge me, yet not so much that I'm pulling out my hair,games that make me care abou the characters, rather than like a cliche. And I think this game would have made some excellent fodder for an MMO, though it would probably be tricky to implement a future world with a more industrial, simple place. I think it would be easy to pick either a magical character or a human (either an Azadi or a person more like Zoe, who is in that 2100-2200 well whicher time frame she was from). It's been a long time since I enjoyed an RPG as much as Dreamfall, and I'm even inclined to in the near future, go back and buy the previous games, just so I get an idea of the previous stories.

I did like playing Secret World for an MMO, but when I look at something like the story in this game...I'm just blown away by the writing and funny dialogue, yet how sweet and serious it could be. I know many women liked playing this game, but I think men would enjoy it too. I think maybe the reason guys were not always as drawn to it is that because it was chapter/writing specific, there wasn't too many things to "bash" but personally I loved the hell out of the bots that you meet, and I thought it was a clever side quest, but that they were also big in the help of the characters. I really do think funcom missed an opporunity with making this game an MMO, secret world has pretty much since the first year suffered from not enough players, and since there's a huge learning curve to secret world, like some of the puzzles are almost too hard that it requires you going to an online manual (thankful there have been people dedicated to putting those out). But a game like this, I could foresee how that would have been more appealing to people. While there are alot of horror/thriller buffs out there, and I often straddle that sphere myself, but there are times I like to unwind with games like dreamfall because they are well less stressful, more story enriched, and while the stories may not be always bright and chipper, the humor helps it become more enduring. Anyway, probably should have saved that part for a review. But, I think those are some good parallels that needed to be said.

So, on the the decision part: I'm also doing this from memory, but have been playing this game for a little over a week or two now, so it's still pretty fresh in my memory, I've made a few notes and taken a slew of screenshots to keep my memory jarred. I don't normally take 2 or 300 screenshots from a game, but let's be honest with you have such a gorgeous looking game like Dreamfall, I personally don't mind revisiting them. In fact, I had to get another graphics card in order for me to be able to play it. And I honestly, still need another upgrade to it, but at least I can enjoy this game, I must have had it for a year before I was even able to fully enjoy it. I recommend upgrading if your PC can't handle the graphics, because it is most certainly a story worthy of being enjoyed, and I'm pretty sure most will enjoy it. I don't know who wrote these, I'm sure it's on the credits, but truly a gifted person or persons, whoever did the majority of it.

So, the first big decision is in the storytime, you're asked if you want to go to the future, the first option, or revisit the past. Call me a sci-fi buff, but I was curious how the future would turn out, it's like a weird mesh of Blade Runner meets other Dystopian novels/films you might have read. Also kinda reminds me of robocop or terminator in a way, because you have these robots who patrol the street as well as just general human troops. The reason I say terminator is because of Waticorp (which well, I think the writers could have used another name to stand for a evil conglomerate who cares nothing for safety and everything with the bottom line).

The next decision which, I'm not sure if it's major or minor, once you wake up from storytime, you're given the option to get your boyfriend Reza either some cheese soup from Neila's cart, or her sausages (be aware in a later episode you learn her shipment of sausages was bad, so I'm not sure if your boyfriend would have been upset, he only likes simple foods, nothing exotic according to Zoe), however, even though I went with the safer option, you still end up arguing with your boyfriend about "food" of all things. I'm not terrible sure if it matters about the food, as I haven't tried the sausage option, and knowing they were bad, I'm kinda glad I stuck to the safe option.

The next big option seems to come from your therapist about whether you want to "remember" or "not remember", rather to go on with your life. Now, playing devil's advocate, I'm inclined to believe that remembering would be more important because after all the prophet from storytime asked you to remember, and that seems to be a huge thing. Do keep in mind that I have not played the previous two games (though I'm hoping to do so 2 or 3 months, I need to save up money for a bit, but I if any game deserves to play some of the previous stories, it would be this game, and yes the graphics are alot more dated, the 2nd doesn't seem to bad, but it would be hard to go back to the way the graphics were on the first...but, a few of the games I have are from 2000, it's not a huge issue to me as long as the game is playable, I don't always mind playing more retro games, though I will admit sometimes graphics are a big thing to me, but the story will always matter more in the end).

The option to tell Queenie where Hanna is, no doubt is a huge thing. I personally, decided to tell Queenie, I'm almost through with the game, but still not done enough to know what happens to either, so at this part I am guessing, but based on the conversation with Yaga (also if you decide to tell Yaga about your "sin" about betraying a trust, Yaga will tell you, you won't have any memory of it, I suppose because she eats up that memory or something). I decided to play it safe, and not give up that info because I figured if Queenie never knew Hanna was safe, think about the timeline there, would Hanna have been able to accompany to get the dreamM?
Future Decisions 2
I suppose one of the first big decision that Kian Alvani has to make is about whether to tell the resistance about the woman who saves you, or at least the woman you first wake up to see and she has healed your wounds, but has taken you to the resistance HQ. You can choose either to tell her secret, expose her for betraying April, she claims the only reason she did that was to get food and medicine (at least her goal was nobel). I figured what good what it do the resistance, & she did help heal you.

The decision about whether to tell Bip the truth about his parents or basically lying...I'm not entirely sure if that's just a minor decision, but I can tell you that even though I wanted to keep him from the truth, he is a smart boy of course, he will see through your deception, though I don't think it really affects your relationship with him. I do feel he might have been better prepared for whenever he himself is taken to the prison camp, maybe telling him the truth would have helped him see the dire of his situation. I also don't know if it matters, but I also returned the tools to the Azadi worker, instead of not doing so, or giving them to Bip, it kind of makes me wonder if Bip would have returned them, would that have still would have counted, and would he have done it right? I guess as long as the tools got back to the worker, that was the big thing during that sequence. I prefer to do things myself though, so I didn't want to risk a kid to return it, even though Bip clearly seems able to handle himself; he kinda grows on you after awhile and you see he is very self reliant, a rare trait in kids, but then again he was forced to grow up to survive (with his parents not being there).

Another big decision Alvani has to face, is during that same frame, you learn that the Azadi soldier you're going to meet, is basically a child molester (kinda scary they put this sort of thing in the game, but since it's an unfortunate part of reality as well, I admit it would be tough to know what to do in that situation, which is the right decision when someone has committed such a horrible crime? Does an eye for an eye make the whole world blind? Or is defending someone justice, would it make them feel safer (probably not if the act is already done, but I'd like to believe that standing up for someone is never a wasted thing). I wanted nothing more than to torture the solider at that point, howevergiven some of the clues about getting inside information to not do so, actually seemed more prudent for me (plus actions always have a way of outing anyway). I liked the fact that Enu thought I did the right thing, but that put me on bad terms with Leiko (and we've already wronged him enough, that I did feel bad about it), however you do get a chance to redeem yourself with him, if you allow him to come with you and you grab his hand, instead of not doing so. You also have to apologize, instead of choosing to sleep (that's important to unlock a special scene). It was nice to hear another piece of Leiko's story and to hear some funny jokes.

Another big point in the game (in the future) is when your friend at Pandamodium (I'm blanking on her name), she is still your boss though, but when you get the data stick you are given the option to hand it to Baruti or give it to the news people (I wanted to try to save my friendship with Baruti, though he dies anyway, so what good is saving a friendship if they die?) But, I don't really know what would have happened if I gave it to the news people (I guess secretly I was afraid Reza would die, or that the news publication would be shut down). Even, though it didn't look like that would have been the case. I guess it would have made more sense to give it to journalists rather than giving it to a friend who still had ties to a corrupt person and campaign. And also, because Baruti dies Neila ends up putting an EM pulse toward that EYE building, though it wasn't suppose to be a bomb (it was just suppose to erupt the bots and shut then down, someone had rigged her device).

I'm not sure if I had given the data stick to the news if Neila would have died anyway. I do know there is a way Neila can get out of a job, it involves something with your boyfriend and if you give him the sausages, I think that gets Neila fired (I think I read this somewhere while looking for help on the vents). Though, in the end if Neila dies anyway, I'm not entirely sure if it matters she was fired, one would think maybe she wouldn't have any way to support a Marxist party (who in this game seems to be somewhat a liberating party. Not really sure the game should have solely focused on politics, but hey I guess if it's suppose to reflect the future, I suppose politics would still be a part of that. Whether Neila still dies or not, I'm glad she wasn't fired in my game.

Keep in mind there are smaller decisions which don't necessarily impact the story in a huge way, but sometimes they do, and you only have a few seconds to decide, like when Kian Alvani is with the red haired woman, and he can either kiss her or reject her, I always think kissing her is the right thing (because it seems you two have history and she seems to like you, and you seem to like/trust her).

Also, when the German guy breaks into Zoe's apartment, I don't know why I chose to throw something at him, when I merely could have dodged him (and sadly that ends up getting him killed) but we know he was still spying on you, I just don't know if it was to keep you safe, or if he was really bad, just like him threatening your therapist, another reason I chose to "remember" rather than forget, is that if you say you chose to forget it, the German guy doesn't really believe you're telling the truth, then he does on to say that the "good doctor" may have outlived his usefulness, so I went back and chose to remember, even though clearly it was a bad idea to flirt with him in the first place (but considering how your boyfriend never really seems grateful, it kind of makes sense why you'd at least be curious to flirting, but flirting is also not really cheating, it just means you have a desire or need that is unmet, and I think people make far too much about it than necessary). Though, they do make your boyfriend to be likeable most of the time and caring, he's just not very open to new adventures.

I also chose to hide the bo from Brian, considering I hadn't the played the previous games, so I have no idea if he was helpful in that game or someone to be wary about. I figured this was Abnaxus's house and since the general made a point to say, don't let anyone muck about in it, that I had best keep the info to a limit. Not entirely sure if this affects anything, though Brian does seem to know alot and he is helpful on translating the notes, but I didn't think it was a good idea for him to stick around at least unsupervised if Abnaxus or I wasn't present.

I know there were a few times when "the mole" asks you for info, especially the first time you met her playing as Alvani, usually I tried to say things which would appease her, however I also thought knowing or letting that messenger get killed was wrong, but there was really no way to save him since it was a rogue person who killed him. When you met the mole as Zoe, she basically just tells you things about Yaga, I don't remembering having to make a decision there.

I believe I'm on chapter 10 or 11, of the 4th book, so there may be 1 or 2 more things to add on to this, but this walkthrough is about done. I am hoping to add one for the past, just so those reading will have an idea of what might give them a better option during their playthrough, unless of course one likes suprises, but personally if given many options I try to get the better ending. I don't even know if this game has multi endings or just one yet.

1 коментара
Drake Ravenwolf 14 окт. 2016 в 1:05 
Sorry mate, but your "guide" takes WAY too long to get to the point.
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