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Adamantortoise Farming Guide
By cotton1
This is a guide for farming Adamantortoises without the use of the Death spell. I will cover where to and why farm tortoises, paradigm setup, gear setup, and the whole process. In addition, I will include a video of the fight as well, for reference. Please, feel free to ask questions, if any of the content is confusing or hard to understand.

In case this question arises, why do I prefer fighting it as opposed to "deathing" it to death? This method a lot more fun and I don't want to sit there mindlessly spamming Death and relying on luck to do the work for me. I'm not downtalking any Death users because I used it for Neochu.
Where to and Why Farm Adamantortoises?
Where to?
It is not exactly at the red dot (I apologize), but you just run down the ramp a bit and you'll see it there. After each fight, unfortunately, you'll have to save and reload the game for the spawning.

Why Farm Adamantortoises?
The purpose of farming Adamantortoise is primarily because of their drops; second to that is the CP. They drop Platinum Ingot (25% drop rate), which sells for 150,000 gil, and Trapezohedron (1% drop rate), which transforms your tier 2 weapon to tier 3. You can increase the odds of the drops by equipping Collector Catalog and Connoisseur Catalog. The CP they award is 40,000; 80,000 with Growth Egg (from Neochu).
Paradigm Setup

Relentless Assault and Tri-disaster: These two paradigms are to build the chain to stagger. The reason to switch between the two is because the COM slows chain depletion.

Aggression: This is only used once the Tortoise is down and the stagger is at 999%

Espionage: I start the fight with this one. Since SAB is a secondary role to Lightning, make sure she has Deprotect, Deshell, and Imperil. Hope will just be buffing in the background.

Tortoise: This paradigm is only for damage mitigation. You'll see in the video that it reduces roughly 50% of the stomp's damage.

Discretion: Evidently, your only healing paradigm. The COM is there in case your timing went wrong and the chain is about to deplete, you can use Ruin to save it from resetting.

Secondary Classes
You just need to learn Fire and Thunder. You want to use Thunder because it hits the quickest of all the skills. She is already maxed out at the time of the screenshot.
For SAB, learn Deprotect, Deshell, and Imperil. SEN, just get it to level 1, so it is available for use.
Get SEN to level 1

Gear Setup

The bold and caps were necessary. Sorry!


Weapon: My base weapon is Bladed Lance.

Accessories: By this point in the game, you should have 3 maxed Power Gloves on Fang already. Genji Glove (uncapped damage; allowing dmg over 99,999) is a different story. You can kill Tortoise without the Genji Glove, but it might take you two knockdowns, which isn't efficient.

How to get Genji Glove: There are only three Genji Gloves in the game (?). All 3 are rewarded from Cie'th Stone mission 51 (Attacus), 62 (Raktavija), and 63 (Adamantortoise). I suggest mission 63, since the other two are a pain in the ass. To unlock 63, you must have access to the Faultwarrens.

Weapon: My base weapon is Gladius.

Accessories: The Growth Egg (Neochu drops) isn't necessary, but the 80,000 CP is nice. Power Glove for the added strength and should be maxed at this point. Collector and Connoisseur Catalog (must have) for the increase common and rare drop rate.

Weapon: My base weapon is Hawkeye.

Accessories: Hope's accessories isn't too important. If I had an extra Weirding Glyph, I'd throw it on, but extra physical resistance wouldn't hurt.

The Fight
I'll try to keep this as concise as possible!

The Legs
In order to start dealing damage, we must take out the legs!
  • We start off Espionage (SAB, SAB, SYN) and apply Deprotect and Imperil. You'll be able to apply about 8 - 9 ATB bars before his first stomp.
    • Deprotect to assist Highwind
    • Imperil to drive up chain

  • Switch to Tortoise (SEN/SEN/SEN) to mitigate damage, then switch to:
    • If debuffs didn't stick, go to Espionage (SAB/SAB/SYN) and reapply
    • If debuffs stick, go to either Tri-disaster (RAV/RAV/RAV) or Relentless Assault (COM/RAV/RAV) and drive chain to stagger. With Tier 2 weapons, stagger to about 450%, then Highwind
    • The switch between Tri-disaster or Relentless Assault during the leg phase is situational. Refer to bottom notes!

  • When to switch to Discretion (COM/MED/MED)?
    • When timing went wrong and need to apply Ruin, ie. switched to wrong paradigm, chose wrong skill, etc.
    • When health is around 50% - 60%
Notes for The Leg Phase
  • After the initial stomp, you can land 10 ATB bars (tier 2 weps) or 12 ATB bars (tier 3 weps) before his next stomp
  • Tri-disaster is used when both debuffs have stuck, but he isn't staggered yet. Roughly, around 135% - 150%
  • Relentless Assault is used when you staggered the enemy with Espionage. By luck, the video covers both situations
  • If luck is against you and the debuffs didn't stick early for both legs, after his 6th or 7th stomp, he'll combo in Quake. Make a switch quick to Discretion and right to Tortoise after

The Face!
This is pretty straightforward, so I'll just throw the reference video here.

Notes for The Face! Phase
  • Once he's down, apply Deprotect, Deshell, and Imperil.
  • By the time you get to this phase, during Espionage, Hope should be close to applying Faith and Brave on Fang
  • After debuffs have been applied, switch between Tri-disaster and Relentless Assault till his stagger reach 900% - 950% and go Commando after
  • By eyeballing, Highwind once the health bar is around 30%

Final Words
Please, do not feel confined to everything in this guide. You can mess around with a different paradigm setup or even weapon and accessory set.

Thanks for reading this guide! To reiterate, if you have any questions, feel free to ask them. Or, leave a comment!