58 人が評価
Modding Major\Minor
作者: Daiwa-Sukaretto
Want to learn how to mod Major\minor like Zerani does, and add dank memes into the game? Want to change all the music into gangster rap, or Lady Gaga? Want to change every single character into your favorite TF2 class? Want to change the boring backgrounds into pictures of sexy women? This guide is for you then.
Klace changed some ♥♥♥♥ in the files, if you want to change a character you need to overright both the talking, and normal image or else it won't work.
Notes: BEFORE you start modding!
Now I know you probably don't want to read tons of useless ♥♥♥♥ and want to get down to the point of this most likely pointless guide, but before you start even thinking about modding this game you need to know this.


I swear if you don't back them up and complain to me or anyone or anything I will hack your internet, find your address, drive to your house, and beat you with your keyboard. I am not kidding I have friends in Anonymous and my father is Gabe Newell so don't mess with me and make sure you back up those files because gas costs money and I don't want to have to drive half way across the world to smack you with your keyboard.
Part 1: Finding the Folder Thingy with Game Data!
Right now, you are probably asking yourself "Why would I want to find the folder thing place that has game data?". Well if you want to mod this game in the first place, you need to know where the files, images, etc. are stored, it's not like you just think of something and it will appear in the game, you need to go into the files to do this, I figured you would know this (I hoped you would) but since you probably don't I will start on this.

Step 1: Go to the game's root files.

Well I have no idea where they are on a MAC because, who the ♥♥♥♥ even uses a MAC anyways, but you will want to head into your Steam root folder, and go into SteamApps. The exact location should be located at steamapps/common/Majorminor/. Once you have found this, you are going to get a page like this.

If you are here, you found the right spot. If you didn't find this, you need to learn how to use a compooter.

Step 2: Go into the dumb folder called "www"

Now comes the hard part, you will want to go into the folder titled "www", I don't know why it's called this but this is the folder where all the data for the game is stored, so please just go into it. Once you opened it, if you know how to that is, you are going to see a page like this.

Again, this is the file with like, most of the game's data, and we will spend litterally our whole time modding the game in this folder. If you got this far, you deserve a medal and a pat on the back, it's no small task to do this.
Part 2: Changing/Editing Characters!
Now we are actually going to dip our toes into the water and change some characters, you can do whatever you want here, change a character into John Cena, your mother, your waifu, or whatever else kids like these days, so let's get to it.

Step 1: Finding the Folder with Characters in it.

You probably thought you wouldn't have to do this again, but you were wrong. For editing characters, you are going to want to go into the img folder located inside the "www" folder. Inside it should look like this.

Now you will want to double click the folder called "pictures". I have no idea why Klace just named the folder "pictures", you would think he would be more creative and name it something like "folder filled with random characters", but whatever. Once you open that folder, you should see a ton of pictures of characters, some you probably never seen before, don't worry about those because Klace is a king of data encryption and he has all the spoilers hidden.

Step 2: Doing Whatever to the Character.

Choose some random character you want to mess with, doesn't really matter as long as it's a character in a chapter. For my examples I will use the Mystery Man, or if you already played the game Reiyo because he is the first character you actually see in the game.

What I usually do, is BACK THE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ THING UP before I edit it, because if ♥♥♥♥ hits the fan I would want to revert back to default. Then I open the image in my favorite choice of photo editing program, you can use anything that can open an image and have transparancy, MS PAINT DOESN'T WORK FOR THIS AT ALL!

NOTE: I'd back up the image by pasting it into another folder, and then editing the original, so it is easier to place the character, and keep the original image dementions so it looks correct when loaded into the game!

For this example I will give the Mystery Man or Reiyo some dope ass swag, because I know he wants to be a dank gangster.

As you can see, he's really cool now, way cooler than he was before.

Now that you have your character done, or done whatever you wanted to change it, save it and replace it, if you don't replace the original in the game files, it won't apply in the game. You can test to see if you actually did everything right in the game, it will load into the game if you made sure to replace the original with your edited version. Here is an example of how the new and improved Mystery Man or Reiyo looks in the game.

He looks so cool now, I am so jealous of his swag. As you can see it loads it in the game fine, as it should for you.

Step 2: Changing the Little Face at the Bottom of the Screen.

This is just as simple as changing the character, except you go into the folder titled "faces" in the "img" folder. All of the characters (or so far) are either in "Actor1.png", "Actor2.png", or "Actor3.png", so find which one has the character you edited in it, and edit the little square where the character is with the character you are replacing it with, etc.

I am not going to provide an example here, you should know the process from changing the character itself, it's litterally the same except you just have to fit it above the old character, or change them, and replace it again. Oh and congratulations on your first MajorMinor mod!

Part 3: Changing Character's Names, and Dialogue!
Well if you replaced a character with a different one, you probably don't want their name to be Kila or something, seriously who on Earth would want a name like that anyways?? Oh and there's also changing dialogue, I am sure you can come up with a funny meme to spam in there as well.

Step 1: Finding the Files with Character Names and ♥♥♥♥ in it.

If you were just editing character or whatever, you are going to want to go back into the "www" folder and double click on the folder titled "data". In here there are a ton of files and I don't really know what half of them mean or do, but don't worry because I know what we will want to change. I am going to edit the Mystery Man's (or Reiyo's) dialogue as an example for this, you can't change his name at the first part (or I just don't know how to) but you can change other character's names later on.

To edit the dialogue at the start of the game with the Mystery Man or Reiyo, open the file called "Map002.json" with your Notepad, press Edit at the top of the screen, go into Find and search "Welcome", it should take you to here.

You can edit this line, or any of the other lines in here (map002.json only contains dialogue for the first segment, before the bullet train scene), if you want to edit a later scene's dialogue, you will have to search the other map files, I don't know exactly where everything is, but it is all changed the same way you will here.

You can edit it like how I did here, then save ONLY IF YOU BACKED THIS UP, and when you play the game it will change the dialogue for the first line, which you can see here below.

Yay for ♥♥♥♥♥♥ overused memes, and yay you can use Notepad!

Step 2: Changing Character's Names.

This is probably the most annoying and painful thing to edit, because you have to change it for every single ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ line in the game, which means you have to search every single ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ map file for their name so you can edit it.

I am not going to show any examples, just go into each map file, find their name, and replace it to whatever you want, and save. When you do all of this, you can do funny ♥♥♥♥ like this.

Hurray, you just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ruined this game that Klace probably spent 1 hour making, you are a douche bag and really shouldn't ruin other people's hard work.
Part 4: Changing the Backgrounds!
Ok so, like myself you might not really care about the effort and time Klace spent to add beautiful Japanese scenery into the game, or you might just flat out ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hate Japan, and want to replace the backgrounds with pictures of the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ hood you grew up in or something, I don't really care honestly but you will learn how to change the backgrounds to whatever the heck your heart desires.

Step 1: Finding the Background Folder, and Editing the Crap.

Ugh it seems like we have done this 5 times already, but since 80% of you will not retain any of this KNAWLEDGE, I'll just repeat myself again. you will want to go back into the "www" folder, and go back into the "img" folder, and double click on the folder called "parallaxes". Inside here you will see a lot of backgrounds, some that are not even in the game yet, but ignore those and find the one you want to edit. For this I am going to edit the background called "weirdplace.png". Open the image with your photo editing program, place a new background in here or add something, I am going to transform this space-y place into a ghetto hood, which you can see.

Such a gangster hood we have here, once you replaced the image, launch the game and it will be there unless you really didn't listen and didn't replace it like I said, the finished product should look like this.

There you have it, you replaced that boring and lame space background with an image straight outta Compton.
Part 5: Changing Music/SFX/yadda yadda ya!
So like, like myself you would probably love to hear Sanic destroying your ears while playing this, and this is just as simple to do as it is to change images in this game! I will not have any images to reference because this is all sound crap, and I am poor and don't have a program that can record (plz send money), so you are on your own.

Step 1: Finding the Audio Folder.

Ok, so go back into the "www" folder again, don't worry this is probably the last time you have to do this. Head on into the "audio" folder, and inside there go into the "bgm" folder, bgm stands for Background Music, if you didn't know already (I'm real smart), and there will be a ton of named songs that are all .ogg format, don't worry about this yet though. Now, not all of these songs are used in the game yet, your job is to find out which song is in the scene you want to change, and if people want me to, I can upload .MP3 versions of all the songs, so you can figure out which one you want to change without having to convert everything (Ugh so lazy) to .MP3 format.

For my (written) example, I'll show you how to replace the song for when you first talk to the Mystery Man or Reiyo. In the files, this song is litterally just called "church.ogg", find it, make sure you back it up, and find a song you want to replace this with. I replaced it with this song.

xddddddddddddd rip

But anyways, find the song you want, doesn't really matter, and head on over to or any website or program that can convert a .MP3 or .WAV file into .ogg format, and convert your song. Once it is fully converted, rename the song to "church.ogg" and replace it. Launch the game, and it should play, if it doesn't I don't know what went wrong, audio really isn't my specialty, if it did work, good for you and enjoy listening to Justin Beiber while playing Major\Minor.

Sound effects are the same way, they are just located in the "se" folder, you change them the exact same way.
Conclusion: AKA, I don't really care.
You now know everything that I know on destroying this perfectly fine game, have fun spamming terrible overused memes on this, making dank meme screenshots like Zerani, and take pride in destroying Klace's hard work, he likes when you do that anyways.

Also I am not responsable for anything you do to the game, if you break it or add porn and get banned it is 100% your own fault and is the risk you take when modding games.

And I am also aware that HF whatever the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ his name is (Seriously can't remember his name at all) made some mod guide, mine's way better and cooler, and tells you how to do more, he should learn from me tbh.
34 件のコメント
Hassat Hunter 2022年7月31日 13時34分 
Since apparently there were so many backgrounds due to a Steam bug, and when they found out they were like 'Hey, lower them to our accepted number'. Initially the other ones literally dissapeared but fortunately that was reverted.
Maxxie <3 2022年7月15日 10時19分 
sowwy >w<
Daiwa-Sukaretto  [作成者] 2022年7月14日 16時56分 
fuck is wrong with you
Maxxie <3 2022年7月14日 15時03分 
Sorry Daddy💜
punish me💜
Daiwa-Sukaretto  [作成者] 2022年7月14日 14時37分 
bih shut yo ass up
Maxxie <3 2022年7月14日 6時32分 
Wilma Dick
Daiwa-Sukaretto  [作成者] 2022年7月14日 2時30分 
Kemono 2022年6月24日 7時19分 
Daiwa-Sukaretto  [作成者] 2022年6月24日 7時19分 
bc they removed that version of the game from the store
Kemono 2022年6月24日 6時56分 
any idea why they removed half of the backgrounds?