Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

357 ψήφοι
The In-Depth Recruit Guide
Από Popcorn και 6 συνεργάτες
Arm yourself with the knowledge of how Recruit will behave post-Void Edge and minor changes up to Neon Dawn!
Μη αγαπημένο

Recent Recruit changes have...removed...Recruit.
This guide will serve as a great memorial.
Probably on the L85, will get an updated picture some time this year
At the time of writing this (Operation Neon Dawn 1/18/21), Recruit has no ACOG's at his disposal, whether on attack or defense.

The most variety Recruit gets with his sights is a choice of holographic, reflex, or a red dot on a secondary depending on what gun you select as you cannot modify his weapon attachments.
☀ Free Video ☀
(outdated) absolutely free of charge
♚ The Recruit as a Class ♔
When Siege first came out, I was totally imagining the attacking team being this bunch of normal, hard working troops from the international Rainbow Six team from my childhood with R6:3 Raven Shield. And then the defending team would be a bunch of hardened terrorists working for a crazed agenda. I thought you'd have to make your person equipped with guns from every nation and beyond, pulling equipment from this big huge pool shared by everyone. Instead it's a big class based game where R6's best assault squad faces off against R6's best security group to see which one's actually evil. I can't say it's not fun though.

After Void Edge, it seems that recruit is always American voiced. FBI SWAT bias confirmed. It would appear that the other 4 voice line sets will be retired indefinitely.

When selecting operators,
Picking recruits always goes in this order:
  • Blue Beret
  • Orange Beret
  • Yellow Beret
  • Red Beret
  • Green Beret

ROYGB, most of the colors on the
I hope you haven't ♥♥♥♥ yourself, but I won't blame you if you did.

The pick order is actually different, starting with Blue and then Green. Not sure where it goes after that.

Oh, and according to Sam, Ubi's AI help desk bot, the Recruits are all named Kim
⚔ Recruit Equipment and Statistics ♿
The Newcruit has been given a much different set of weapons, but a lot of them have been removed. Included are images with the attached in-game statistics which are mostly pointless and vague. If the update comes any time soon I'll update the images with xtra high rez scans

The guns are attached with a variety of attachments that can't be changed.
L85A2 Assault Rifle, Mk 14 EBR DMR, M249 LMG

P12 Pistol, Super Shorty Secondary Shotgun

2x Frag grenade, 3x Smoke grenade, 1x Breaching Charge

3x Stun grenade, 1x Claymore, 2x Breaching Charge

MP5K SMG, M870 Shotgun

P12 Pistol, SMG-11 Machine pistol

1x Nitro Charge, 2x Impact Grenade, 1x Deployable Shield, 2x Proximity Alarm

2x Barbed Wire, 1x Bulletproof Camera
⚖ The Loadout Quirks ☯
👕 Armor Rating 👕
It would appear so far that all recruits, regardless of loadout, will be 3 speed 1 armor. The other two character models used for recruit will likely be indefinitely retired.

⚔️ Attackers ⚔️
Lots of attack Recruit play should be based around having two gadgets that are flexible and widely applicable. Where other characters are vying for the opportunity to be Hero Shooter Supreme, Recruit just simply brought more gear.

Weapon Recommendations
All three primary weapons are pretty good.
  • L85 is a simple weapon for solving practical problems
  • M14 is a laser beam that requires you to click twice (Like how you repair things in Minecraft)
  • M249 is a soft wall carving device for you to hitconfirm the hidden Ela on the other side

There is an obvious pick for secondary, unless you're going up against an invincible unbreakable map (Presidential Plane, sometimes)
  • Super Shorty does everything the breaching charges do but with less damage, and more ammo. A fair tradeoff
  • The P12 is pretty good for pistols.

Maximum Grenades
If they haven't changed the amounts (They have), you should still be able to equip 3 smokes (Now there's only 2) and 3 stun grenades. Using them liberally puts heavy pressure on defenders as long as you don't meet your nemesis: Jager bots (However you can use your grenades to wear down Jager bots so that other humans(?) on your team who wield the ultimate grenade (frag grenade) may actually use them). Using them all in one sitting creates a room of extreme chaos for you to perform panicked-animal-squashing operations. Using all of yours and all of your friends' in one room does something else entirely.

Equippable in slot 2, which can replace the breaching charge (which you should not use because of the Super Shorty) or the stuns, it's a good counter for if you get a good reading on how much the enemy team likes to do the lurky roamy thing. It's a new item you can bring as recruit, so take advantage of it while nobody's expecting it!

🛡️ Defenders 🛡️
Weapon Recommendations
Missing a lot of options, but your few are fairly good, and the choice is yours.
  • The MP5K with its original iron sights that were excessively obstructive is dead and gone, and now reigns supreme the MP5K with holo that can properly exploit the zero recoil of guns in this game.
  • M870 is retained for defender only, which is the most reliable of the primary shotguns. Most reliable meaning it has a higher percentage chance to kill someone as opposed to disappointing you and your opponent. It's good for maps like Kid's Room - House, where you can't anchor and need sightlines (punch them out with a few quick shots).

For secondaries, there is an obvious choice.
  • The P9 is an okay pistol. (Don't ever pick this)
  • SMG-11 with iron sights is also dead and gone. Long live red dot SMG-11. As of a recoil nerf somewhere down the line, the SMG-11 actually experiences recoil as opposed to when it didn't. It's still a nonsense god tier weapon, with its accurate microbursting to plink/instant kill headshot (why) at range, and a firerate that does more than delete people in close range. However, it chews through ammo fast, and while its reload is one of the quickest in the game, the recoil nerf as well as chewing through ammo can make it to where the SMG-11 can't replace the MP5K in 100% of scenarios, and the MP5K can be used to deal with threats outside of sneezing distance that the M870 can't deal with which require immediate attention when switching to your pistol is faster than reloading.

Basically all defender gadgets are 75% bad and 100% situational.

For the first slot, the nitro cell is the go to if you plan on sticking near site and using the M870 as your primary, due to impacts being supplanted by just shotgunning whatever holes you need, which is a solid option since the SMG-11 is perfectly capable of handling damage at any range especially for those who stick close to site. For roaming M870 users though, impacts should be your go to for creating rotation holes mid-round that you can create instantly and actually fit through. For MP5K users, impacts for roamers 200% of the time and anchors 99% of the time for when your team shares one (1) collective brain cell and needs you to create site holes. If your team has their own individual brain cell, you can safely use nitro cells if you'd prefer. Deployable shield is a classic for protecting everything but your vital organ (singular) so you can peek and not die 1/5 times.

The second slot could go either way. The camera is good for when you can guess the room and sightline where combat will stagnate so you can force the attackers to move or push by pinging them and wallbanging the pings. Watch out for operators that can destroy the camera at range however (Ash, Thatcher, probably five or six more my dude). The barbed wire is nice but unfortunately you no longer get 3 in the package. Still, it's good for slowing attackers and giving off sound queues.
🛂How to Use Recruit🛃
Until then, you got this buster. You're a veteran.
⛐ Thanks! ⚡
Thanks for taking a look at this guide, I'm sure it's a miserable amount of text and not a lot of pictures. Even if my contributors to science Vivian and Fugoo don't accept the contributor status, I'll recommend them here. (Don't worry, we did)

There's only room for one kind of man in my life, and that's the recruit.

For the new, improved guide profile pic, credits to for our boy in the balaclava and NovaResonance guide contributor for putting the OFFICIAL rainbow flag behind him.

Credit where credit is due

Ethertrauma is a pimp on top of a drug dealer (not really) and gambler and a bit of a cool guy (really)
Gloomyemu (Hi Trevor! - Vivian)
71 σχόλια
1-800-SLVDGE  [Δημιουργός] 29 Δεκ 2020, 0:40 
I have been baptized twice, once in water, once in flame. I will carry the fire of the holy spirit inside until I stand before my Lord for judgement.
Popcorn  [Δημιουργός] 24 Δεκ 2020, 14:08 
Sarasti  [Δημιουργός] 24 Δεκ 2020, 2:01 
Þenc āgean, andsaca. Þenden wē sprecað, cumað mīn bēdu tō heofonum, and Wōden gesamniað his beadoweorcan ofer eallum Englalandes, and þā godu cunnað þīnne naman, swā gearca þē for þām storme, wyrmcin. Þām storme þe þæt hlæhwierðe þing geendað þe þū þīn līf nemst. Þū eart dēad tō eorðan and heofonum, cild. For godum mæg ic wesan āhwǣr, āhwanne, and ic mæg acwellan þē on ofer DCC wīsum, ond þæt mid ǣnlīce mīnum baran handum. Ic hæbbe sīdne cann wǣpenlēases gefeohtes, and ēac sindon þā heofonas mid mē, and ic hira fulle brūce tō āclǣnsianne Bretland of þē, þū lytel scīte. Gif þū efne wiste þætte þū of eallum goda and folces begietst, þū hēolde þīne sprǣce. Ac þū ne meahtest, þū ne dydest, and nū angildst þū þæt, þū brīðles geþōhtes. Heofon ofgeaf þē and ic dō mīn wirse. Þū eart dēad tō eorðan and heofonum, cild.
Sarasti  [Δημιουργός] 24 Δεκ 2020, 2:01 
Hwæt in mihtiga goda namum sægdest þū efne mē, þū lytel wyrm? Ic forlǣte þē witan þæt ic eom se formesta beadorinc þisses þurh Hengist and Horsan gesceapenan landes, ond þurh Ælfred cyning gelǣhtan, and ic dǣlnam in manigum beadwum wið fūlum wealum negelieferum þe willað hira cirichūs atimbrian and swā sylian ūre land, and ic acwealde ofer CCC Grendla mid mīnum handum. Ic hæbbe ealra bealowīsa cann and eom for þām godum se mihtigosta scytta in eallum Englalandes beaduþrēates. For mē eart þū nāwiht butan dīercin þe mīn flān sticað. Ic mid þurh Wōden gegifenum glēawnessum acwelle þē, gelīc þe man nǣfre fōre seah on þisre eorðan, hīere Wōden mīn word. Þū þencest þæt þū meaht mē secgan swilc, þanne mē þā godu curon, þis land tō werianne?
pupplemupple 28 Οκτ 2020, 9:38 
i miss old recruit
Ethertrauma  [Δημιουργός] 2 Ιουλ 2020, 15:36 
I made this and all of you are getting reported.
1-800-SLVDGE  [Δημιουργός] 2 Ιουλ 2020, 8:03 
Damn, who made that cool new preview pic
Popcorn  [Δημιουργός] 16 Ιουν 2020, 18:22 
long live recruit
Popcorn  [Δημιουργός] 22 Δεκ 2019, 13:42 
Buff recruit!
Siberian Frontier 22 Δεκ 2019, 12:08 
buff recruit subhanallah