Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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BOT Strategies in Matchmaking - How to Pwn with a BOT on your team and when to kick noobs for BOTS so you can pwn more
By ⎝⎝⎝✨The "JeffNasty"™
This guide is intended to help those in ranked play who have a player leave the game and get a BOT as a replacement. It gives tips and tricks on how to gain an advantage with a BOT on your team. It also discusses when it is neccesary to kick a toxic or bad player and replace them with a BOT...
Just like most players on your team, BOTS are notorious in Counter-strike for having horrible intelligence and not benefitting the team in anyway. Many times people will consider a match over when a player leaves and a bot takes his or her place. This doesn't have to be the case! If someone on your team says "GG" then just tell the doubters and haters to shut their mouths and send them a link to this guide....after you report them of course!

You can limit this disadvantage of lacking a player by executing good BOT strategies and sometimes you can even gain an advantage! Think about it....Whats better than having yourself carry the team? TWO VERSIONS OF YOURSELF CARRYING THE TEAM!

Dont believe me? Take a look at the two screenshots from one of my recent games below!

Note: Names, colors, and actual images have been changed to protect the identity of the noobs I played with. Being such noobs, its important to protect their identity to prevent them from verbal or physical harm.

This is a work in progress. I plan to add more information in the next week or two when I have more time!
Deciding who should be BOT master
Being the dedicated BOT commander and controller is not for the inexperienced. It requires skill, balls of steel, and a complete lack of patience. If one becomes a master of BOTery and is given the oppurtunity to be dedicated BOT controller, he or she can easily carry their team to victory. BOT controller is the MOST important role in all of ranked are essentially in control of nearly half of your team's manpower, money, and all around badassness.

But how do you figure out who should play this amazing role? Well its most likely going to be you! It is already clear you are smart enough to have a great appreciation of art, I mean why else would you click on this guide? So in most cases you should be transferring your spirit into the BOT, especially considering that 90% or so of the people you play with are absolute GARBAGE. Its just basic math really.

But what if you are noob? How do decide who should be BOT controller then? How do you even know if you are noob? Well... Here is an easy way you can tell whether or not you are a trash noob - if you didnt upvote or favorite this guide then you are a garbage noob. If you are proven noob then dont take role of BOT commander since you dont appreciate great works of literature. Just tell the top fragger to be BOT commander....if he doesn't understand, report him! Then uninstall!
How to buy with a BOT on your team

Buying as a team can be a bit tricky with a BOT on your team. Valve thought it was very important to make it so that their BOT A.I. mimicked all varieties of human players. For example, the BOT responding "No!" to when you say "stay here" is clearly supposed to resemble a child or a Russian...while the BOT that buys a Negev with no armor on round 4 is clearly supposed to mimick someone with down syndrome.

ALWAYS pay attention to what the BOT buys before you buy! Generally speaking though... If the BOT buys heavy then you should save. If the BOT buys lightly then you should buy, but still try to stick to rushing if you are the only one on your team smart enough to use ""BOT STRATS™ " by TheJeffness™ "™ . Buying strategies change though if the BOT is rushing and you cant get him to stay put...

It gets a bit more complicated if you are unable to get the BOT to stay in spawn, but the situation guide above should help you figure out the correct ways to buy. Maps also play a big factor into this as well...for example on some of the larger maps where the BOT is not staying put, you are actually able to rush in before the BOT is even close to the kill zone. Other maps like inferno allow one player to permently block the BOT and spam "stay here" without a threat of him dying before you do. Other AWP-friendly maps it might be beneficial to kill BOT for awp/auto even if he is NOT rushing to his death, since you might need it the long range peek advantage to prevent a hard-rushing team from planting bomb quickly. I will add more situations in the future centered around different maps...
Controlling and taking control of BOTS
Begining of round
  • The second the round start issue the radio command "Stay here".
  • It appears that the BOT is more likely to listen to the top fragger on the team. If your not the top fragger, be sure to let the top player know to tell the BOT to stay. I really think this depends on the map though. Also if your not the top fragger, please stop reading this guide...I dont want this guide to become tainted by the presence of garbage trash noobs!
  • Watch what the BOT buys. If he buys lightly and stays put then you buy heavy. If he buys heavily and stays put then you buy lightly. If he doesnt stay put its generally a good idea to always buy lightly regardless of what he buys, and it may be beneficial to buy an item to drop in spawn if you are confident you can take over the BOT before he rushes to his death.
  • If you plan on rushing always buy atleast body armor. Stick to pistols, shotguns, and smgs.

To rush or not to rush?
  • Most of the time you will want to rush.
  • You dont want to rush if one of your teamates is rushing already.
  • Only time to not rush is if the BOT is being disobedient and there is no way you can die before the BOT dies. In these cases it is best to buy if you can quickly enough and try to use the BOT as bait.

When to bait a BOT
  • You only want to follow bot and use him as a human shield or decoy when you are unable to block him, get him to stay put, or are unable to get in front of him while rushing.
  • Only do this when the BOT has bought lightly or hasnt bought at all. If a BOT buys expensive stuff you should dedicate your time to blocking him, while another teamate rushes. If the BOT is not listening and hasn't bought then do not waste too much time trying to get him to stay put by blocking, just use him as bait. You dont want to spend too much time in spawn trying to convince the BOT not to be a moron.

When to protect a BOT
  • Having to protect BOTS isnt too common and really depends on the map. When you have 2 or more BOTS on your team, protecting BOTS is VITAL to your success. I have won many 3v5 games, and its all because my team spent a lot of time making sure no BOT went to waste.
    By protecting them do not just sit by them in spawn. The best way to protect them is by taking them over before the enemy reaches them.
  • You want to just make sure that the enemy cant rush one way toward spawn without the team noticing or stopping him. For example on Nuke, you want to just make sure that a CT is not rushing outside while the rest of the team goes ramp.
  • On most maps there are generally only 2 ways to go when leaving spawn. Make sure you rush the way that your team isnt going. If there are only 2 ways the enemy can get to your spawn, then it will be nearly impossible for them to kill the BOT. On maps that have 3 or more different ways to leave your spawn, it is even more important to rush faster in that it is more likely the enemy will sneak in to kill your BOT.
  • Again...dont protect the BOT by camping next to the BOT. Protect it by having your team go every which way on the map so that it cuts off any direct route the enemy can take to your BOT. If the enemy comes in to kill the BOT you lose. If he kills the BOT and you kill him you put the BOT to waste and probably wasted an entire minute sitting in spawn. If he kills you then the BOT will be dead by the time you try to take him over. Camping with BOT in the spawn is a guaranteed way to lose!

When to teamkill a BOT
  • You rarely want to do this!
  • Only do this if the BOT buys an extremely expensive item when the rest of your team is broke, when he is not listening to radio commands, and when you are unable to block him or are unable to rush in front of him to take him over.
  • If you have a good feeling the BOT will die before anyone else then shoot him to take his gun.
  • Dont do this right when round starts. Even though it might seems the BOT has a head start rushing in to suicide, there is a good chance he might walk into a corner or some ♥♥♥♥....Kill him at the last possible place before the meeting point where the enemy is! Never kill him in spawn, there is always a chance you can rush in first even though the BOT is rushing a few feet in front of you.
When to kick a player and replace him with a BOT
Why kick?

Player advantage:
BOTS can sometimes give you an advantage by helping give your team more kills. Lets say the top player on your team has 25 kills while three others have around 10 kills and there is someone on the team with only 1 kill. If you kick that bottom fragger and your top player is willing to take the main role as BOT takeroverer, then you are essentially giving your carry two chances to dominate each round! Even if the top fragger can do half as good with the BOT, its way better than what the kicked player could have done.

Psycological advantage:
Sometimes an extremely toxic player will be on your team...we have all been there. Although this player may be doing decent, he is rarely doing the best on the team. A lot of the time people like this are the worst on the team, but is it worth it to kick them for a BOT if they are around midfragger? YES! I am not talking about a troll or someone who constantly uses the N-word to be funny(just mute them if they are decent)....I am talking about the extremely angry people that play the game that start out negative and get more angry as time goes on. They often critisize everyone elses shots, movements, and positioning in a very negative way. This makes players on the team self concious, not happy, not social, and overall makes them play worse! Even if you can kick a person like this and only get half his kills as the BOT you are still at an advantage! Most likely everyone will improve once this person is gone and everyone's increased KPM, teamwork, and the few kills the BOT gets will more than makeup for a toxic loss. Its important to figure out who these people are quickly so you can kick them before they beging hurting your team. Dont look out for what someone is saying, but HOW they say it....the best way to identify a toxic player early is by the tone in their voice not by their choice of words.

Tactical advantage:
What about those players that can kill decent, arnt being toxic, but are not helping the team? Like when everyone decides to rush A but they are camping spawn or when someone has over 10k and they refuse to buy for their teamates....its up to you if you should try to kick them, but sometimes this can give a good tactical advantage. By replacing a spawn camper or other non team player with a BOT helps in many ways. You may now have a dedicated entry fragger who will be more willing to be entry because they know they can take the BOT over. Or you may be able to buy for your team more since you are rushing fast every round to take over the BOT. Or you now have a BOT that can quickly locate enemy rushes and maybe get a kill instead of a teamate that can locate nothing and maybe get a kill. So if your team needs a role and someone is not willing to be a teamplayer...kick them if you think a bot can succesfully fill a role or help with a strategy that you could pull off if your teamate would have just listened.

Kicking ABSOLUTE TRASH players for a BOT and how to encourage SEMI-TRASH players to try harder by threatening to kick them for a BOT

How to convince your team to kick someone in place of BOT

  • Establish dominance early in the match. Call the strategies and let people know that you are an alpha male.

  • Be friendly and try to be funny starting at begining of match. Dont critisize others for playing badly...always give say "nice try" or "good job" even if your teamates are TRASH.

  • You will most likely only have luck kicking toxic players. Luckily most bad players are toxic as well, they just need some prodding sometimes. If bottom fragger isnt saying need to get him angry somehow. Throw flashes at him where your team doesnt see. Just try to piss him off so he starts ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and being toxic. If it turns out he is toxic just laugh off all his insults and remain calm and will be easy to kick him if your teamates like you more. If he isnt toxic then you should just try the "redemption technique"...if he fails to redeem himself you can try to kick him. Just say that your sorry his mom dropped him on his head as a baby. The team should LOL and kick him, then just say your sorry for real because you should feel bad about it....but this is MM...desperate times call for desperate measures!

Making teamates try harder by threatening to replace them with a BOT

  • Having such a kind heart, I am often morally torn when considering kicking someone for being bad at the game.

  • Being the saint that I am I will often give players a shot at redemption

  • I have noticed that warning them that they will get kicked for BOT sometimes can make certain players improve! Some players just need some motivation because they are tired or really arn't in the mood. For example I was playing last night and it was the 5th round....this guy had zero kills and I said "Hey, you better get some kills this round or we are kicking you! You have one shot at redemption!"....that round he got 3 kills! A few rounds passed and he still only had 3 kills...I gave him a shot at redemption again, and he got 2 kills! This repeated itself a few times....we finally kicked him on round 27 because he didnt get a kill that round because I TK'd his NOOB ass!

  • Anyways, before kicking someone for a BOT just be sure to threaten them first! Sometimes you get lucky and people will step up their game if they know they might be kicked for being NOOB TRASH.
Dust 2 BOT Strats
These are the routes that the dedicated BOT controller should take. These routes allow you to engage the enemy as quickly as possible, allowing you to possibly kill one enemy or more and then die. You dont want to die needlessly though, the goal is to do as much damage to the enemy team and to give callouts to your team AND THEN die so that you can quickly take over the BOT! Many of these routes help to counter possible BOT hunters on the enemy team....this is quite rare though because the vast majority of CSGO players are not smart enough to read ""BOT Strats"™ by the "The Jeffness"™"™.

What symbols mean...

X:These markings represent common engagement sites. Be ready to kill and be killed at these locations!

Multiple X's: These are interchange points. If the line path runs into one of these points, you can continue on any other lined path also connecting to it.

Colored lines:
These different colored lines represent different paths you should take. Dont always take the same path because the enemy will expect you to rush this way. Mix it up!

Exclamation points: These are the spots where the BOT is most likely to die quickly. If you see BOT going this way hurry up and rush quickly! Or kill him if he has an expensive weapon and you dont!

Circled numbers:
Look for corresponding number to side of picture of map. These will describe, in detail, why and how you should take the corresponding path.

Using BOTS on the terrorist side.
  • 1. This path is my favorite, mainly because it is the least expected way to rush. You will rarely encounter an engagement in tunnels unless a CT is rushing from lower tunnels. Generally once you are exiting lower tunnels you will want to go thru mid doors, but you can go up toward CAT in some situations. Once you go thru mid doors you will usually face your first foe, usually a sniper. You could grab his gun like a little ♥♥♥♥♥, or you could be a man like me and rush upwards toward B site, usually landing you another kill. You can go thru their spawn to A site, but this is usually a hard place to land a kill with an SMG or shotgun due to their heigt advantage....I would recommend rushing up to A site instead of going long, in that you will be much more likely be able to engage them at a shorter range.

  • 2. This way of rushing is not too effective, because it is essentially just a normal B rush. The enemy will expect this much more so than the other rush, but you will have to use it every once in awhile after they get used to you rushing thru mid doors. It is much harder to get an entry frag here, but if you do do not stay on B site unless another teamate has taken the BOT already! Continue on rushing toward their CT spawn and on to A site if you can....even if you secure B site, your goal is still to take that BOT before it dies!

  • 3. In the vast majority of cases you want to avoid rushing long and straight down mid. Going straight down mid opens you up to getting shot at by long ranged weapon, although you could be a ♥♥♥♥♥ and buy a smoke. You nearly always want to avoid rushing long unless it is the first couple of rounds or if you are wealthy enough to throw a rifle away...rushing with smgs, pistols, or shotguns out long by yourself nearly always results in death due to the range advantage and peek advantage CT's have. You might try to rush long once or twice a match with smgs, but only if the other team is absolute GARBAGE!

Using BOTS on the counter-terrorist side.

  • 1. Rushing upper tunnels as T is the way you should be going mostly once the other team has long ranged rifles. This is a somewhat expected rush as CT so be aware the second you enter tunnel. If you do it a lot also beware of T's camping their spawn area trying to pick you when you are going over to lower tunnel. Once you are in tunnel, you have a critical choice to either go loop around their spawn to flank long, their snipers in spawn, or to flank mid/cat. You can also choose to go lower tuns to mid, but should only do this if you hear your teamates call they are going CAT or mid to B. Once you get to mid you can use the other colored pathways at interchange.

  • 2. Rushing long as CT is usually only effective the first few rounds or when the T's are poor. Usually there will be an AWP or an AK that can peek you when rushing toward the doors on long. It is a good idea to bring a grenade and chuck it the second you cross the corner that peaks toward the first engagement point peeking toward long. Its also a good idea to flash it if you can, because if you are lucky the other team might be rushing long and should be able to score a couple kills. Be careful once leaving the double set of doors long, a lot of the time they will be watching you from spawn. If you can get out of here alive, you always want to take a right to flank mid, cat, or tunnels...going around thru their spawn usually takes too much time but sometimes it is worth it if there is an awper there but generally he will be peaking you when you first come out of long doors

  • 3. This is one of the most effective rushes and will most likely land you multiple kills or maybe even an ace. You only want to use this way a few times a round....usually the first few rounds or when the team is broke and you know they are not watching mid. Always rush this way on the second or third round. This is one of the only times I would recomend buying a bison in the game, because when the T's rush B they generally think it is safe rushing into the begining of tunnel and they will come in a huge cluster a lot of the time. A lot of the time when you rush this way, nobody will be not take a right to B site, go to their spawn and try to flank them long or CAT. Always rush this way on round 2, also always try to buy armor and a high capacity gun like a p90 or bizon when doing so. Rushing this the first round works pretty well, but I would peek a bit around the tunnel will need atleast one reload to kill them all!

ALSO, in some rare instances you might have another teamate that is not a COMPLETE IDIOT....if this is the case then chances are they are well aware of this amazing guide. You will probably get into an argument as to who should be the Bot Master, and if you are like me then compromise is completely out of the question. If you run into this situation it is important to try to bunny hop.....this will allow you to kill and be killed before the other decent player on your team! Its a rare rare possibility that you two might decide to work together, if this is the case then make sure that you both take seperate routes....this will make it so that one of you will run into the other team as quickly as possible! If you encounter 2 or more smart CSGO players, then I advise you to pinch yourself to wake yourself up from dreaming....this has never occured in real life!

The best way to kill BOTS if the other team has them.[/b][/u][/h1]
Rushing bombsites with a BOT on your team.
Usually you will be sticking to the normal BOT strat formula, but sometimes you may need to mix up your overall team strategy a bit. If one person rushing to take over the BOT isn't working in your favor so much, you could try a traditional 5 man rush with the BOT on your team. The most important aspect of using this specific strategy is finding the right location for the BOT to stay and whether or not he needs a dedicated guardian. Some larger maps and more closed off maps may not need a person to babysit the BOT, but for the DUST 2 B rush example we are using below, BOT sitting and guarding is crucial to victory!

The Basics...

Have one teamate tell the BOT to follow him, and have this teamate make sure to guard over BOT slightly behind where the other 2-3 teamates are rushing in. It is important that the BOT guardian stays close to his rushing teamates, not too far away and not too close. Guarding BOT too close to the rushing teamates may allow the enemy to peak, grenade, or counter-rush the uncontrolled BOT. Guarding BOT too far away may lead to an enemy flank but more importantly it will always lead to the BOT guardian and the person taking over the BOT not being able to push in fast enough with the remaining portion of the team.

Here are 2 examples of how not to guard BOT if your team is rushing B on dust 2

Guarding BOT too far beihind rushing team -Imagine on DUST 2, three rush B site while one guards BOT in spawn....your 3 man rushing squad gets two kills and loses one who takes over the BOT...they are planting on B, but the CT's are pushing into site while the 2 players in spawn are not even through the tunnels yet! They get to tunnels but a CT is coming from lower tunnel cutting you off while your team has to deal with 2 CT's on site by themselves! Also you risk being flanked and having your BOT killed by CT's that may rotate around thru T spawn!

Guarding BOT too close to rushing squad - Lets say your team is rushing B again on DUST 2 . The BOT guardian decides to have the BOT follow him to tunnels and wait there. This is a better solution than above but is still not ideal. The Bot is unpredictable, and once the guardian has the BOT follow him and says "stay here" in tunnels, the BOT might be a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ and just rush in. Even if he does listen he may wander over toward the tunnel opening and get sniped or grenaded. Also if the CT's kill the entry fraggers and counter-push into tunnels quickly, they may be able to kill the BOT before or while it is being taken over by a teamate. Also you are exposed from a CT rushing lower tunnels or quickly rotating from lower tunnels, but this can be dealt with by you covering this area. If your team is very slow at rushing the BOT will also be threatened by a flank from T spawn...but this only happens in cases where everyone on your team is mentally retarded and cowardly....No time for slow pushing...THIS IS BOT STRATS ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!

Here is how you should guard the BOT if your team is rushing B - Ideally, you would want to be as close to tunnels as possible without being inside of them. Best strategy is to tell the BOT to follow you right at the begining of the round and to start following your teamates to B tunnels. While following your teamates be sure to physically block the BOT to slow him down a bit....You can try using the "stay here" command followed by "follow me" again, but these BOTS are dumb remember and you may make it confused. Just keep blocking him while he follows you toward the tunnels. If you do this correctly, then you and the BOT should be right at the back entrance to B tunnel right when your team is rushing into site. Right outside the back entrance tell the BOT to stay still, if he doesnt listen just keep trying to block him, maybe even shoot him in the foot to slow him down. Most of the time one of your teamates should die quickly and once this happens both of you rush into site as quickly as possible(should only take you 2 seconds to get there). If your team plants on B without any dying and has it secured I would not try to overcomplicate things by leading BOT to site....simply have BOT follow you to inside of tunnels, tell him to stay put, then you should rush lower tuns to try and kill them mid or mid to B....remember kill and be killed as fast as possible so you can take over that BOT! Tell one of your teamates to watch tunnels, especially towards T spawn since this will be the way they will come to kill the BOT since you went lower tuns....if you do this fast enough you can take over the BOT even before a CT is flanking from your spawn to BOT hunt.

What to do when the BOT has the bomb

Dont panic! There are ways around this! In most situations you will be able to just use traditional BOT strats and be able to take him over before the CT's kill him and cover bomb away from your team. It really depends upon the map.....Four main things will determine what "Bot Bomb Strats" you use. One if if the BOT is rushing with the bomb and the other 3 have to do with the map. Take these 3 things into consideration when determing what BOT bomb strats on a given map
- 1. How quickly can CT's reach your spawn?
- 2. How fast can the CT's flank you when you are rushing a certain site?
- 3. And how many routes can the CT's take to sneak into your spawn?
1 and 3 will help you determine whether you should leave the BOT in spawn. 2 will help you determine whether you will need a dedicated BOT guardian(well everyone will be BOT guardian, but you may need a special dedicate flank watcher guardian) since the BOT moves so slowly onto site.

When to tell the BOT to stay in spawn with bomb

On largers maps with only 2 easy ways for CTS to rush spawn(Nuke, Dust 1) its usually safe to have BOT stay put in spawn as long as atleast one terrorist pushes towards a way that the CT'S might use to BOT hunt. You will usually always be able to kill and be killed before the BOT is threatened with bomb on maps like this. Just make sure your team goes in every direction at first, before grouping back up later

When to have the BOT follow you with bomb and what to do once you get to site

If you want to rush as 5 obviously, but besides this..

Most maps, like Dust 2 or Cache, have 3 or more ways the CT's can sneak around to kill the BOT without encountering a terrorist....on maps like these its best just to have the BOT follow your team toward bomb site. Having the CT's kill the bot in spawn with bomb is a nightmare! Be sure to push fast so the BOT doesnt get flanked while your team charges into is up to you on whether there should be a BOT guardian, it all depends on how fast the CT's are able to flank or side-flank on a given map. Usually its easier just to have one teamate keep pushing past site even once its can take hours for that moronic BOT to walk up to site and plant bomb....For example if you are taking B on Cache, you should just keep pushing past site toward their spawn trying to kill one heaven or the rotating CTs from mid or truck...Also have a teamate rush back towards where you can to rush this way since its easy for the BOT to be flanked here.


This is potentially the worst BOT situation you can encounter, even worse than a BOT rushing with an AWP while your team is broke. Just like with the AWP situation this is dependent on whether or not the BOT is disobedient. If the BOT rushes with the bomb you have 3 choices....Follow him, protect him, and let him plant for the LOLZ. Try to block him to slow him down so another teamate can rush in first to take over the BOT. Or have the BOT go off by himself with the bomb while your team rushes the opposite way to kill the CT's rotating to the downed bomb...this is also for the LOLZ.

Rescuing hostages with a BOT on your team and taking back bombsites with a BOT on your team
Rescuing hostages with a BOT on your team

Just be grateful that your BOT cant have a bomb in his hands. You just want to play using normal BOT strats as usual.

If you plan on playing hostage maps like bomb defusal maps where you rush as 5 to take the site then just read the previous guide.... Just replace the word bombsite with hostage area, bomb with hostage, and BOT with "The real hostage". Same ♥♥♥♥ as beofre mainly....if you want to rush as 5, just have the BOT follow you up to the point where you are about to rush and have him stay still (outisde near garage on Office would be an ideal spot). Having a BOT guardian is dependent on map, but on Office you shouldnt worry about it if you rush elbow or paper fast enough. Just have 3 go backway, 1 go front to prevent flank, have BOT wait outside near garage, then all go rush paper, elbow, or long. EZ PZ lmn sqzy ♥♥♥♥!


If this ever happens....put a gun to your head and pull the trigger! In game of course!

I have never seen a BOT free a hostage, if a BOT makes it this far into a map without anyone on the team taking it havn't listened to any part of this guide! Your entire team would have to be alive, the BOT would have had to disobey "stay here", and the entire other team would have to be dead for this to happen!

The terrorists have planted a bomb and all 5 CT's are alive!

You want to first start off by scrolling to the top of this guide, and rereading the entire thing over again. If you do this, then this happens again in another game...simply just walk down to your local super market, buy some detergent, bleach, and ajax.....mix all this together with gasoline. Now start drinking it, once you are almost done, light a match and throw it in your mouth.
Just do this in game of course! Roleplay! Use your imagination!

Seriously....If the terrorists have planted a bomb without killing anyone on your team AND YOUR ARE USING BOT STRATS WHERE THE MAIN GOAL IS TO RUSH TO YOUR DEATH....then just uninstall please and dont ever read this guide again! You are not getting it!
BOT strats to use in Demolition mode and using Demolition mode to practice BOT strats!
This is the best way to practice your BOT skills!

This is under construction still....I plan on adding some actual strategies to Demolition mode in the near future for those of you cool enough to actually enjoy competetive gameplay outside of matchmaking.

Most the time when you play these fun little matches you have several BOTS on your are naturally encouraged to rush and die so you can spill as much blood as possible! I wish the actualy ranked games did this...but no, most the time you get stuck with a bunch of little kid noobs who you wish were BOTS instead so you could carry the game x5.

Become a better BOT strat master by playing this mode! The number one most important part of being a BOT master is your close range rushing techniques with cheap weapons. You need to also have the element of suprise, know the right corners to peak, be quck on your feet, and have giant balls. Demolition gives you and teaches you all of this!

There are the reasons why playing Demolition games is the best way to become a certified BOT master and BOT commander

1. Most the weapons you spawn with are the ones you will be using when being BOT master in ranked play.

2, The roundtime encourages you to rush like a badass and gets you out of that ♥♥♥♥♥ and cowardice CS GO mindset. If there is a BOT on your team and your team is full of noobs there is no time to dilly dally....charge in ballz to the wallz guns a blazin' is how a true BOT master acts...this mode encourages you to unpack your fat cajones and shove it in the oponents face!

3. The maps are designed around the badass(mostly rushing effective) weapons. There arnt too many stupid "long range peaky boo takin' your time like a lil ♥♥♥♥♥" spots to play around on these maps. These maps are meant to be quick, up and close, and personal. If you play demolition enough you will begin to notice similar types of spots on the normally boring traditional maps. I never thought rushing squeeky 10th round on CT with a crappy smg was a good idea, until I tried something similar on that house map in demolition and ended up getting an ACE against a bunch of BOT noobs! It gives you confidence!

4. Its all about learning the right corners to peak and when to peak them and at what ranges! YOu rarely get an oppurtunity to play like this in traditional matchmaking....solo rushing with light guns against multiple heavy opponents is frowned upon in ranked play because its often dumb outside of using it as BOT strats. Demolution is based upon this concept though! Its all about getting up close to a corner, wall, or building, then just rushing in to catch your opponents off guard! You will get much better at identifying good and unexpected places to solo rush better armed opponents

5. It helps you time BOT movements well. With all those BOTS around you in demolition, you are constantly keeping eyes on them because you know you want to kill as many people as know you can only do that if you get a kill, die, take over bot, get a kill, die, take over bot, kill, die, etc... You are constantly trying to figure out how to rush to kill and be killed first in front of your BOTS so that you can take them over. This translates really well to BOT strats in MM

6. Teaches you how to react better when taking over a BOT that is already under fire. Many times in MM you will take over a BOT that is being fired doesnt happen all the time, but it does happen. Its important that you know how to react in these situations. Luckily in Demolition this happens the majority of the time....taking over a BOT who is getting shot multiple times, flicking around, and blowing off the scrubs face that is shooting you almost becomes second nature. This is essential to over BOT strategy!

So yea...Go play demolition if you wanna be a true BOT master! Just make sure that there are at least 2 or more BOTS on your team. Do the right thing and votekick if too many people join your team, or you can go play an offline game...but you really need a bit of human challenge there in your opponents. You cant become a BOT master just by killing BOTS....a BOT master is the master of the BOT, not the master of killing BOTS.
Summary of some important tips
Here are just some general tips if you dont want to read thru everything.

Always use the command "Stay here" the second after round starts.

About 20% of time the BOT refuses to listen to "Stay here" is crucial in these situations that you rush as fast as possible to die before the bot does.

Always just have one person issue the command because the bot can sometimes become confused due to the lifelike noob intelligence Valve programmed into them.

always see what the BOT buys before you buy!

Always buy body armor. 90% of time you will be rushing in to kill as many as possible and die.

Focus on buying smgs most of the time.

Dont waste time blocking bot or issuing additional commands unless in certain situations.

Try to kick toxic players or super noobs in favor of BOT

Always rush the opposite way of where most of your team goes. You want to make sure you cut off any direct path the enemy may take to your spawn to kill bot

If more than one bot on team it is ideal for 2 players to rush fast together while one waits back a bit to make sure enemies dont flank bots. In this situation the enemy is much more likely to hunt down BOTS in spawn....rush and die as 2 fast as possible

If BOT has bomb have him stay put in spawn then command him to come up once its clear.

If BOT rushes with bomb, its essential that the rest of the team follows him and uses him as bait!

Tell your team that you are using ""BOT strats" by Jeffness" and will be rushing most of the time to take over bot

Dont let your rushes go to waste! This strategy only work when rushing if you kill one or severely damage some of them

Dont rush the same place over and over! Mix it up...catch them offguard and try to flank

If you rush a way and they are on other side of map, dont fall back slowly. Rush as fast as possible to flank them and die.

If BOT is rushing with ♥♥♥♥♥♥ weapons try to get in front of him or use him as bait

If BOT is rushing with good weapons try to block him and constantly tell him to stay still. Try to block his movement and tell a teamate to rush before bot dies.

If worst comes to worst and your team is broke and BOT is rushing with an AWP or better and you cant block him or die first....then just teamkill him and take the weapon

Be aware of maps and how many paths can be taken out of spawn. If its only 2 like overpass then you dont have to rush super hard...if its 3 or more like Italy or Cache you should be rushing much faster to die.

Dont waste too much time blocking bot if he doesnt listen. Only do this if you team is broke and bot has super expensive item.

Dont ever CAMP spawn with bots. Only do this if there are 2 or more bots and two of your teamates are rushing hard to take over the bots.

Even if you dont get a kill rushing to die to take over BOT, you have benefitted your team if you did one of the following when rushing(assuming you didn't spend a lot of money). Was able to tell where most of the enemy team was and told team, atleast lit up one of the enemies, acted as bait for teamate and allowed them to get a kill. I mean if you save most your money and dont do anything else but die in first 30 seconds then you are still benefitting your team!

Most important thing.....RUSH, DIE, RUSH, DIE....Repeat 90% of time. Anything else you accomplish is just icing on the cake!
⎝⎝⎝✨The "JeffNasty"™  [author] 18 Jun, 2016 @ 9:54pm 
Yea...with the 2kphillips or 3kphillips guy I was hugely let down. He had his own subreddit, I posted this guide about how he should make a very long bot strats guide....the few people that visited the subreddit upvoted it and it was at top of page for awhile. I dont think he ever checks it though, so it went unnoticed!
memory 18 Jun, 2016 @ 12:49am 
Well, in some of 3kliksphillip's videos..or maybe 2kliks i cant remember he has 2 bot vids, in which he has a helper. Links in the description for a forum or something, idk. One of the vids is on Nuke fyi.
⎝⎝⎝✨The "JeffNasty"™  [author] 17 Jun, 2016 @ 9:33pm 
So is anyone interested in me working to make this guide better, easier to read, and more appealing to read? Have been thinking of starting on a new one.....Am also considering making a Youtube video discussing the Bot Strats.....if any of you are interested I am looking for a partner who either has vast BOT knowledge, good new ideas, or is good at making youtuibe videos...just let me know!
76561198148269060 9 Jun, 2016 @ 12:56am 
Soooo good. Why arn't you president or a scientist?
memory 29 May, 2016 @ 2:48am 
xD when it happened to me all Ts (i was on T) went A and they all went B so nothing even happened till late in the round :P
⎝⎝⎝✨The "JeffNasty"™  [author] 29 May, 2016 @ 2:46am 
yea snivyplayz....Love when whole team rushes as 4...then they rotate, then the bot plants on opposite site, and they all assume that the rushing players planted it. This happened twice, once it ended great, other time the team defused before we could get our rotation on.
memory 25 Apr, 2016 @ 2:09pm 
Wondering if anyone here has had the BOT have the bomb, goes A/B, and the CTs stacked the opposite site so the BOT just plants. Happened to me once, was hilarious imo xD.
76561198148269060 11 Mar, 2016 @ 12:24pm guide I have ever read in my entire life.
⎝⎝⎝✨The "JeffNasty"™  [author] 3 Feb, 2016 @ 8:58pm 
THanks for imput umberon....I added a section discussing what you brought up. The guardian strat is a good one definately for when your team needs to rush a site as 5. Let me know what you think!
Pizza Mode 1 Feb, 2016 @ 9:48am 
Map specific stuff is a nice touch and if you can get at least the most played maps up it'd be awesome, the d2 guide was good. I would add to your bot strat, however, the situation where you're on T and you're rushing as a team to get a bomb plant, so you don't want your bot way back in spawn to be taken over in a clutch situation. When this happens have someone your bot will listen to order them to follow (preferably this person trails the group) then you rush like madmen and the entry who dies first can take the bot in the rear and bam, you're back up to full strength instantly. Also I would never recommend killing the bot, if you feel you have to kill the bot more than once you are risking getting kicked yourself and leaving your team with another bot to screw things up! Good guide though people need to know about the bot strats!