Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Ocen: 27
Cemetery Blocks
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Cemetery Blocks is a collection of different sized assets that can be assembled together to create a large, continuous cemetery that is more realistic and can fit and conform into any shaped space in your city. At each size, there are several different assets with unique gravestone configurations so each cemetery you create won't look just like the last. There are three types of cemeteries you can build with these items-typical, modern cemetery with large, thick granite gravestones, an older cemetery with sandstone, limestone and marble stones that are stained and eroded and broken, and two types of veteran's gravestones to create a memorial cemetery.

Keep in mind that though they can be found in the Healthcare panel, all of these assets currently are COSMETIC ONLY, none of them actually function. The puzzle nature would make it tricky. I would like to have some functionality just to get hearses driving through and add some activity, so I have a couple ideas on how to implement some working pieces. But as of now, these are all just for looks.

In the near future, I will have uploaded individual gravestone props to fill in tight or odd-shaped spaces where the square assets won't fit. And down the line I plan on adding more props to enhance the cemeteries, such as more unique monuments and mausoleums, coffins and wreaths to setup a funeral scene, cemetery gates, groundskeeping props(shed, lawnmowers, fertilizer), and old, dilapidated stone walls for the old cemeteries.
Powiązane kolekcje (3)
Modern Cemetery Blocks
Zawiera przedmioty (14)
Old Cemetery Blocks
Zawiera przedmioty (13)
Veterans Cemetery Blocks
Zawiera przedmioty (8)