Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

570 оценки
How to Restore the Original Main Menu Song (The Most Important Mod You'll Need)
От Vandalazino
The way it's meant to be played.
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When Dragon's Dogma first came out on consoles, it had a pretty much perfect song in the main menu, "Into Free" by B'z. Unfortunately, when the Dark Arisen expansion was released, it changed the song in the main menu. Thanks to modern technology and an anonymous person on the internet, you can now play the game with the original main menu song, the way it was always meant to be.
  • Open the folder Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (most likely C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DDDA )

  • Go to: nativePC\sound\stream\bgm\wave2

  • Backup "Tittle_DDN.sngw" in a different folder for safekeeping

  • Download the required files from Nexus mods here: https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/40jspv/into_free_title_screen_mod/

  • Copy the downloaded version of "Tittle_DDN.sngw" and replace the original game file

  • Copy the downloaded version of "title.arc" and replace the original one in the nativePC\rom folder

  • Be sure to drink your iodine
135 коментара
Detective Mekova™ 13 юни 2024 в 10:12 
Thank god for this guide because the Dark Arisen's new song is so bad. Like, it doesn't fit at all with the overall vibe. No offense to the singer but the opening verse just sounds aweful.
Like yeah, the synth and guitars feel odd too, but at least it gives me Dynasty Warriors vibes and it sounds like the corny kind of rock music Capcom would use in a serious medieval fantasy RPG lol.
Maskan Rill 31 ян. 2023 в 4:01 
After years of DDDA, I forgot this was the main menu theme until I walked to the kitchen with my headset on and the menu open... it felt... wrong, without even knowing why.
Hemaka 7 юли 2022 в 0:01 
Man, it's a lifesaver. Couldn't stand this howling in main menu anymore :steamfacepalm:
scoob73 27 юни 2022 в 3:31 
I Love you
Frizz 25 юни 2022 в 9:42 
Ok, so the audio is compressed and makes it sound bad. Here's a link to a better one. If the author Vandalazino can put this in the post instead. https://www.reddit.com/r/DragonsDogma/comments/40jspv/into_free_title_screen_mod/
Azranicus 21 юни 2022 в 9:28 
Disagree vehemently with anyone who says it doesn't fit, although I won't tell them they have to like it. This song playing at the main menu was one of the reasons I knew this game was going to be different, and it's amazing for it. While the song that plays in Dark Arisen isn't bad, it's boring compared to what it used to be.
penny dreadful 20 юни 2022 в 20:32 
aw hell yeah this song used to jump scare me
Dehexed 19 септ. 2021 в 14:12 
I noticed this guide, and since it mentioned that the music was different originally, and I'm not that big a fan of the current title music, decided to check it out.

I had hoped for an instrumental track fitting for an RPG game - i did not expect this. That was awful :D

D YellowMadness 13 апр. 2021 в 5:53 
People hated the screechy out-of-place song so Capcom replaced it with a dull-as-dishwater melancholy track that's unfitting for the total opposite reason & already played throughout the longest section of the game anyway.

I don't see why they couldn't just use something that sounds adventurous but doesn't sound like we're about to watch a bunch of underage characters go through beach filler followed by sauna filler followed by festival filler.

It's good that people can modify it to whatever they want though. I use a Nexus mod that just removes the title screen music entirely so I don't have to wait for the music volume to adjust every time.
Rookie 1 февр. 2021 в 0:22 
The best loot one can find is not in Gransys, but in the menu.