Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

32 人が評価
Sword of Rome
Game Category: Board Games, Strategy Games
Number of Players: 2, 3, 4
タグ: 4+
846.155 KB
2015年12月26日 20時36分
2016年10月16日 22時20分
6 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Sword of Rome

The Sword of Rome uses event cards and point-to-point maneuver to enable up to five players to recreate the vicious struggles among the peoples of Italy and Sicily in 4th and 3rd Centuries BC.

Including rules and events for city loyalty, Roman colonies, tribal raids, Gallic indiscipline, Greek siege craft, Indian war elephants, Roman and Macedonian-style infantry tactics, the mountain fastness of Samnium, and much, much more. The game covers over 100 years of classical history in just 9 hands of cards. Who will dominate the western Mediterranean–and with it earn the right to vie for control of the known world?

(Source Board Game Geek[])


This module borrows some high-resolution scans but was mainly recreated by hand as the scans of the components were not up to any quality standard. Combat Units and Loyalty markers are double-sided, the game is setup for the 4-Player game but all the components necessary for the Carthage Expansion is included as well as the relevant Gallic Events sheet for a 3-Player game.


Living Rules[]


9 件のコメント
Mavs 2020年8月13日 6時58分 
On our third playthrough over the last month or two. :)
mark.thomsen 2016年10月17日 2時00分 
Awesome, thanks!:steamhappy:
oh my days  [作成者] 2016年10月16日 22時22分 
Should be fixed. Glad to see theres fans of this one, can't get a game going of it myself though!

Thanks for the heads up.
mark.thomsen 2016年10月16日 12時24分 
Hi, this mod is great.

There's a mesh link broken for the faction Custom_Model_Infinite_Bag, it seems, ie. .

Can this be fixed?

Kind regards
comfortable pants 2016年3月14日 17時50分 
awesome job!
SyntaxError 2016年1月2日 6時38分 
If anyone is up for a game of this feel free to message me/add me
plankicorn 2015年12月30日 22時25分 
Ah okay, I found it. Thank you!
oh my days  [作成者] 2015年12月30日 22時11分 
The Carthaginian deck is in the "Cards" bag of the Expansion bag, split between the Faction card, the Desperate Times cards, and the deck proper. Just keep unpacking and you'll find it.
plankicorn 2015年12月30日 21時52分 
Wow, thank you for this game! One question though, why is the Carthaginian deck absent? I can't find it anywhere in the resources.