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RevVolution's Bindings - A Guide for your Steam Controller
By RevVolution
This is a comprehensive guide for the keybinding that I use for Neverwinter Online. The newest iteration incorporates the recently added pop-up quick select feature.
Overview and Concept
Neverwinter Online - RevVolution's Bindings (ID: 536372700)

Seeing as how the PC version of the game does not include many of the innate features that make the console version viable, the typical XBOX controller configurations have not been working so well as a direct port. This controller setup has been designed with the console version in-mind; however, many key differences and features have been implemented -- and even improved, I dare say -- from the console counterpart.

Known Issues:

1.) Due to the limitations of combination key commands, keybinds such as invoke, window 1 (need), window 2 (greed) and window 3 (pass), are prone to also triggering other actions and shortcuts -- inventory, daily 1, daily 2 and quick item 1 respectively. If the steam controller configuration ever allows us to establish macros, this will be easily corrected in a future update.
This keybind focuses primarily on ease-of-access, accuracy and familiarity to other layouts for action games. Seeing as how this is a massively-multiplayer online game, invariably, this means that there are a LOT of shortcuts that need to be bound. To accomplish this in the best way possible, I have introduced a modifier button (the right grip trigger). This modifier, when held down, will change how many of the original functions will operate for the other buttons and even the haptic pads.

Because the first thing that comes to mind when choosing a controller configuration is how combat will work, at least for my mind, I chose to take care of these immediately:

Your two at-wills have been allocated to the right trigger and the left trigger, respectively. It is not required to fully depress the trigger to get a response, in fact, the setup is intentionally configured to allow multiple, quick partial-depressions for the purpose of double-clicking and quick attacking.

All of the encounter powers and daily power 1 have been assigned to the main face buttons (A,B,X,Y) with the modifier granting access to the three quick-set items and daily power 2. You probably already came to the conclusion that the mouse, and therefore the camera, is tied to the right haptic pad; and, you must also be wondering how well it would work to have your primary abilities on the face buttons when you need your right thumb to control your camera, right?

You are absolutely correct! But guess what? The Steam Controller has a built-in accelerometer to compensate for the fine-tuning of your camera/mouse when you are in the middle of combat and pressing all of those face buttons. The idea is that your motion is controlled by the analog stick with your left thumb (WASD), while your camera positioning is controlled by your right thumb with fine-tuning and hands-off positioning handled by both of your hands that happen to be holding onto the controller itself! The gyroscope is calibrated to compensate for the motion attributed to pulling down on the trigger buttons (At-Wills) so you shouldn't have too much jerking due to this -- if you do, feel free to go into the gyroscope settings and alter the sensitivity to match your play style.

The class special movement button (Left Shift) has been allocated to the left analog stick depression. For now, the thumbstick will have to be held down for the duration that you wish to keep up your special movement (shield up, dashing, etc.) until Steam introduces a feature that will automatically consider the key held down when pressed once and lifted up on the second depression.

Lastly, the class special ability (Tab) may be activated using the left grip trigger and your artifact activation (7) has been set to the left bumper.

Movement and Interaction
As I have already mentioned in the combat section, your camera and motion are both handled with the combination of the left analog stick, the right haptic pad and the gyroscope. Jumping is handled by depressing the right haptic pad. To get onto your mount, you will also be pressing the right haptic pad, but only when you are also holding down the modifier button (right grip trigger). One more thing the right haptic pad handles while the modified is scrolling in menus -- circle the haptic pad clockwise to scroll down and counter-clockwise to scroll up; just make sure your mouse cursor is positioned over whatever dialogue you intend to scroll.

Interaction with NPCs, chests, doors and other characters (F) is handled by the right bumper. Many responses to in-game dialogue with NPCs utilize the 1 and 2 keys for the main choices, such as "accept" and "decline"; this is also why I allocated the 1 and 2 keys to the "A" face button on your steam controller (2 is accessed while holding down the modifier).

Just to reiterate, the mouse's left-click and right-click have been assigned to the controller's right trigger and left trigger respectively.

Quickly closing menus and bringing up the main game menu (Escape) has been bound to the select/back button near the center of the controller. Your character sheet can be brought up with the start button.

Mouse mode (Left Alt) can be accessed using the left haptic pad. The left haptic pad has been set up to be treated as an additional four face buttons for ease of use in handling pop-up prompts for loot management and accepting/rejecting queue pop-up windows. Window 1 (Need/ Accept), Window 2 (Greed/Reject), and Window 3 (Pass) are set to "up", "right", and "down", respectively on the left haptic pad.

Now, the left haptic pad also has a special modifier attached to it. While holding down the modifier (right grip trigger), you can move your thumb around the pad and it will bring up an on-screen pop-up with nine selections to choose from -- these include Inventory, Guild, Professions, Invoke, Friends, Map, Quest Log, Queue, and Leaderboards. This pop-up menu can be increased to include even more selections, however, I find that nine options are the most intuitive and quick to work with. You may select whichever of these options by clicking down on the left haptic pad while positioning the bubble-cursor over your choice.
Thank you for considering this configuration -- feel free to elaborate on how you may have any improvements or changes to the mechanics in the comment box below. Maybe I will include a video tutorial on this keybind in the future, when I feel as though there can be no major or considerable alterations to this build.

Have fun in Neverwinter Online! If you like this build, please favorite/like this guide and possibly even tell me in-game! My NWO handle is @korusensei and my guild is * Black Hand *, enjoy!
Puggles2g 29 Apr, 2020 @ 1:21am 
Wingel (Kay) 17 Feb, 2016 @ 9:55am 
For fixing your issue on top: You could try creating such a small window made by the steam controller (I've seen it on some Skyrim bindings) for some commands...