Dead or Alive 5 Last Round

Dead or Alive 5 Last Round

Ocen: 92
Using Custom Outfits Online (DOA5LR v1.04)
Autorstwa: Koenji
In this Steam guide i'll be showing you the steps on how to use custom costumes online and offline in DOA5LR v1.04. These are full outfits, not texture edits!
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Hey fighters!

In this Steam guide i'll be showing you the steps on how to use custom costumes online and offline in DOA5LR v1.04. These are full outfits, not texture edits that are relied on by Umod!

SIDE NOTE: Make sure to come back to the Guide for more extra steps! I'll be updating them with things that will enhance your costumes!

This guide goes over;
+ Tools Needed to perform Costume swaps
+ Swapping Costumes
+ Adding Hairstyles & Custom Hairstyles

This guide doesn't go over;
- Importing Custom Costumes from other games
- Editing Textures (Planning on doing a seperate guide on this)
- Swapping Stage Assets or Sound Assets
Yosuke Hayashi - "We have to deal with mod issues from an IP holder perspective, We would like to ask PC users to play our game in good moral and manner. Otherwise, we won't be able to release a title for PC again.
Our characters, male and female alike, are created in a fantasy setting and are using extraordinary abilities to compete with each other in a clearly light-hearted, over-the-top universe. Their abilities are very balanced and we want to present all of them as dynamic, strong, sexy and confident.”

Use mods that are SFW kids. Respect Team Ninja.
The Bad Rumours
Before we start this guide i'll like to address two concerns that I've heard around the PC community.

I've heard using modded outfits online slows down matches and cause de-sync.

Infomation for this game is read client side. This means that if you have a custom costume over Honoka's C3, you'll see your modded costume but your opponent will still see C3. This also happens if you have more hairstyles for a character. If you give Honoka up to 4 hairstyles and using Hairstyle 'D' your opponent will only see Hairstyle 'A' or if its someone who already has 3 hairstyles like Kasumi your opponent will see what letter you select.

Additionally, this same process occurs if someone has a DLC costume that someone else doesn't have. This makes for a more stable online performance.

Modded Costumes are only for perverts! There aren't any 'moral' mods!

You are mistaken.
There are plently of mods released that are of a high standard and are SFW, some even very fitting for the cast that is currently within DOA5LR. Im not saying that there isnt nude mods available, but dont try on be on one end of something opening on a topic such as modding.
Step 0 will show a link of two websites where you can download some very well made mods.
Step 0: Where To Download Costumes
Before you can go about swapping outfits.. you need to find some first! Hahaha.
Here are two website filled with custom costumes that are available for you to download.

Free Step Dodge[]
Street Fighter X Tekken Forums[]

Make sure the costume you download has a file structure similar to this;

Files structured like this will NOT work online, nor can be added to our version of DOA. Avoid these;

Step 1: The Right Tools
Every modder needs his right set of tools. The tool that we'll be specifically using for this guide is Lnk_Reshuffle (Credit to Immi for the awesome tool) which can be downloaded here[]. We want Immi's newest versions. (This was updated 16th June so version 5.2?), anything lower than v4 can result in hooking issues and even break your copy of DOA5LR causing you to redownload it. Download the right tool.

Once Lnk_Reshuffle is downloaded, copy the dinput8.dll file from the Lnk_Reshuffle zip file into the Dead Or Alive 5 Last Round folder located within the steam library.

My file path is;
E:\steamapps\common\Dead or Alive 5 Last Round

Your steamapps folder should be located somewhere in your C: unless you've changed it. If so, you'll probably know where its located. :P

Once you've placed the dinput8.dll file into the Dead Or Alive 5 Last Round folder your ready to start modding.
Step 2: Swapping Costumes for Custom Costumes
Sadly, custom costumes can only be used online by sacrificing an existing costume that is in the game with a similar file structure.

For example, If the costume you have downloaded has;


You can only swap it with costumes that have those 4 file components.
Swapping it with a costume that has Details could result in the game crashing.
There are some expections with certain costumes with certain mods, but if the game crashes or is stuck in an infinite loading loop after character selection, changes can be simply reverted to its Vanilla state.

For the purpose of this guide, i'll be swapping out one of Momiji's outfits with huchi001's 'Gloria Mod'.

File structure is just the way we want it.

We can now begin the swapping process with the Lnk_Reshuffle tool.

SIDE NOTE: If Lnk_Reshuffle refuses to open, you might need to download Python. It can be obtained here[].

Upon start up you might get a window from the tool asking where your DOA5LR game.exe is located. simply locate your game.exe which will be in the same file path where we put the dinput8.dll file.

Near the top left has the character names in a dropdown menu..
For this guide, I choose Momiji.

We are greeted with all of Momiji's costumes on the left including her DLC outfits. You'll only be able to edit them if you've actually bought them. The costumes structure will be broken down when we click on it next to costume numbers.

For this i'll be swapping with Momiji's DLCU_011. I believe thats her Warriors Orochi 3 costume of Sanzang.
To swap out the files with the ones we've downloaded we need to press on the file we would like to swap with underneath the 'costume' header. The file should end with;


In some cases --P will not be available to edit (symbolised with -----). If the costume you've downloaded doesn't have a --P or a --P is not shown, dont panic. It just means that the picture on the character select screen wont be the costume you've downloaded.

Select one of the files in the costume header and select 'Pick file' at the bottom right underneath the 'swap' header.

Swap it accordingly with the same file type.
For my case;

DLCU_011.TMC will be swapped with GLORIA_MOD.TMC
This is because they are both TMC's.

When the TMC is selected press 'Swap' at the bottom right to finish the process.
Repeat this step with the other files in the download.

Changes should be highlighted in red.

In some cases, a downloaded costume may not come with a ----C file. Dont panic, they still should be able to work fine with the ----C of the previous model.

Once everything has been swapped, start up Dead Or Alive 5 Last Round and find your costume!

Success! You have sucessfully swapped out a costume in Dead Or Alive 5 Last Round. Because the costume has been swapped out with an outfit from the game's files, it can be used online!

SIDE NOTE: Just because the costume is linked mean't for a specific character doesn't mean it can only be used for that character. Putting the same costume on different characters will yield similar results. Just make sure that the characters you swap with are the same gender and are the same body type or there can be issues with neck allignment. There aren't really any restrictions unless you try and swap with Alpha rofl Use this 'Body Type Sheet' as a reference when modding (Credit to bbb for creating this awesome sheet for mods). Mix 'n' Matching with body types does NOT change the weight of the character or the hit-boxes when he/she wears that outfit. Matches will still be fair.

SIDE NOTE: Get in the habit of checkng and making sure that the costumes you swap work in-game. Sometimes the costume functions correctly on the haracter select screen, but after selecting a stage the game could crash or be stuck in an infinite loading loop. If your swapping costumes with Alpha-152, make sure to check her moves in her moveset, there have been issues occur that when people grab or peform certain strikes with a modded Alpha costume the game freezes. Check to make sure none of your moves are affected. Command Training!

SIDE NOTE: If any mistakes occur, simply revert it to how it was with the revert button! No back-ups are really needed for whatever you change on Lnk_reshuffle; but you can create them if you really want.
Step 3: Adding Hairstyles

huchi001's Gloria mod didnt come packed with the white hair that was in his preview picture.
Not to worry, we can use one of Christie's hairstyles as an alternative instead of Momiji's standard black specifically for this costume.

To begin, we open up Lnk_Reshuffle and locate the character and costume we want to give our new hairstyles to. In this case, I want to give Momiji Christie's hair.

Click the tab 'DLC slots' underneath the characters name.

You'll be presented with this menu.

Remember, we came here to add a new hairstyles, so no swapping will be taken place here, you are able to swap hairstyles the same way as we did with costumes, but the hairstyle swap will affect all of Momiji's costume. We just want the hair to be different for this costume.

Press the '+' opposite 'Hair Slot'.
We've added in a new Hair slot underneath the hair styles we currently have. Right click the blank hair slot and press 'change'

Depending on which box you sellected the file type will either be a .TMC or a .TML select the hairstyle you want.

Like before, hairstyles swapped will be labelled in red.
For this guide, I chose CHRISTIE_HAIR_005.

When you add the hairstyles it should look something like this.

Once we've added Christie's hairstyle in the DLC slots tab, we go back into our costumes tab.
For this costume; we want Christie's hairstyle to be hairstyle A, the main hairstyle with the costume; we want to, however, allow people to swap back to Momiji's original hairstyle,

To achieve this we are going to change the first hairstyle we see underneath the Hairstyles field. It should end in 001, if it doesn't make sure to remember what number it is. We right click 'MOMIJI_HAIR_001.TMC' underneath hairstyles and press change. DO NOT SWAP IT like we did in Step 2!

Like before, a similar menu will open up. Select the same hairstyles we did previously for adding it into the DLC slots, replacing .TMC and .TMCL that was there before.
It should look somewhat like this when you're done.

Christie's Hair is now in Hairstyle A.
We need to add back the hairstyle we've replaced.
In most cases, The first hairstyle would mostly be will be 001. But some outfits it might be 002 or 003.

Press the '+' opposite Hairstyles to add a new hairstyle.
You'll notice that the Hairstyle is 001 by default, but lets say we replaced Momiji's second hairstyle, MOMJI_HAIR_002.TMC, we'll right click our newly added Hairstyle TMC and TMCL and find what we replaced.

Once we're done, lets check what it looks like ingame!

Hairstyle A is working..

And Hairstyle C is her original hairstyle like how we wanted!

SIDE NOTE: When swapping hairstyles with Momiji, use her second face, not her first face. Her first face will include that dark grey headpiece which comes with her first head.

You have successfully added a new Hairstyle to your chosen character! Well done!
Step 4: Adding Custom Hairstyles
You may have noticed within some of the files you have downloaded they include hair .TMC and .TMCL.

In the Blackcat mod by Tantrave, the hair .TMC file is 'BlackCatHair.TMC'
The hairstyle can be swapped in like how did for costumes. But we want to Add this hairstyle, making it apart of game's files,

To achieve this were going to remove a file that is obsolete to be replaced with something useful.

Open up the 'Asset Browser' tab in Lnk_Reshuffle

You'll be greeted with this screen. Looks scary at first, but all you need to do is change the 'everything' dropdown menu underneath Costume Browser to 'obsolete'

There we go! We have singled out the files that are within the game.exe that are not being used.
Clicking on a random file will tell you what file type they are at the bottom right underneath 'Swap'. Preferably I like to edit text files.

Select any random file from the list of assets and press 'Pick File'.
Select the .TMC file.
Before pressing swap, make sure to change the file type to .TMC hair. It should look something like this before you swap..

If your swap structure looks similar to this. Press swap.
We've now swapped a useless asset with an asset that we can now use; It will still be listed in the obsolete group however.

Do the same with the .TMCL hair, changing the file type to 'TMCL hair' respectively.
We have added in the custom hairstyle into the game's files.

Go back to 'Costume Browser' tab, select your character of choice and press DLC slots.
Add a new hairstyle and right cick its empty field. Click on 'change'

You can search for your added hairstyle if you remember the filenname. You can also swap the field to 'Obsolete' where you'll see all your modded hairs you've replaced on obsolete assets.

Select the .TMC and .TMCL hair files.
Select the costume, add a new hairstyle and change the hairstyle to the files that were added in the DLC slot, just like this. DON'T swap.

Lets see what the hairstyle looks like ingame.

SIDE NOTE: I did a little bit extra here and tweaked the hairline so it matched the hair colour. It's very rough looking but if i didn't i would of had an dark brownish hair line with white hair. I'll be going over this in a a later tutorial with what tools I use to edit textures properly.

Looking good! You have sucessfully imported a custom hairstyle into the game! Well done.
Extra Step: Disable Glasses
Glasses can be disabled for any costume. Very useful if you download a costume that has a mask.

For this part of the guide, I'll be using an R Mika Mod made by an mysterious author that nobody knows.

Open up the costumes you want to Disable/Enable glasses on.

I'll be disabling the Glasses on this mod so it cannot be selected in-game.
Simply toggle the enable glasses tickbox off.

Glasses have now been disabled. Lets take a look ingame!

Glasses have now been disabled! No-one should where a mask with glasses. XD

SIDE NOTE: Glasses can also be enabled on characters that dont have glasses! Image by bbb showing his 'Tengu's face glasses' mod. You can download it {LINK USUNIĘTY}. Instructions by bbb 1. swap tengu's original face tmc/tmcl with the new ones with lnk_reshuffle 4.2

2. in lnk_reshuffle 4.2, on every tengu costume, check on the enable glasses box


3. if you used my previous glassses, you may want to undo the damage by replacing all the --C files with a plain one, and remove unnecessary hair repeats.
Extra Step: Global Voice Chat for Dead Or Alive 5 Last Round PC/Console

So I couple of you guys have some issues with the Lnk_Reshuffle..

Not to fear! If im not able to message you on Steam i'll be most likely able to talk to you on my DOA5LR Disord Chat.

The chat is specifically for general discussion on DOA5LR but any issues with modding I am able to assist you there as im mostly lurking around Discord 24/7. Im also looking to recruit some modders to help newcomer Lnk_Reshuffle users on modding and monitoring the Discord servers!

How To Connect - Desktop (Application)

In my opinion the actual Discord application is best option for communicating well, through Discord. Definitely recommend if your going to use discord for a long time.

If you dont have a Discord account create one. You'll be able to change your picture and etc easier.

Existing members skip to Step 3.

Step 1: Download Discord here.

Step 2: Sign in.

Step 3: Press the add button located on the vertical sidebar.

Step 4: Copy this link and press enter.

Step 5: Your good to go!

How To Connect - Desktop (Browser)

Step 1: Click this link.

Step 2: Select your channel name.

Step 3: Your good to go!

How To Connect - Mobile

Step 1: Download the Discord app from the App Store or the Play Store.

Step 2: Sign in.

Step 3: Press the add button located on the vertical sidebar.

Step 4: Copy this link and press enter.

Step 5: Your good to go!

Komentarzy: 19
Koenji  [autor] 19 czerwca 2016 o 1:55 
@immi Updated it in the guide.
immi 17 czerwca 2016 o 13:08 
get the latest version here:

you need 5.2 for the latest update
LizardQueen 15 czerwca 2016 o 19:42 
Hey, It's still giving me crap about all this "wrong .exe" stuff. Any fixes? I'm using 5.1
Retro Bytez 11 czerwca 2016 o 11:49 
Hey I am having issues with the mod as well. Any news on how to fix the error issue?
Limitus 29 marca 2016 o 13:24 
any updates as to recover the used mods with the new update? since game told me that "game.exe" is not correct and thus disabled any modding...
dun wanna search for all of em online again :sadpanda:
Literally Cancer 28 lutego 2016 o 2:18 
I'm trying to download lnk_reshuffle 4.7 from the website, but everytime i click on the download link i get "website is down" error, anyone else getting this?
immi 10 lutego 2016 o 14:59 
either you are still using the online beta branch as Koenji said or a cracked exe. Both won't work.
if nothing helps, delete the game.exe, then let steam verify and download the missing file again.

or you are using an old version of lnk_reshuffle. Traditionally with any DLC release there is a game update which breaks the tool. Make sure to download the latest version (version 4.6 atm)

thx again for writing the guide :)
you might want to give the latest lnk_reshuffle a try if you find the time. Step 4 got a whole lot easier ;)