Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

33 평점
How to survive for less than 5 days! (AKA: How to play like me)
lovesugar 님이 작성
Me and my friends are experts at this. Trust me.
즐겨찾기 해제
Pick random characters!
Why even bother picking Wilston when you could randomly get Wes! And as we all know, Wes is great for begginers!
  • Balloons that do nothing and decrease sanity? Check.
  • Can't talk cause he's a mime or some ♥♥♥♥? Check.
  • HAS NO BENEFITS?! Check.

Or why not just pick Wendy? I mean, you're not going to get the ghost, but who gives a ♥♥♥♥? You're kawaii desu anime!

And what about the robot guy? Yup! real useful to get upgrades when you're going to die anyways.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Oh, but I'm pro. I last way more than 5 days. These characters are all good on the right hands!"


Yeah, you're probably right.
Waste resources like a freaking dumbass!
Grab all the berries and carrots you find, why not right?
Then when they're starting to rot, eat them all, even if you aren't even hungry!
Then die of hunger because there's nothing to eat. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. GENIUS.
Try to revive your friends!
You might be wondering how this is bad...
Well it's bad if you're anything like us, of course!
  • Die against the spiders!
  • Die by trying to craft the reviving thingy!
  • Revive your friend and then both die of hunger/spiders/sanity!

Die the most stupid way possible!
"Oh, oh! I know this one, Mr. Levi!"
"Really Jimmy?!"
"Well then, tell us how!"
"Well you do it by-"

Let me tell you how to die in the most braindead ways possible!

  • NUMBER 1:
Me: Hey man, we should go back to our camping place. It's almost night.
Dolan Duk: It's too far away, we should make a fire here and wait for daytime.
Me: Sure, can you do a fire?
Dolan Duk: No.
Me: Me neither.
Dolan Duk: ♥♥♥♥.
  • NUMBER 2:
Anto: Hurr durr! A wormhole! Let's jump in it repeatedly!
Me: Good idea! :D
  • NUMBER 3:
Me: ♥♥♥♥ I got Wes, I'm going to kill myself with balloons.
  • NUMBER 4:
?: Let's attack the buffallo. LOL!
Last, but not least!
Have fun!
It's just a game after all, don't worry if you're bad. It's for fun!
댓글 18
MewFort 2022년 10월 26일 오전 1시 08분 
I like how at the same time you can see this as "How to survive more than 5 days"
Dave 2019년 11월 13일 오후 12시 20분 
instructions unclear.
became edgy rick.
CarCarA1117 2019년 11월 12일 오후 8시 01분 
me and friend died till day 90! (Her sister was hogging internet then we froze to death and die from deerclops :steamfacepalm::steamsad::steamsalty:)!
Don 2019년 11월 5일 오후 1시 49분 
The only thing your missing is an authentic story of the dumbest way to die. Lucky for you I beheld such an occurrence. After a long venture through the caves, we were right outside the base, but it was cold so my friend, Wortox, made a fire. His sanity was low so he started cooking some blue caps, but he had forgotten that he was only at 3 hp. After a cap (or two) he dropped, and all of his things burned in the freshly constructed fire. He had a life ammy though, but when he tried to put out the fire destroying his gear, he fell again. And then...

You have lost connection to the server.
xX-CitronÄtare-Xx 2019년 11월 4일 오전 2시 53분 
Thanks, did the oposite and survived for around 234 days
GATE GUARDIAN 2019년 11월 3일 오전 9시 02분 
instructions unclear:killed misery toadstool and fuelweaver:steamsad:
Filip 2019년 11월 3일 오전 7시 53분 
Thanks i survived 73 days! (still going)
KnightOfTheMop 2019년 11월 2일 오후 2시 01분 
Another way you can survive for less than 5 days is by going willow and getting "enough" charcoal for the crock pots, might as well get "enough" ashes on the way too by burning other resources.
Gnat 2019년 11월 2일 오후 1시 47분 
Pizzabro 2019년 11월 2일 오전 11시 34분 
how do you set up a public match in don`t stave together because it wont swich to public