Dota 2
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Creep Stacking Dota 7.01
Af Death og 1 partnere
Stacking is the act of pulling a neutral creep camp, usually not towards the lane, at such a time that the camp is empty at the XX:00 minute mark. If the camp (and a specific surrounding region, known as the spawn zone) is empty at the XX:00 mark new creeps will spawn thus increasing the number of creeps in a camp. Once additional creeps have been allowed to spawn the camp is "stacked." The challenge with stacking is to pull the camp at the correct time. The creeps do not only have to clear the actual camp they are in, but also clear the camps corresponding spawn zone which differs from camp to camp.
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To stack a camp, you can either attack a unit in the camp or simply walk close to it. The neutral creeps will then attempt to chase you for a few seconds before returning to their initial position. Most camps can be stacked at around the 53-54 second mark. However, this timing varies depending on the spawn box size and the type of units involved. If done correctly, a new set of creeps will spawn at the minute mark.

The above method can be done multiple times, but timing might start to differ. This is because some creeps have auras which affect movement speed, and they can get in each other's way. Furthermore, all neutral camps can be stacked indefinitely; as long as all the creeps have escaped the camp boxes limits .

Jungle Change
The changes to the jungle means that there's less gold and XP overall to be gained from hitting jungle camps, so dedicated junglers are a thing of the past. With the spawns to be every 2 minutes, once you clear the jungle you'll be left with nothing to do other than go gank a lane or start a fight. If you try to dedicate to jungling, it'll only take one or two camp blocks with sentries or observers and your economy is going to be ruined.
Stacking camps is significantly more risky now, since that represents a large investment of time gold and xp that can be stolen.
The spawn of neutrals shifting to 0:30/1/3/5/7 means the offlane can be contested much more easily, you only need to block the camp for the first minute and you've got 3 minutes of no pulls even if they deward it. 3 minutes is 6 waves of creeps which is enough to get some levels.
Not many heroes will be level 1 jungling now, and those that do will need to be clearing a few camps, getting the bounty rune then ganking a lane
The first neutral creeps spawn 30 seconds after the first lane creeps spawn, which is at 00:30 game time. From there on, neutral creeps spawn on every odd minute mark (01:00, 03:00, 05:00, etc). A creep camp can never spawn the same set of neutral creeps in a row. This means, if for example an ancient camp contains dragons, the next time neutral creeps spawn in there, they cannot be dragons. Besides this, the chances for each type are the same.

A camp does not spawn neutral creeps when there are units within the spawn box of the camp, not even when the unit is invulnerable or hidden. This means if there are neutral creeps already in a camp, new creeps do not spawn on the next minute mark. However, it is possible for multiple neutral creeps to be inside a camp. This can be achieved by Pulling the already existing creeps and make them leave the spawn area. If the area is empty on the next minute mark, a new set of neutral creeps spawns in that camp. The previously Pulled creeps then return to their camp, so that the camp now contains 2 sets of neutral creeps (Stacked). This can be repeated many times, because it eventually gets impossible to get all creeps out of the spawn area. The spawn box areas can be seen by holding down the ALT key . (scroll down below to find how to enable it in option)

Every selectable unit can block a creep camp, except for the following:

Elder Titan - Astral Spirit
Techies - Stasis Trap
Broodmother - Spin Web
Techies - Proximity Mines
Templar Assassin - Psionic Trap
Techies - Remote Mines
Flying Courier
Animal Courier
Jungle Camp Spawn Boxes
How to view neutral creep spawn boxes?
open Dota 2 go to settings > options > interface and then check Holding ALT shows neutral spawnboxes

These images show how that the creeps cannot be in for a stack to occur. Click them for a larger size.

It's always best to practice stacking as the hero you want to play before joining an actual match. The time at which you need to stack the camp will vary because of which camp type it is (different camps have differing lengths that the creeps will chase you), what neutrals are currently in the camp (some move faster than others, and some won't leave until your hero gets out of their attack range), the attributes of your hero including their attack range if you're attacking to get the creeps attention.

Each camp has a "Base Stack Time". You will need to modify this based on your situation in the following ways:

subtract ≈:01 if you're a melee hero & there's a long-ranged neutral creep currently in the camp such as Vhoul Assassin Camp or Troll Camp.

Vhoul Assassin Camp

Troll Camp

subtract ≈:00.25 If your ranged hero has a short range (such as Luna or Huskar) and there's a long ranged creep currently in the camp.

The number of effective stacks is the number of times the camp can be reliably stacked without taking special measures such as destroying trees in the walking path of the creeps. These will also vary a bit depending on circumstances.

  • Radiant Small Camp
  • Base Stack Time= XX:54
  • # of effective stacks: 3
  • Pull Timing: XX:15 or XX:45

  • Radiant Medium Camp
  • Base Stack Time= XX:55
  • # of effective stacks: 2

  • Radiant Medium Camp
  • Base Stack Time= XX:56
  • # of effective stacks: 1

  • Radiant Medium Camp
  • Base Stack Time= XX:54
  • # of effective stacks: 3

  • Radiant Hard Camp
  • Base Stack Time= XX:53
  • # of effective stacks: 4
  • Pull Timing: XX:23 or XX:53

  • Radiant Hard Camp
  • Base Stack Time= XX:56
  • # of effective stacks: 2

  • Radiant Hard Camp
  • Base Stack Time= XX:54
  • # of effective stacks: 2

  • Radiant Ancient Camp
  • Base Stack Time= XX:53
  • # of effective stacks: 3

  • Radiant Ancient Camp
  • Base Stack Time= XX:54
  • # of effective stacks: 4

  • Dire Small Camp
  • Base Stack Time= XX:54
  • # of effective stacks: 3
  • Pull Timing: XX:15 or XX:45

  • Dire Medium Camp
  • Base Stack Time= XX:55
  • # of effective stacks: 2

  • Dire Medium Camp
  • Base Stack Time= XX:53
  • # of effective stacks: 3

  • Dire Medium Camp
  • Base Stack Time= XX:53
  • # of effective stacks: 7

  • Dire Hard Camp
  • Base Stack Time= XX:54
  • # of effective stacks: 4

  • Dire Hard Camp
  • Base Stack Time= XX:53
  • # of effective stacks: 4
  • Pull Timing: XX:23 or XX:53

  • Dire Hard Camp
  • Base Stack Time= XX:55
  • # of effective stacks: 1

  • Dire Ancient Camp
  • Base Stack Time= XX:54
  • # of effective stacks: 5

  • Dire Ancient Camp
  • Base Stack Time= XX:53
  • # of effective stacks: 4

Advanced Techniques
Certain heroes can stack creeps very quickly, such as Tinker and Clockwerk. With careful positioning and timing, Tinker can stack multiple camps at once using March of the Machines .

Rocket Flare can block a camp or stack it from anywhere if Clockwerk damages the creeps.


By using ranged abilities, some heroes can attack and stack creeps at little to no risk. For example, Alchemist, Medusa, Bristleback, and Beastmaster can attack ancient camps at a distance using Acid Spray , Split Shot , Quill Spray or Wild Axes . With some trees cleared, the Radiant ancient camp can be attacked from the ridge near the secret shop. The Dire side is even easier due to high ground and the creeps can be reached quite easily from the upper ridge.

Pulling the lane

By pulling a stacked camp into the lane a support can draw the aggro of the lane creeps onto the neutral jungle creeps, pulling them out of the lane and into the forest. This also works for camps that have not been stacked, but stacked camps have the benefit of killing the entire creep wave while a non-stacked camp will only kill one or two of the creeps.

Pulling the lane is a good way for supports to ensure good farm for their carry while denying the opposing carry the farm and gaining quicker levels for the support. Lane pulling is a very important part of the laning phase, especially in a defensive Trilane.

Securing farm for the carry

At the end of the laning phase, when a carry will start moving into the jungle and/or ancients to farm, stacking the camps whenever possible is a vital part of gameplay. This gives the team carry more farm from the stacked camps thus putting him closer to the farm he needs to be effective.


The Ghost reduces your movement speed by 20%, making the easy camp more difficult to stack if it's present.
The medium camp closest to the top T2 dire tower can be pulled; to do so it has to be done around the XX:56 mark so the creeps are on the way down the steps and don't have vision of their camp

(The Ghost camp is a small camp of Neutral creeps. It contains 2 Fell Spirits and 1 Ghost, and gives a total of 144 experience and 70-86 gold)


Move Speed

Fell Spirit

Move Speed
Observer Wards

With the changes to the map and jungle, and creep spawn times and with the shrines giving no vision, warding is going to change a lot. It will be important to ward your own jungle and the enemy jungle so you can contest any stacking (not that it will be likely). Before your last T2 falls you'll want to ward your shrines, or the enemy shrines so you can see if they are attempting a sneaky move. Vision battles are going to be really important since there's so many objectives to go for and a whole bunch of skills have had their vision nerfed. Given how much fighting is going to happen and how many objectives there are, it's a lot more important.

Ward Blocking

By placing a ward inside the spawn zone of the creep camp closest to the lane (the one used for pulling) you prevent neutral creeps from spawning there. With the current cost of wards at only 65 gold, this is something which is definitely worth it if the other team plans on stacking and pulling.

So - Who makes a good jungler?
Enchantress, Lone Druid, Enigma, Nature's Prophet, Chen, Lycan, Broodmother

AoE spells/abilities
Juggernaut, Beastmaster, Bristleback, Brewmaster, Axe, Dark Seer, Centaur , Legion Commander

Troll Warlord , Bloodseeker , Naix , Terrorblade , Ursa

In actuality, many heroes can jungle - even more than the ones I listed. In terms of difficulty, however, these ones are generally a bit easier than others, so try these to start. Also, just because you CAN jungle doesn't mean that you should given the hero lineups.

68 kommentarer
HatGuyDrip 25. sep. 2017 kl. 2:27 
ENG: Choose the one that's on the list and write in my profile, I will answer the same!
+rep good player
+rep nice player
+rep gg wp
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+rep fast and nice trade
+rep good teammate
+rep nice teammate
+rep Good job
+rep great, highly recommended
+rep Great man
+rep best gamer Dota 2
naw 7. nov. 2016 kl. 8:43 
nice :luf:
araj<3 22. juni 2016 kl. 16:18 
Oddball 5. mar. 2016 kl. 6:37 
RUS: Выберите что то одно из этого списка и напишите в моём профиле, отвечу тем же!
ENG: Choose the one that's on the list and write in my profile, I will answer the same!
+rep good player
+rep nice player
+rep gg wp
+rep gamer
+rep fast and nice trade
+rep good teammate
+rep nice teammate
+rep Good job
+rep great, highly recommended
+rep Great man
+rep best gamer Dota 2
Jokic 15. dec. 2015 kl. 5:59 
He forgot beastmaster for good jungler :(
ez mmr 13. dec. 2015 kl. 21:55 
you can still stack with your effective stacks..
Drikky 13. dec. 2015 kl. 15:41 
you forgot gyro his 3rd ability...
No(o)ne 13. dec. 2015 kl. 6:07 
76561198086339917 13. dec. 2015 kl. 1:46 
what about alchemist
็็็็็็็็็ 12. dec. 2015 kl. 22:29 
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