Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005)

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005)

70 beoordelingen
Door Red
In this guide, I will explain in detail the fundamental (and proper) use of the “Soldier Class.”

Beware: All contents in this guide are based upon years of gameplay and reflection. This guide is mainly for those who wish to compete in multiplayer or elite matches.
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-Blaster Rifle (Rapid Fire Arm)
-Blaster (Pistol)
-Thermal Detonator (Grenade)
-Wrist Rocket (CIS’ replacement for grenade)
-Tri-shot (CIS’ Replacement for pistol)
An underwhelming unit at first glance, but in the right hands- it’s the most effective unit in the entire galaxy! Nothing can match the flexibility and effectiveness of this class. Here are your factions:
  • [The Republic] Clone Trooper
  • [The CIS] Super Battle Droid
  • [The Rebellion] Rebel Soldier
  • [The Empire] Stormtrooper

Each faction has its own passive abilities that may not be noticeable at first, but taken into consideration, they effect the gameplay accordingly. The blaster rifle, being the main weapon for this class, was nitpicked for all those small differences. They make little impression, but for the conscious player, adjusting to these changes DO make a difference. Here are the comparisons:
  • [The Republic] Clone Trooper has a steady rate of fire that can be described as “medium” compared to the other factions. This class is the most balanced when it comes to rate of fire and damage yields. The player should expect random spikes of high damage yields on certain body areas of the target. This is especially true for headshots, which are anonymously consistent with the other factions.

  • [The CIS] Super Battle Droid has a slow rate of fire that can be described as “low” compared to the other factions. To compensate for this low rate of fire, the blaster yields more damage than the Clone blaster rifle. Other differences include the wrist rocket, which allows for medium-range explosive damage, and the tri-shot, which allows for close quarters combat (Acting similar to the shotgun). This makes the Super Battle Droid the most versatile unit, capable of both mid-range and close range combat.

  • [The Rebellion] Rebel Soldier has a steady rate of fire that can be described as “medium-low” compared to the other factions. This medium-low rate of fire can be compromising- but it yields similar damage to that of a battle droid.

  • [The Empire] Stormtrooper has the fastest rate of fire that can be described as “high” compared to the other factions. With its high rate of fire, it comes with a compromising yield in damage. More blaster shots are required to eliminate your target since it produces less damage, but its rapid fire is heavily advantageous in a fire fight against individual targets.
There’s no true way of playing this unit class, but there is an EFFECTIVE way. When it comes to what this unit offers, let’s consider what environments this unit thrives in:
  1. Medium-range combat.
  2. Open, or wide spaces.
  3. 1 vs 1, or 2 vs 1 engagements.
  4. Squad tactics.
  5. 3rd person view.

These are some of the ideal environments this unit class performs the best, now let’s dive deeper into each of these categories. Note that this gameplay is specific to get the most out of this class.
  1. [Medium-range combat] The biggest mistake I see with unknowing players is their use of distance relative to their target. This unit is most effective when you KEEP YOUR DISTANCE. Reason being is that other classes (except for marksman) perform immensely better when they have a bigger target. Commonly, I see the Heavy Infantry or Engineers make use of close quarters combat by deploying mines or other explosives. These are instant kills, something your unit is limited to the thermal detonator (considering it needs steady ground for detonation). Unlike the other classes, the blaster rifle requires consistent, and accurate fire. There’s no other way around this, you must shoot straight- and keep your distance.

    There’s a saying that goes: “Aim small, miss small.” The infantry class is meant to deal damage at a distance. However, there’s one thing you must consider to improve your marksmanship: THE BLASTER FIRE IS DELAYED!! Meaning that where you aim may not be relative to where the blasters hit, especially on a moving target. Luckily you have your reticle, the transparent circle that will serve as your measuring ruler. The farthest corners of the reticle should be aimed at the target as it moves. DO NOT use the center of the reticle as a reference guide, unless the target is stationary. In other words, aim where the target is going to be, NOT where it currently is.

  2. [Open or Wide Spaces] Since you need to distance yourself from your target, you also need space to move and dodge enemy fire. The best method of evasion (true to all unit classes) is to roll out of danger. Most importantly, KEEP MOVING, make yourself a hard target. If you are quick on your feet, you’ll notice that most blaster fire will miss you entirely. This will buy you time to land all your shots on target before taking damage. Remember that blaster fire needs to be consistent and accurate, keep a clear line of sight!

    Should you avoid narrow environments? YES!! When other units can use explosives more effectively, you need all the space you can get to avoid those explosives. A narrow corridor is the best example of a place where there's no escape from a rocket launcher, and your target can eliminate you before any significant damage is given in return. This unit class has a small window of opportunity to yield massive amounts of damage unto a group of targets. This is because a thermal detonator (although effective) takes time to explode, enough time to counter attack or evade. Find cover, have open space, and AVOID narrow environments.

  3. [2 vs 1] A great advantage of having a blaster rifle, is that you can take on multiple enemies with a single clip. In the event that your overwhelmed by multiple targets, prioritize your shots to the immediate danger. For instance, you would engage a target that’s targeting you before engaging on another target that’s not aware of your presence. Ideally, you wouldn’t want to be outnumbered, but if you are (and probably will) prioritize your targets. The blaster rifle has a large supply of ammo, and a clip of approximately 50 rounds. Use this to your advantage.

    Since the blaster rifle is only capable of engaging one target at a time, being in a position where you CANNOT engage at an individual level can be problematic. However, at the individual level, TEMPO is a very important factor into using this unit class. By tempo I mean the distance and time relative to your target. Like on my previous points, to gain more distance is to gain more time. By controlling the tempo, you have all necessary advantages of using a blaster rifle compared to other weapons; distance makes you harder to hit, and time allows you to make adjustments to your shots.

  4. [Squad Tactics] No unit is better at working alongside another than the Infantry class. In comparison to the rest of the classes, the infantry unit can be both independent and dependent of other units. As a dependent unit, the combined fire power of several blaster rifles can be devastating. Therefore, its highly encouraged to engage alongside other units. Consider this class as a “supporting unit,” while your team mates take the charge, you (along with the rest of your squad if you choose) provide supporting fire at a safe distance. This allows for concentrated volleys of fire against targets that are not a danger to you. Remember, this unit is more effective at Medium-range.

  5. [3rd person view] In order to evade danger, prioritize targets, or engage alongside a squad, you must be aware of your surroundings. The best way to achieve this is by using the 3rd person perspective. Unlike the 1st person counter parts, your field of view is limited to what’s directly in front of you. Switching to 3rd person is highly advised to acquire a larger view of the battle field. Once in 3rd person view, there’s several things you will notice; Regardless of focus (zooming in) the accuracy remains the same, you slow down as you aim, blaster fire is directional of where the rifle is aimed at, and your field of view is shortened.

    Since the accuracy is consistent regardless of focus, its more appropriate to engage without aiming down the sights. This is to maintain your speed and maneuverability, something you cannot sacrifice without a clear advantage. In a situation where the target is far beyond your range, and there’s no surrounding danger, then aiming becomes advantageous. This is because your target is far from being any real danger, so speed can be sacrificed to acquire a better view.
There’s more for me to dwell on, but I’m very confident I’ve covered the most important points for your SUPREMACY in the battlefield. I look forward to seeing all of you applying these tactics. In the end, it only benefits you, the dedicated player. What you do with this guide is ultimately your choice.

The force is calling me… I must say goodbye.
But don’t overwhelm yourself with all this information, with practice and patience, it will come naturally. Remember your training and ally yourself with the force, only then will you achieve greatness.

So long my faithful reader, and may the force be with you.
7 opmerkingen
Philuu ❄ 6 mei 2022 om 8:54 
Only play soldier for award rifle c:
Curious Mando 15 okt 2020 om 17:41 
TLDR soldier is meta
jfrever03 11 okt 2020 om 12:42 
i'm really liking these guides, thank you! i wonder if you can include the pilot and marines in these???
leonquinplayz 11 sep 2020 om 20:32 
Thank you!
brb1611 21 aug 2020 om 17:21 
This is the Best Infantry Guide I've Read, Great job
Red  [auteur] 12 dec 2015 om 1:40 
Hi NonverbalShoe!! I do play as the Imperial Officer and Clone Commander every now and then. Their support abilities DO contribute to some extent, but I hardly see any actual effect on multiplayer matches. Most people don't play together as a team (Unless they're on a party of their own). This is why the people using the support class don't really support that much... On top of that, I hardly ever see these classes in multplayer.

When it comes to the actual effects of these buffs- I can't say they're really effective. One of the only buffs where I see a clear advantage is the "Regeneration" buff for the Bothan Spy.

These two unit classes aren't as lackluster as their buffs though.
I can go deeper on a SUPREMACY GUIDE for these unit classes if you like!

Thanks for the comment!! I'm not sleeping tonight anyways XD
NonverbalShoe 27 nov 2015 om 17:34 
I thought that the Imperial Officer and Clone Commander would be better than infantry in a support role because they can buff everyone around them. I have not played battlefront for a while though and never online, so I might just be imagining the battles differently from how they occur, but after reading this the only thing I can think of that ruins the AOE buff is how everyone moves a lot which might set them out of the bubble. Do you have any experience with either of the classes I mentioned or are they not viable?