Deathtrap Dungeon

Deathtrap Dungeon

32 ratings
Absolute Beginner's Guide
By FPW Player
Controls and tactics for Deathtrap Dungeon newbies and people who haven't played the PC version before.
How do I attack?
Attacking is a toggle in Deathtrap Dungeon. Turn caps lock on to enter attack mode then press up, left or right on the arrow keys to use your weapon.
What is the most effective attack?
The caps lock + right arrow key is a thrusting stab attack which gives you more speed and range than the up or left attacks.
Which weapon should I use?
The standard sword is an adequate weapon for most of the game. The war hammer gives a big damage bonus but expect to take more damage yourself due to its slow speed. Don't use special swords such as the venom sword or silver sword against enemy types they weren't intended for (only use the venom sword against poison creatures such as snake girls and the silver sword against undeads) as special swords aren't durable and will break without giving you a significant damage bonus against standard enemies.
How do I block?
With caps lock on, hold down on the arrow keys.
How do I use my inventory?
The F1, F2 and F3 keys will bring your inventory up on the screen, use the number keys to select an item to use.
How do I change the camera angle?
You can't change the fixed camera angles but if the camera is in follow mode then holding tab will take you into first person view. When you release tab, you'll exit first person view and the camera should be reset at a more convenient angle.
Can I play with a controller instead of the keyboard?
Not all keys can be remapped to the controller. Some, such as inventory, can't be changed. Others can be changed via the setup menu.
Where can I find a full walkthrough with maps?
kentcclark66 16 Jul, 2023 @ 6:57am 
how do u get controller to work
mltnschroeder 24 Feb, 2021 @ 7:23am 
I disagree the thrusting attack is always the best one:

- Up Arrow: two-handed overhead chops followed by a leaping chop. Inflicts ~150% more damage (verified vs snake women). For taking down enemies quickly.
- Right Arrow: a series of one-handed stabbing thrusts. Enemies don't seem to counterattack much while you stab, so it might be 'safer' than the other two styles.
- Left Arrow: two-handed side chops followed by a twirl-jump. Can take out multiple enemies in one chop, so if you are being mobbed try this one.
- Left + Right Arrow (simultaneously): back-step and slash to your rear. You can attack/drive-off an enemy directly behind you.

Any direction arrow + Jump: do a standing flip jump in the desired direction seamlessly between combat thrusts. To rush-forward/fall-back quickly while in combat stance.

Hold any attack+arrow keys down: auto-targets the enemy to your 'front' while unleashing a continuous flurry of blows, & keeps the enemy centered while the keys are held down.
mltnschroeder 4 Jun, 2020 @ 12:43am 
Also, pressing right arrow & left arrow simultaneously while in combat allows a back-step while slashing a 180 degree flank attack on your sword-arm side. So if you ever get into a situation flanked to the front and rear by two enemies, you can fight them both at the same time: advance a few lunges forward using a single arrow key, then back-step a few lunges using right+left arrow to prevent either enemy from ever getting in a proper attack.

This is also a good technique if you find yourself advancing too far forward after a flurry of blows (because the enemy backs into a wall, or there is a trap you need to avoid). Just use right+left arrows to back-step a bit (while still in attack mode), then advance again using your normal attack.
SilentBoy741 7 Mar, 2020 @ 12:54pm 
When in combat always hold the Down Arrow key, to remain in a blocking stance all the time. Your enemies cannot hit you while you are facing them, and you can time your attack to strike while their attack animation is finishing. After your attack, go immediately back to blocking stance and wait for your next opportunity.