The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

809 人が評価
Followers Level With You
170.817 KB
2015年11月14日 6時38分
2015年11月14日 12時06分
2 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )
このアイテムを使用するには、 DLC が必要です。

Followers Level With You

-- If you do not have all three the game will crash. This is because it uses data from all three. So when you don't have one of the requirements, your computer ends up searching for fundamental information that doesn't exist, causing a crash.

VANILLA VERSION (does not require any DLCs) CAN BE FOUND AT:
Both mods are standalone, you only need one.

This takes all 80+ possible followers of the game and makes them all level with you!
They each still have their original base level, but now they can all level up to 80!
This affects your housecarls, mercanaries, horses (only ones that can be player owned, including Shadowmere), dogs, armored trolls & death hounds (none of the hostile ones, just player owned)! If it follows you, it levels with you!

I made this because I found followers to be one of the most rediculas things, when I'm level 60, they'd die in one hit. And no wonder! They're set max was lv20!... And my horses died to easily (being lv4 with little health). This mod changes all that and hopefully makes followers worth it again.

*This will not affect followers added by other mods.*

*Due to a bug in the game the level multiplier only applies the first time you enter the npc's trigger area. I'm actively searching for a way around it.*

If you like this mod rate it up (encourages me to make more mods).

For those of you new to modding your skyrim, just hit the subscribe button to download.
197 件のコメント
CaptainSparkl3z 2023年5月14日 14時09分 
I just checked and Lydia is stuck at lvl 50 (installed this mod before creating a new character)
Sinzim 2019年3月4日 15時35分 
I always thought it was beyond stupid to have a level cap on a followers, like what, do they stop learning? are they are way dumber then you? and why do I have to discard my adventuring buddy because they'll get murdered in one hit? whats the point? ive spent hours and hours and hours bonding with them only to have to let them go and then carry on for another 100 hours without them. except J'zargo, who can stay with you forever, which is how companions should be
Lednard 2017年4月19日 12時34分 
Is there anyway to have your follower at more than 80 ? (Other than J'zargo and the 3 others maggots ?)
Ujiyasu03 2016年11月24日 15時07分 
@lupus_hegemonia Seranna levels up either to infinite, or 100. Either way, I reccomend Amazing Follower Tweaks to check such things. To test this mod, you should test Faendal, who levels to 30 normally. Check the UESP Wiki for information on the base game in general.
lupus_hegemonia 2016年11月23日 8時47分 
I'm 44 level now, with the (BEST) companion SERANA, which is already very good/powerful. How am I suppose to understand if she became better (level-up)?
PRIMALUS 2016年11月2日 4時54分 
This mod is very good. Please make this mod for the special version of Skyrim as well.
Ujiyasu03 2016年11月1日 23時07分 
For those of you who want to check* the mod. I opened CK to do such a check and Faendal for example is set to PC level multiplier and levels up to 80. He starts at lvl 6, but used to only level up to 30 or so. Thus we know the mod works because we opened CK.
Storm_at_Sea 2016年7月31日 8時38分 
I use Serana and she apparently can't be killed, even after her quest is over, but I'll keep this in mind if I want to try someone else at another point in the future.

**Do you happen to take requests? Some modders do.
{I only have time to game OR mod- I choose to game!}
HofG 2016年6月11日 1時44分 
Iron Man. With the DLCs come new NPCs and followers, dumbass
Hellspawn91x 2016年5月23日 14時35分 
How am I supposed to tell if it's working or not? I'd prefer not to find out 40 levels from now.