Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

2,098 ratings
Tactical Plants w/ Post-Plant Positioning
By TriGaar
Ever seen the bomb being planted here? or there?
This guide will teach you some bomb plant positions you may have never seen before, as well as show you where to play the bomb from.
Bomb Planting is an important factor in CS:GO and can win you many rounds if done correctly.
Balancing the risk of planting with the reward is a difficult art to master, but with some quick thinking you can outplay your opponents with ease. You could plant safe, and have a difficult bomb to watch, or you could plant out in the open and watch the bomb from many angles.
Here are some tactical plants and positions that will win you rounds.

I'd be surprised to find someone who uses all of these plants, as I had never even seen some myself until I went looking.
DustII - A Site
DustII A Site Tactical Plants

Long Box Plant

Most people plant for long in front of the barrel on DustIIs A Site.
But how about an even better long plant that is very hard to defuse?
This plant on the MIDDLE of the box allows you to watch the bomb from long A, and forces the CTs to climb on the box to defuse, making it very very easy to play the bomb.
This risk with this plant is how exposed you are when planting, but the reward is huge. If you could pull this plant off in a 1v1 there's no way you should be losing.
Play this plant from short or long.


Catwalk Plant

When people plant for short or goose, they usually plant right up against the boxes, why?
The bombsite extends further out and so you can actually plant it for far more positions by noting this.
Plant the bomb as far out from the corner of the site as you can, giving your teammates options to watch from short, goose and even A ramp.

This plant is far superior to the normal short plant because it is so open and not only visable from
short, but effectively a whole 270 degrees.

So I recommend planting out further on
the catwalk rather than in the common
spot by the boxes.
DustII - B Site
DustII B Site Tactical Plant

Double Stack Plant

Instead of always planting default, which is an okay plant for tunnels, how about planting in front of double stack?
Planting here has advantages over planting default, if you can risk the few seconds being exposed.
Planting here gives vision from tunnels, as well as window and door. From these positions you can peek much safer angles if the bomb is planted in front of double opposed to default.

Cache - A Site
Cache A Site Tactical Plants

Cache A Site has the common, but effective A Main Plant. But here are some alternatives to put off your opponents.

Highway Plant

Instead of holding A Site, how about just holding middle?
Plant it for highway and play the bomb from sandbags!
This plant can also be watched from A Main and Truck, so spread out and force your opponents into a horrible situation!


Carpark Plant

Ever seen the bomb planted here?
This plant is a little risky, but pulling this out once a game will put your opponents off and they wont know where to look for you!
This plant is perfect to watch from squeeky, where you can lurk until the defuse comes in.
It also can be watched from toxic barrels.

Cache - B Site
Cache B Site Tactical Plants

Default Box Plant

On Cache, it is far too often that people plant in the site where it cannot be watched from smart positions.
Planting in front of the default box is extremely risky but has such a high reward. This plant isn't used enough, even though many people know of it. This is a reminder to all you silvers. Do this!

It can be watched from anywhere, heaven, checkers, main, site, tree.


Safer Default Box Plant

If you cant risk the plant above because you have incoming CTs, try this plant.
Planting on the side of this box is good when you have control on heaven.
You can play very passive angles and peek this plant, which will make it very hard for CTs to defuse.

Mirage - A Site
Mirage A Site Tactical Plant

TriBox Plant

Mirage A site plants are pretty well known, but I want to put emphasis on planting where you are unable to be seen from CT because so often you get killed from there.
Plant next to this corner of TriBox to have a plant where you are safe from CT, and can be watched from short, a ramp, connector and palace.
Planting here can force the CTs out of CT and make them push you instead of letting yourself get hammered on the retake inside the site.

Mirage - B Site
Mirage B Site Tactical Plant

Bench Plant

Instead of planting safe, for short, for apts, why not plant for shop? Its so often pushed and held anyway.
By planting near bench, you can make a relatively safe plant that is visible from short, bench and shop!
If CTs are rushing apts or short, why not hold shop and watch the bomb. Window and Door! They can both watch this plant.

Inferno - A Site
Inferno A Site Tactical Plant

X Marks The Spot - Headshot Plant

On A Site Inferno, X marks the spot! Try planting here for a plant that can be seen from so many angles!
Library, Apts, Pit! Cover the bomb from all angles!

Off The Platform - Pit Plant

Not everyone knows you can plant off the A Site Platform, so not only is this plant hard to find, but also really easy for a T to watch.
Porch, Apts, Pit, Library, this has a 270 degree view.
Inferno - B Site
Inferno B Site Tactical Plant

Dark Plant

On Inferno, planting grill, or behind the fountain are standard, but really aren't the best plants around.
Planting in front of dark lets you play the bomb really passively from construction.
As well as peeking from CT, Banana and The whole site.

A Message From The Creator
Thanks for reading, please give a rating if you like these plants.
Let me know what ones you like, what ones you disagree with, ones you have never seen.
If you know of any others, feel free to share them with me!

Check out my previous guide about De_Santorini Smokes

If you found this really helpful, feel free to donate, it encourages me to make more guides like this.
Nightmare trag pe frunte 1 Apr, 2023 @ 8:18am 
******* LOST 15 Jan, 2023 @ 10:53am 
very good guide
cristionel ronalmesi 6 Dec, 2022 @ 6:30pm 
tkf bro this trick is useful to me
KE₦ Š Y⁹メ 15 Jul, 2022 @ 2:29am 
ENG: Choose the one that's on the list and write in my profile, I will answer the same
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희망 7 Jul, 2022 @ 4:45am 
RUS: Выберите что то одно из этого списка и напишите в моём профиле, отвечу тем же!
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+Rep Nice Aim💜
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+Rep Good AK-47 SPRAY ! 👑
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Tolles hemmelige elsker 20 May, 2022 @ 6:21am 
Very helpful
d1axowy 8 Mar, 2022 @ 12:35pm 
RUS: Выберите что то одно из этого списка и напишите в моём профиле, отвечу тем же!
ENG: Choose the one that's on the list and write in my profile, I will answer the same!
+Rep Nice Aim💜
+Rep Only Headshot
+Rep 💜
+Rep Good AK-47 Recoil 👑
+Rep Good AK-47 SPRAY ! 👑
+Rep 👑Awp King 👑
+Rep Aimbot detected
+Rep Friendly Person💜
+Rep Headmachine 👊
+rep Great Player 💛
+rep Killing Machine 😈
+rep Nice to Meet You! 💢
+rep Top Player 🔝
+rep Tnx For Carry 👍
+rep Epic Comeback 👏