Quake Live

Quake Live

227 ratings
100% Achievement Guide
By NorkDorf Entertainment
This guide will walk you through on how to get each achievement in Quake Live
Before You Begin
All the achievements can be obtained in your own created match.

How to create your own match is simple, just follow these steps:
  • Click Play which is found at the top of the main menu
  • After clicking play you will have 3 options Match Browser, Start Match, and Training Center. Click on Start Match.
  • When you click on Start Match you will then be presented with a screen with some options. The following screenshot is what it should look like:

The most important thing to make sure your options have is "Match Type" this needs to be on "Internet", if it is not on "Internet" then you will NOT get the achievements and nothing will count.

When you are in game you will need to push your Tilda symbol which is located to the left of your number 1 on your keyboard and it looks like this ~, when you push the Tilda on your keyboard you will be presented with a drop down window which looks like the following:

When you bring down that drop down screen you will need to type in some commands that will help you in getting the achievements you are after, the following commands are what you need to learn, after you type in 1 of the following commands push "Enter" on your keyboard to activate the command:

  • addbot crash 1 red - When you put in this command its going to add 1 bot named crash and the 1 is the skill level of the bot which is "I can win" and red is the placement of that bot as to which team the bot will play on if you were to put 5 instead of 1 the bot will be on "Nightmare" difficulty.

  • fraglimit 2000 - This command will change the fraglimit to 2000 frags before the round ends. You can change the number to any number you would like for example fraglimit 100 or any number you choose.

  • timelimit 99 - This command will change the time limit in the match, if you were to put timelimit 99 then you will have 99 minutes before the round ends. You can change the number to anything you would like. Just know that the number is in minutes.

  • capturelimit 100 - This command is for Capture the Flag only, the capture limit is the amount of times you have captured the enemy flag. You can change the number to any number.

These commands are very useful and you will use them with all the achievements.
Testing One..Two.. & Victory
Testing One..Two.. Complete 1 match.
To get this achievement all you need to do is complete 1 full match. You can play any mode and get this achievement.

Victory Win a match for the first time.
If you happen to be on the winning team with your first match this achievement will unlock also. Just be on the winning team.
Raptor Frag an opponent while you are in the air.

Jump off a ledge and while falling frag an opponent. You will most likely get this one naturally while just playing the game.
Midair & Psychic

You can accomplish 2 achievements really easy by doing the following:
Midair Get 25 frags using projectiles on opponents midair.
on the map Vortex Portal

Just "Start Match" on Capture the Flag mode and move all the players with Admin over to the opposing team, I started mine with like 10 bots on the opposite team on the lowest difficulty, get a rocket launcher or plasma gun and wait till they start launching in the air at your flag. When they are in the air start blowing them out of the sky.

Doing all of the above will unlock the achievement:
Psychic Use a rocket to kill an opponent who is in the air.
Speed Kills
Speed Kills Frag an enemy while moving at over 500 units per second.

This one is pretty simple to do, just jump when you land while moving to gain speed. You will get this one naturally just by playing.
First Frag
First Frag Score the first kill in a match.

You can get this one easy by creating a server and adding 1 bot to the match. Start the match and kill the bot and you will get this achievement.
Hat Trick
Hat Trick Record 3 Excellent medals in 1 game.

If you followed how to get the Midair video you will get this one easy, just start a match with a lot of bots or do a Free For All and you will get this one easy.
First Taste & Hooked & Fear Me & Vadri'gar
First Taste Accumulate 100 Frags.

Hooked Accumulate 500 Frags.

Fear Me Accumulate 1000 Frags.

Vadri'gar Accumulate 10000 Frags.

Just play the game and these will unlock while you play, do it while playing against live people or against bots.
Killjoy Frag an opponent who has Quad Damage when you have no power-up.

When you see someone glow blue and usually everyone is trying to get away from him or gang up on him try to be the one to give the killing shot when you have no power-ups or anything special going on with you.

This video will show you what blow skin the person will have when they have Quad Damage
Plus One
Plus One Frag an opponent when you have only 1 health.

You can have a friend shoot you with the machine gun till you are at 1 health and then frag your friend. You will most likely get this just by playing online or against bots.
Crash Test
Crash Test Win the Crash Course match against our trainer.

Click Play when you get to the main menu, then click on Training Center, beat Crash on any difficulty to get this achievement.

Accelerate Hall Challenges
Accelerate Beginner Finish the first hall in the Accelerate training level.

Accelerate Adept Finish the second hall in the Accelerate training level.

Accelerate Expert Finish the final hall in the Accelerate training level.

This video will show you an easy method of getting these 3 achievements in less than 2 minutes.

Elevate Hall Challenges
Elevate Beginner Finish the first hall in the Elevate training level.

Elevate Adept Finish the second hall in the Elevate training level.

Elevate Expert Finish the final hall in the Elevate training level.

This video will show you how it's done.
Camper Record 15 or more frags in a single match with the Rail Gun.

Get the railgun and start killing with it, you can do this easy against bots on a Free For All map.

Bandit Deny Quad Damage from your opponent.

Just snag quad damage when the enemy is about to.
Last Hope
Last Hope In Clan Arena, frag 3 or more opposing players to win the round, when you're the last alive.

You can do this in a real life match or take the easy road by creating a match on Clan Area, it doesn't matter what map, just put 3 bots on the opposing team and give your team 1 teammate, let your teammate die which should be easy if you mess with the difficulty of each bot. You can make the opposing team harder than the bot you have on your team. Let your teammate get fragged and then kill the rest of the enemy team.
Overkill Use the Rail Gun to frag an opponent with only 1 point of health.

This is a chance achievement but an easy one, just play against others online or play with bots and this one will happen eventually.
Hall Monitor
Hall Monitor Reach the end of the skill test hallway in the Crash Course.
Full House
Full House Earn at least 1 Capture, Defense, and Assist medal in a CTF match.

Not too hard to do, just create a match with bots and Capture the flag one time, Defend your flag, and assist someone with capturing the flag. The game will tell you when you have received each other medals required.
Aim Bot
Aim Bot Win a match with 60% or greater accuracy.

Change the timelimit command to 1-5 minutes. How to do this is simple, just create a match with 1 bot, when in game push the Tilda button which looks like this ~ this will bring down the drop down command line. Put in timelimit 5 to tell the game to change the game to 5 minutes.

After you have done that you will then have 5 minutes to do this, all you have to do is hit the enemy with 1 bullet which will then give you the 100% rating you are wanting. I used a railgun to complete this task, I hit the enemy with 1 rail and then used my gauntlet the rest of the time. Using your gauntlet will not affect your accuracy for the match.
Nade Spam
Nade Spam Win a CA round using the Grenade Launcher.

Create a Clan Arena (CA) match, add 1 bot. Frag the bot with the grenade launcher then the achievement will unlock.
Pull Record 5 Shotgun frags of opponents in the air in one match.

Just run around with the shotgun and frag the enemy while in air. You can also the technique in the Midair achievement to get this one easy.
Air Hammer
Air Hammer Frag an opponent with Gauntlet while both of you are in the air.

You and the enemy can both be jumping at the same time and use the gaunt to frag them and this will unlock.
Brawler Record 5 Gauntlet frags in one match.

Really easy achievement, just create a match and put the bots on the lowest difficulty and run around using your gauntlet.
Here Goes Nothing
Here Goes Nothing Frag your opponent with Gauntlet in a Duel.

Create a match, pick duel as the mode, frag your opponent with gauntlet.
Sucker Punch
Sucker Punch Use the Gauntlet to frag an opponent who has Quad Damage.

Create match, let the bot get quad damage, then frag him with the gauntlet.
Assassin Accumulate 250 Impressive Medals.

Hit the enemy 2 times in a row without missing and you will get an impressive medal, this is really easy to do with a lot of bots added to the game.
Resource Hog
Resource Hog Get Quad and Battle Suit in one match.
There are a couple levels that have both Quad and Battle Suit, the level I got this achievement was on Warehouse.

The mode that this has been reported to be successful on is Free For All and Team Deathmatch.

If you know more levels then please feel free to comment below and ill add them to the list.

Smack Down
Smack Down Accumulate 10 or more Quad Damage frags in 1 game.

You can get this with the first try, just create a match, then add a lot of bots, get the quad damage and go crazy. I would suggest doing this in Capture the Flag.
Punch Out
Punch Out Get the last frag in a CA round with gauntlet.

Create a match, Clan Arena mode, add 1 bot, break him down a little and then finish him off with a gauntlet.
Jesse James
Jesse James Win a Duel without dying.

Create a match, mode Duel, then change the timelimit to 1-5 mins, just frag the enemy and don't die, this is easy to achieve against bots.
Ninja Cap
Ninja Cap Capture the flag in Attack & Defend without killing anyone on the team, minimum size 3.

Create a match, Attack & Defend mode, add 4 bots to the game, start the match, then use the "Admin" to move the one person on your team over to the opposing side. Get the flag and bring it back to your base without killing anyone on the opposite team.
Clutch Win a Capture the Flag match by 1 capture, ending the match with your winning flag run.

Create a match, Capture the Flag mode, add 1 bot, change capturelimit to 1, capture the flag and you will unlock this achievement.
Wicked Record a final score of 666 in Capture the Flag.

This one can be tricky but is easy all at the same time.

Just remember:
Around 100 for capturing flags
Around 50 For recovering flag
1 for Frags

The way I did this one is captured the flag around 6 times, then my score was close to 666, fragged a couple enemies to bring it to 666, just make sure you don't kill yourself as that will -1 from your score. After you hit 666 then just sit in a corner and wait till the round is over.
MVP Accumulate 1000 combined total Capture the Flag Medals (Capture, Assist, Defense).

Just go nuts against bots for awhile in Capture the Flag and you will get it. The best way I have found to get this achievement is to carry the enemy flag with you while fighting, you will get a lot of Defense medals.
Sidekick Accumulate 100 Assist Medals.

Shoot an enemy and have your teammate frag that enemy this will give you an assist.
Color Guard
Color Guard Accumulate 100 Capture Medals.

Capture the enemy flag in Capture the Flag......100 times. Create a custom ctf game with 1 bot then change the timelimit to 99 and capturelimit to 100, play it on railyard or a small ctf map.
Fight Club
Fight Club Accumulate 50 Humiliation Medals.

Frag 50 people with Gauntlet. Start a match, add a lot of bots at lowest difficulty and go crazy on them with the gauntlet.
Big Time & Prize Fighter
Prize Fighter Complete 1000 matches.

Big Time Complete 250 matches.

Create a match, Team Deathmatch mode, add 7 bots to red and 7 to blue which would make the blue team to have 8 because it has you on the team, make sure your team is on nightmare and put the red team to "I can win" let them fight and you will usually win all the matches, change fraglimit to 1 via the console command, it will count towards these 2 achievements.

I would suggest creating a macro to complete this and for it to just to push the ready up button. It on average took .50 seconds to go through the cycle of a match counting and for you to be on the next map, it will take with a macro around 8.3 hours to get to 1000 matches completed.
WTF Was That
WTF Was That Record your first frag with the Kamikaze Item.

Follow this video to understand what a Kamikaze weapon is and on what map. You will hear a bell and that will indicate that the Kamikaze is available. Pick it up and activate it around enemies.

This is the map to find a Kamikaze which was shown in the video, if you guys know more maps then please let me know down in the comments.

Other maps known to have the kamikaze on it:

Rocket Man
Rocket Man Accumulate 500 frags using the Rocket Launcher.

Just kill enemies with the rocket launcher
Missed Opportunity
Missed Opportunity Kill the opposing team in Attack & Defend without touching the flag.

Create a match, Attack & Defend mode, add 1 bot, start round, frag the 1 bot and you will unlock this achievement.
Evil Eye
Evil Eye Accumulate 100 Revenge Medals.

Enemy needs to frag you 3 times.... You respawn and frag that same enemy that just fragged you, this will give you the revenge medal

The best map to do this one is Eye to Eye with insta frag on Free For All mode

This one will take awhile, I was getting 20 revenge medals every 10 mins...

Bot was on nightmare with fast reaction
Point Denied
Point Denied Hold 3 Domination control points in an arena for at least 30 seconds.

Create a match, Domination mode, add 1 bot, start round, capture all 3 domination points, you will notice real fast if the 1 enemy is trying to capture one of the points because it will start to blink. I did this achievement on the map Campground.

Trifecta Earn 3 or more Capture, Defense, and Assist medals in a CTF match.

Play against bots and you will get this achievement, capture the flag 3 times, help others capture the flag 3 times, and defend your flag 3 times.
Miracle Maker
Miracle Maker Kill two enemy flag carriers moments before their cap in 1 game.

Really hard to achieve in a real game, but not too hard to do playing against 1 bot. Just start a CTF match with a bot. Stand behind his flag, let him get your flag, wait till he is 2 steps away from capturing it and then frag him. I did this on Railyard. I used the railgun on the enemy, I hit him 1 time with the railgun and then when he came 2 steps away from capturing the flag I hit him with the 2nd railgun shot which will frag him. If you did this right the announcer will say "Holy POOP", do this twice in 1 game and you will get the achievement. It took me 5 mins at most to get this achievement.

This video will show you how I got it easy, for it to count you need to hear "Holy POOP" from the announcer:
Guardian Accumulate 100 Defense Medals.

Play Capture the Flag against a lot of bots, put them all on the other team and grab their flag, while carrying their flag start fragging them and you will get this achievement really fast.
Head Hunter
Head Hunter Capture at least 3 skulls at once in Harvester.

Start a match, Harvester mode, add 1 bot, find out where the skulls will appear, frag the bot and a skull will appear in central location where the skulls should appear. Frag the bot 3 times and you will get 3 skulls, return them back to the base and you will get this achievement.

This video will show how to make a skull appear
2 in 2
2 in 2 Accumulate 250 Excellent Medals.

This video will show you how to get excellent medals and other medals.
NorkDorf Entertainment  [author] 14 Jan @ 12:32am 
Just updated some of the videos. Let me know what you guys would like a video of or that needs updating!
NorkDorf Entertainment  [author] 13 Jan @ 11:37pm 
@Cosec.... I should probably update it... But I assume you can get them all with bots.
Cosec 2 Jan @ 8:52am 
Can we still get All the achievements just by playing with bots? Just wanted to confirm as this guide is quite old 🙂
NeonNoodle22 11 Nov, 2023 @ 12:55am 
Thanks for the guide. I just got 100% and thought I'd share my experience.

I had the same issue with Steam numbers not updating. For accurate tracking, the info is under the Statistics option from the game's main menu. It has your frags, matches, medals, and more.

The inaccurate Steam numbers got more noticeable as I progressed and had less to unlock, but they always unlocked properly. Bottom line, ignore Steam numbers and use the in-game stats.

Use FFA for Prize Fighter instead of TDM so the bots don't have to make their way to the center of the map. It's only slightly faster but every second helps. Use windowed mode and disable game volume so you can do other things when you're not pressing F3.

Fast frag farming for Vadri'gar: play FFA instagib against slow thinking "I Can Win" bots on Eye to Eye and go to town with the gauntlet.

I thought Vadri'gar was going to take weeks but it only took 2 days.

Combine™ 6 Aug, 2023 @ 3:39am 
Hello so for those who tried the guide and nothing ends up showing up as progression, i was in the same position as you until -
Right Click Quake Live, go to Properties then disable Steam Cloud and try playing a single match and it should end up showing progress once again! :happymeat:
Regolith 13 Mar, 2023 @ 8:35pm 
Weird thing, I've actually found that they will work as long as it's the first match you're playing upon launching
NorkDorf Entertainment  [author] 13 Mar, 2023 @ 8:17pm 
@Regolith, Which things aren't working?
Regolith 12 Mar, 2023 @ 10:32pm 
a lot of these no longer work in a bot match
NorkDorf Entertainment  [author] 6 Dec, 2022 @ 2:35am 
No, you won't get VAC ban by doing anything in this guide
benfable79 4 Dec, 2022 @ 9:27pm 
Can you get VAC banned for this method? I don't want to try it if you can, but if it's not an issue this guide would be very useful