Cities: Skylines
388 คะแนน
8.601 MB
31 ต.ค. 2015 @ 9: 02am
1 พ.ย. 2015 @ 6: 11am
2 หมายเหตุการเปลี่ยนแปลง ( ดู )


อยู่ใน 1 ชุดสะสม โดย Reaper
117 รายการ
Torres_El_Faro_offv3_100M by Reaper

growable office
compatible with After Dark

Every models are free, if you are feeling generous and want to contribute follow this link below
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17 ความเห็น
ConureGuy_411 16 ก.ค. 2023 @ 8: 09pm 
Why is this categorized as Commerical High, but listed as office in description. (Your other sizes of this asset are all office). Is this C or O?
Reaper  [ผู้สร้าง] 29 พ.ค. 2016 @ 12: 46pm 
this is render not from game :D
manny.vega 29 พ.ค. 2016 @ 11: 33am 
that fountain in the picture is an asset you can find in the workshop?
kreaturen 29 พ.ย. 2015 @ 5: 15am 
I'm a bit confused by you descriptions vs. images. Are v3's L1 and v1's L3?
CyberRenaissanceFan 10 พ.ย. 2015 @ 8: 18pm 
God, people are so entitled, thanks for the amazing assets!
babyblue 7 พ.ย. 2015 @ 2: 34am 
well, obviously you just didn't get the point. but well, your stuff, your call. just a sad attitude...
Reaper  [ผู้สร้าง] 5 พ.ย. 2015 @ 10: 18pm 
babyblue -thum down omg!!! now I am gonna cry all day :D
Meteor Daddy 5 พ.ย. 2015 @ 7: 29pm 
Good news we can categorize commercial into tourism specialty!
babyblue 5 พ.ย. 2015 @ 3: 05pm 
too bad, now we're stuck with those stupid "quad"-stuff for hd comm skyscrapers again... and deleting the existing assets? what a nice slap in the face to all those who already used and liked your assets. thumps down. all the way. :steamfacepalm:
Reaper  [ผู้สร้าง] 5 พ.ย. 2015 @ 10: 24am 
yes I am move all commercial to office and old file I am deleted