Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

276 人が評価
Gula's Crosswinds (L2 HD Com Growable)
1.249 MB
2015年10月26日 2時06分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Gula's Crosswinds (L2 HD Com Growable)

Gula 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Gula's Architectural Designs
24 アイテム
Level 2 - High Density Commercial Growable (just zone for HD Com after subscribing)
2 wide by 3 deep (but can also grow on 2x4)

This stubby building helps break up some of the repetitive shapes from the 2nd tier of buildings for HD commercial. I tried to make this building about negative space, instead of bolting on the details, I subtracted some of the would be geometry away. This helped create a pretty interesting shape.

Instead of a quote, here's a random word: hirsute
Hirsute means covered with hair.
This has nothing to do with this building.

Less than 34 meters tall

512x512 texture resolution
1580 Tris
124 Tris LOD
4 color variations
All signs are randomized



@GulaGames on Twitter!
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8 件のコメント
Gula  [作成者] 2019年2月7日 19時20分 
I love you.
thegron 2019年2月5日 20時54分 
Thank you for the random word.
Phantasmagoria 2016年1月8日 17時15分 
Hirsute means covered with hair. This has nothing to do with this building. 5/7, would download again.
WalrusInAnus 2015年10月29日 5時33分 
Would making the building a bit more 3D add too many triangles, or would that be doable?
babyblue 2015年10月28日 10時19分 
thank you, very nice! now could you pleeeaaase release us from these horrible 1x1-lvl3-LD-commercial vertical shoeboxes?? there are just no alternatives in the workshop... :P
no, seriously bryan, thank you for your great contribution! that's all. no demands. :)
Owlchemist 2015年10月26日 19時59分 
Impressive work as always. Thanks!
CityBldr1958 2015年10月26日 9時54分 
Thanks Gula, great work as always. I appreciate the work you do for us.
[TB] NickyZero 2015年10月26日 2時27分 
Love your work Gula! It's totally awesome :)