135 ratings
Relive Achievement Guide & Walkthrough
By Myantro
Achievement Guide & Walkthrough
Main Menu:
Main Menu Achievements:
(Ready For Action) - Play training level
(Save The Devs Too) - Play Credits

Two achievements to focus on through out the game:
(Talkative) - Exhaust all human dialogue through out the game
(Machine Whisperer) - Exhaust all A.I dialogue through out the game
Chapter 1
1st Room:
-Grab Key Card of bedside.

2nd Room:
-Grab PDA on your table to your left.

-Release Lockdown on your monitor to your right.

-Use Key Card you aquired to exit room.

-Now that you are in the open room head right & exhaust all dialogue with this robot. This will go towards (Machine Whisperer)

Director Maja Garcia's Room
-Press 789 on the Keypad

-Grab Screwdriver from table on the left.

-Grab the Data Core of off the Desktop PC

2nd Room
-Deposit the Data Core in the chest to the right of the door as you enter the room.

-Deposit the Data Core on the table next to the chest.

1st Room
-Open the vent using ScrewDriver.

-Crouch & work your way to the end of the vent to grab (Secret #1)

C.S.O. Michael Allen's Room
-Take Multi-purpose Battery out of left side crate & combine with PDA.

-On the floor to your right is a crate. Like the one you just got the Multi-purpose Battery out of.Open it and get (Secret #2) & (Suddenly, Noodles)

-Grab Crowbar to the right of the 3 lockers & receive(Scientist's Best Friend Achievement)

-Enter 7259 into middle locker keypad & grab the 3rd Data Core.

2nd Room
Deposit the Data Core in the chest.

Storage Room
-Use Screwdriver, Crowbar, & PDA on panel left of door.
-Line up colours with W,A,S.D as well as Space Bar & Left Click to activate.

-Behind the dual monitors straight ahead is (Secret #3)

-Grab the 4th & final Data Core on the shelving to the left of the dual monitors

2nd Room
-Deposit the Data Core in the chest.

Walk Chest to the Infirmary

Chapter 2
1st Room
Grab chest & drop it anywhere in next room.

2nd Room / Long Room
-Talk to Infirmary AI Online & get her to open Infirmary doors

-Obtain Empty AI Disk Out the Back of This Machine

Infirmary 1st Floor
-Obtain (Secret #1) from behind this wall.

2nd Floor Down
-As you come down the stairs enter the room on your right & grab the pencil & paper of the desk. Combine them for the (Pen & Paper Achievement)

-Press the panels in this order top left, bottom left, bottom right, top right, top centre, left centre, bottom centre, right centre.

Room on other side of Stairs
-You should see a robot, a laser, some boxes & a green pad.
-Exhaust all dialogue with this robot. This will go towards (Machine Whisperer)
-You're going to want to hold your mouse over each box & see what it is.
-Trash in the laser
-Medicine on the green pad.

3rd Floor Down
-Enter 3928 into both doors
-Enter door to your left as you're coming down the stairs & open the crate on top of this stack of crates & grab the wrench.

-Enter other door & grab (Secret#2) on top of crate on your left

-Enter the vent in this room with the screwdriver

-Follow right wall in vent until you come to another vent door, open with crowbar.
-Use PDA on Infirmary AI Core

2nd Floor
-Turn left side wheel till green & put your wrench in. Then turn other side.

-Have another word with this robot & have him put a copy of his med bot AI on your empty AI disk.

Long Room
-Swap Medbot AI for Central Infirmary AI at the back of this machine.

3rd Floor Down
-Install Central Infirmary AI in this machine you were at earlier (Cyber Brain-Surgery)

Infirmary 1st Floor
-Have a word with this man on the elevated platform
-You'll want to train for your Lvl1 Rescue Pass
-Skip CPR & go straight to BLSD
-Then take BLSD Test

Answers Are:
1.I shake the victim's shoulders gently while asking loudly asking "Are you alright?"
2.I open the victim's airway, then check his breathing by looking, feeling and listening.
3.I shout for help, attracting the attention of bystanders.
4.I make someone call medical assistance and ask someone to find an AED.
5.I get in position for CPR
6.I place my hands on the centre of the victim's chest , over the sternum.
7.I would compress deeply around 100-120 times per minute, almost twice per second.
8.I must give 2 rescue breaths every 30 compressions, steadily like normal breathing
-Have a word with the man that is standing once more & collect your Level-1 Pass (First Of The Class)

Long Room
-Enter Apartment Black B with your newly aquired Pass. Talk with the robot on your right. This will go towards (Machine Whisperer). Grab (Secret#3) out of a crate on your left.

-Enter the Control Room with the Level-1 Rescue Pass & the chest that you started with.

Chapter 3
1st Room
-Grab chest & place in next room

2nd Room / Long Room
-Stack the crates so that you can get (Secret #1) on top of advertising totem.

-Stack crates so that you can get on top of the roof of the Control Room.

-Open vent to your right with crowbar

-Once inside vent at T Junction go right. Follow until end & pick up (Secret #2)
-Go left at T junction in vent this time & use crowbar to open vent door & drop down into room.

Security Room
-Use PDA on Security Box on the wall & retrieve Security Key Card.

Long Room
-Jump back up crates & Activate Security Terminal with newly acquired Security Pass.
-Jump back down & enter room which you were standing on top off.

Control Room
- Left of where you first enter. Exhaust all dialogue with this robot. This will go towards (Machine Whisperer)

-Exhuast all dialogue with Amanda Yale. This will go towards (Talkative)

-Talk with Nicholas Klimt next. Get all Answers Correct to get (Flawless Victory)

Answers Are:
1.Shake & Call Him
2.Open His Airway & Check For Breathing
3.Ask Amanda to Use Her Rescue Pass & Find an AED in The Infirmary
4.Get In CPR Position, With Hands In The Centre Of The Chest.
5.Compress Deeply Almost Twice per Second.
6.Two Steady Breaths Every 30 Compressions.

Long Room
-Enter Storage Room & punch 1985 into the middle locker & grab your final (Secret#3) for Chapter 3
-Grab Chest

Control Room
-Take Chest and walk through door that Amanda Yale is standing outside.
Chapter 4
1st Room
-Grab chest & drop in next room

Control Room
-Talk with Michael Allen & get him to open the hangar.
-Grab chest

-Put chest in storage compartment inside the spaceship.

-Far right corner of the room on a desk is (Secret #1)

-You're going to want to grab 3 energy cells & install them inside the spaceship.
1.On some crates next to the lockers.

2.On the side of the ship next to some fuel containers.

3.On some couches just behind the ship

-You're going to want to use your PDA on Mikes Tablet inside the spaceship.

Control Room
-Speak with every human in this room & this little guy in the corner should get you
(Talkative) & (Machine Whisperer)

-Use your security key card & grab a space suit from the 2nd to last pod next to Klimt & grab (Secret #2) of the floor inside the pod

Comm Tower
-As you reach the top you'll get (Lie Down. Try not to cry. Cry a lot)
-Follow the red wire up the stairs at it's end is (Secret #3)

-Sequence is: In Order...
Group 1 - Press 2 Times
Group 2 - Press 1 Time
Group 3 - Press 3 Times
- Press (H) & ask help bot to send mike the signal telling him it is ready.
-Go down a few levels while looking at the centre pillarl you should see this.
-Use your crowbar on it.

-Get in the spaceship.

End of Game
Deadeye 7 Nov, 2021 @ 3:07am 
about space suit pod at the end, Ill delete my previous comments, as i was not able to loot the suit. I reloaded and replayed 4 times to open the pod but it didnt work. I was finally able to get the space suit when i jumped behind pod, be careful you can get stuck there. Pod stayed closed but the floppy disc inside was slowly glitching out and when i finished everything it was all the was out and i was able to loot it lol
riiboro 2 Nov, 2021 @ 5:06pm 
In the chapter 3 when I jump into the room and "-Use PDA on Security Box on the wall & retrieve Security Key Card.", after that, how I suppost jump back to the "Long Room" ?
sergykid 28 May, 2021 @ 3:52am 
thanks, good guide
Splegg 10 Mar, 2018 @ 2:23pm 
oh nvm i got it
Splegg 9 Mar, 2018 @ 11:50pm 
wtf does you mean by top centre, left centre, bottom centre, right centre.
Myantro  [author] 20 Oct, 2017 @ 6:59pm 
Glad it's sorted none the less =)
Digibluez 20 Oct, 2017 @ 12:57pm 
yes, Altrough i might used right click to skip it faster sometimes, maybe you need actually listen to it instead.
Myantro  [author] 20 Oct, 2017 @ 9:45am 
Did you finish each chapter after you talked to each of them?
Digibluez 20 Oct, 2017 @ 5:46am 
i talked to all the robots, dut i dont get machine whisperer:squirtmeh:
DeathHero® 1 Oct, 2017 @ 2:25pm 
thx for guide :D