Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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New Chicago
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4.825 MB
16 Okt 2015 @ 1:24pm
1 Catatan Perubahan ( lihat )

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New Chicago

Based on a map of Chicago, but I've added more elevation in the terrain, wider rivers and a lake, in addition to some other minor alterations. There is also a highway that goes through the map with double trainlines. Ships connect to the coastline and lake, and there are planes as well. All resources are on the map. Total number of trees is 120,000.

Just uploaded this so friend could play it, but hopefully other people will enjoy it too :)
2 Komentar
Froudini  [pembuat] 26 Apr 2017 @ 9:13am 
Thanks for the review :) was a little weird seeing my stuff on youtube, but at least you liked the map overall (yes I agree the waterfall and dead-end highway is weird, and I don't really remember what my plan was).
BonBonB 15 Mar 2017 @ 2:04am 
Map Reviewed in What Map? Episode 13