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Earth Spirit's Master Escape Skill (video include)残血土猫逃生技(English+中文)
By One Game A Day
Earth Spirit master escape skill (it could rival Invoker’s Eul + qqwrwww+ d, maybe its more hard to practice)

My own idea:) and I made it

where is this idea come from:
when I watch a pro earth spirit player's video(I don't remember who is him, miracle or jerax, earth spirit chasing by bloodsucker?, then when he rolling, bloodsucker just right click then earth spirit die. I got this idea from that situation, can earth spirit put a stone behind himself when he is rolling, kick stone to stun enemy hero then run away? yes, he can!

so——use this skill sometimes when you are just 10 or 5 health, enemy hero near you and can kill you by just one click(so even you run faster than enemy hero he can still hit you if he already click you or he is ranged hero, and if you use rolling boulder, you will still have 0.6 sec delay, you might still die)(I use QWER hotkeys setting):

1. W (rolling, any direction, just make sure no enemy hero in front of you, don’t ask me why)
2. D(set a stone behind you, just make sure the stone is not in front of you, don’t ask me why )
3. Q (kick the stone to enemy hero)
4. E (pull the stone back to silence enemy hero)
5. D (set a stone in front of yourself, then you can rolling to far away)

1. or you can skip step 4, its not very neccessary to silenced enemy hero because you already stun them, but it depends. just use 4 steps could be more easy to practice and not be fail
2. you might can switch step 4 and step 5, then you can silenced enemy then stun another enemy if they are not stand in a straight line. if you switch step 4 and step 5 you should put a stone behind enemy hero not behind you, then kick it to another enemy hero. But I think you need to stun the enemy hero first, because he can hit you. Have fun when you are practice)

1. W (滚,逃往任意方向,前方没敌人就行,不要问为什么)
2. D (放石头在身后,只要不在前进路线上就行)
3. Q (向敌方英雄踢石头)
4. E (拉石头)
5.D (放石头在滚动路线上)

1. step 4 可有可无,因为你已经晕住人了,但是具体看情况。
2. 可以先沉默再晕,就是拉了石头再踢,这样可以沉默和晕住不在同一条直线上的人。不过这样的话就要先放石头在远处,而不是再身后,这个不用我多说。但是我觉得最重要的步骤还是晕住快要打到你的那个人因为你要死了。

about this video
i just use my macbook pro's quicktime screen recording,
looking for better tool for in game recording tool, if you know some, tell me :) thanks.
this video just include 2 examples:
example 1 (5 steps)
example 2 (skip step 4, not pulling stone)
Earth Spirit's Master Escape Skill (video)