The Flame in the Flood
Оцінок: 42
The Flame in th Flood survival guide
Автор: @sheep
Hey everyone this is my first attempt to write a guide for a game so if you got any suggestions or questions, don't hesitate to ask.

This guide is designed to help everyone who has played this game for a few runs and in familiar with the basic game concept.
So let's started :)

>>Camp Pinewood<<

- In camp Pinewood the game is frozen, time will not advance so feel free to stay and prepare for your (hopefully very long) journey.
- Take the charcoal out of the campfire and if you found a moldy lump you can make Penicillin out of it.
- At the pier fill up your jar with water and clean it with the filter you found.
- Organize your inventory. Personally I keep food and water on Aesop, since I will need those items during exploration on the islands and I keep all my medical stuff and filled stack of items on my raft.


- during rafting I always keep 1 or 2 of my inventory slot empty, since you can find lootable shopping cart during the ride.
- Don't try to fight against the current, the more you fight it, the more often will you hit something, and that means loosing raft health and even worse geting wet and breaking your bones. Use the current to your advantage and go with it, only use the WSAD keys to make fine adjustment to not hit the ground.
- resist the temptation. I know that is really hard not to try to get to a shoping cart or a landing spot, but sometime it is just not worth it. A good rafter knows when the risk is too high.
- Before landing make sure where you want to go next, because you will countinue your ride at the same position where you land.

>>after landing<<

- don't hurry to explore the island. take a breath, eat something and clean your inventory, you can discard items here and they will stay here if you want to pick them up later. I always try to get 6-8 empty slot before exploring the island. the pier is a safespot, so you will not get attacked here by wolves or boars.

-if you arrive at night, you can hear wolves if there are any on this island, so you can make preparation for an encounter.

>>important items<<

- here is a list of important items and how many I recommand you to take with you:
- 4x Flint (you will need two of them to make a stone knife and two to make a stone hammer, after that I haven't seen any use of flint anymore)
- 5-10x sapling ( they are used to make traps to hunt down rabbit/boa/wolf
- 5-10x cat tail (cat tail are quite universal, you can eat them, umgrade your cloth with it making Cord-->trap and tinder out of it, so you will need a lot of them)
- 5x tinder (some of you might want to carry cat tail around and make tinder if it's needed, I perfer to have them at hand, if they are needed, like in situation where a storm is comming and i have to light a fire quick and get to sleep to avoid the rain, or to light it fast, so the boa or wolf will not attack me)
- 10x braided cord (I keep cord basiclly because they stack at 10 and cat tail only stack at 5 piece/stack)
- max. fishing line and fish hook (convert them into stiching kit, and keep as many as possible, they are used to upgrade your cloth and to make pouch to enlarge your inventory and in emergency situation they can be used to cure laceration)
- 3x Water jar (the reason why I always to have 3 of them is that the water filter has 3 charges and I will make one if all three jars are empty and refill them and clean them together, doing so will avoid having a water filter in your inventory with only 1 or 2 charges left.
- 1-2x tainted bait (it is from my point of view the only safe item to kill wolves, with one bait you can kill 2 wolves so the meat will repenish it self if you can find enough poison plants (forgot the name of that plant) the reason why I keep 2 is, that after 6-8 days you can encounter up to 3 wolves at the same time and to kill all 3 you need 2 baits
- food items the best place to store them is in your belly, but if you are full, there is no point to keep eating. I try to eat everything first, which is difficult to find, like jerky or worms, so they will not keep a slot of my inventory occupied, I also keep a stack of 10x dandelion as emergency food. because they are quite easy to find and the stack size is 10 in comparison to cat tail which is 5.
- max. penicillin (that should be self explaining)
- 1x splint if I can find one, I surely will keep it, but I seldomly craft them because of the cost of 2 saplings and 2 rags and I have to have a stone knife
- 5x raft schematic ( it's a full stack you still need lumber and bolt and nut and a stone hamer to make them of any use to you)


So that should be part 1 of my guide

In part 2 I will cover how to handle wolves and boa and things that come to my mind and perhaps things you suggest.

Hope this will be helpful for your journey


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Коментарів: 8
@sheep  [автор] 13 квіт. 2016 о 15:44 
oh for that I am sorry, I haven't played the game for a while... :(
dborovkov78 13 квіт. 2016 о 15:44 
And how to kill an Elder wolf and a ghost one? I hit them one way or the other and they flee till the next island...
@sheep  [автор] 13 квіт. 2016 о 15:33 
you can kill a boar with the trap, in the same way you kill a wolf.
dborovkov78 8 квіт. 2016 о 8:30 
How to kill a boar?
jeff 5 берез. 2016 о 16:41 
I've been killing wolves with no problem, and I have a leather kit and a sewing kit. What the heck is the forth thing I'm missing?
herrowna 1 берез. 2016 о 0:11 
One thing I do while rafting is to constantly hold the S key, so that your raft will slow down and you gain better control, especially in the rapids. You can also avoid debris or rocks by pressing space bar + [direction].
Stephen Daedalus 29 лют. 2016 о 6:45 
Sometimes I can use a tainted bait twice, sometimes only once. Is this normal?
Woods 28 лют. 2016 о 23:56 
Nice guide. Keep it up