Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

Heavyhead Polehammer
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Game (maps & mods): Medieval Warfare
Item Type (items): Weapon
Rozmiar pliku
101.178 MB
26 września 2015 o 10:18
26 września 2015 o 10:20
Listy zmian: 2 ( zobacz )

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Check it out in eyepopping 3D!

This weapon was specially made to bash in heavy knight armour. Hitting anyone less armoured than a knight would result in a spray of bone and meat, thanks to the tip being covered in small studs. Thick leather straps wrap around the shaft so you never lose your grip. The upper grip extends high enough so when the character is running, he'll be gripping the grip rather than the metal strip.

Artist note: This is my second weapon for Chivalry. I would love some honest feedback on the functionality of this weapon. I picked up a couple of medieval weapons books at the local bookstore and gotta say it's *super* fascinating stuff. Anyways, if you see anything out of place let me know. Can't promise I'll fix it for this one but I'll keep it in mind for my next items. Also, let me know if the texture is too grungy. Thanks!