

35 ratings
Beginner's Quick Guide: WARFRAME
By GrandRiser
This guide is intended to guide new Players to Warframe. Unofficial edition.

Quick Start!
1. Let's start with the basic: You have created ID, downloaded the game and launcher, updated it, then clicked PLAY.
2. Once inside, after cinematic scene, you get to choose a character (or a warframe. I chose EXCALIBUR because it's balanced and quite cool). Choose whichever you like, and no, you dont get a second chance to change it, unless you buy or craft it.
Click here for Official Quick Start Guide[www.warframe.com]
3. Follow the introductory mission (first mission/tutorial) until you finish the mission.

Next, just follow the game where it leads you, as mentioned in previous part. Follow the tutorials and missions given by Lotus (the woman, the questgiver). Keep following it until you have reached your own LISET (your own ship).

Keep on following the main quest, as listed here:
Visual / Detailed Guide CLICK HERE[www.warframe.com]

Finished the tutorial?
After the tutorial is finished,what you gonna do primarily (as told by Lotus herself):
1.Keep playing MAIN QUEST mission around your warframe's level, using primary weapon, secondary weapon, and melee weapons. Find and craft all weapons to rank up!
2.The more you finish mission, the more you will receive Affinity (EXPERIENCE) and resources. Experiences can level up your equipments and warframe, therefore increase your Mastery Rank . To check rank, press ESC and go to the left top.
3.When your rank is up, you can do a "test". Press ESC and move your cursor to your character on top left, then do the initiation test.
4. When you have more rank, it means you get access more weapons, giving you stronger range of arsenals to fight in the field.

So the cycle that I learned so far is this:

Do mission/quest --> get mods (an upgrade), items (resources to build better equipment) , experience --> level up rank/arsenal & upgrade your current warframe/arsenal/weapons (melee,primary,secondary,companion,etc) --> buy and equip better weapons/arsenal/warframe --> once you have strong enough equipment --> tackle harder missions or do missions for fun! --> repeat

or short version:

Do challenging mission --> get exp/resource --> buy better equipment --> repeat

Some basic stuff to highlight and remember:
  • MR is your MASTERY RANK, or you can say overall or profile rank. The higher it is, the more you unlock more contents, such as weapon requirement, trading items with players' limitation, and so on. The way to increase your MASTERY RANK is to unlock/create every equipment (warframe,weapon,pet,etc) and increase it to maximum of LV 30.
  • Equipments LEVEL can be reset. From 30 back to 0, by polarizing it. Polarizing with Forma (in-game item) will allows you to put more mods (ability improver) thus making your equipment stronger.
  • Open all loots and collect all mods/everything in-game. You'll need it one day.
  • Never upgrade FLAWED/BROKEN mod, they're useless.

And that's it, the very fundamental and basics taught by Lotus and my experience. Just remember the cycle, and you'll be the best Tenno soon!
Daily Routines and Long Term Plans
To farm money/credits: go to Index (in NEPTUNE) where you put your money in and get money. Get your best gear and find squad in Recruiting chat tab (write : LF Index) then make sure you win by killing enemy and score points. Works best with high ranked squads you often play+credit booster+high risk mode

To farm AFFINITY[warframe.fandom.com][/previewimg] (Experience) just go to Hydron (in SEDNA). Make sure to have at least 1 maxed out gear to even out the non-leveled gears/frames. Get a squad. Advanced option is to go to SANCTUARY ONSLAUGHT or ELITE SANCTUARY ONSLAUGHT. (Players must complete The New Strange QUEST to access this game mode. To begin, players must talk to Cephalon Simaris at his Sanctuary in any Relay or select "Sanctuary Onslaught" in the Syndicate World State Window tab.) Click here for more info[warframe.fandom.com]

To farm Endos go to Vodyanoi (in SEDNA). Grab a high leveled squad. You can get from 100 to 300 to 600 endos there. Or you can go to Maroo's Bazzar and go treasure hunting for Ayatan scluptures. Insert ayatan star and sell full ayatan scluptures to Maroo. Go google "ayatan scluptures" for more info.

To get more PLATINUM you can farm some prime parts/weapons in Void section. Or sell rare stuff from Eidolon (a boss in Cetus ast night). I rarely sell stuff for plats, since it costs a lot of time, and I spent my time working.
  • Do alerts (daily/hourly mission) as much as you can. They have great loots.
  • Unlock planets as much as you can. (google: how to unlock planets in warframe)
  • Google search a lot can help you. Seriously. Google search it and try to find updated information.
  • Your other objective is to get Prime Warframe and Weapons. "PRIME" means that your warframe/character and/or weapons is more powerful. They can be farmed mostly in a place called Void. So eventually you need to farm a lot --> find materials to create item --> make your favorite warframe more powerful --> leveling up warframes increases your Profile RANK --> repeat forever
  • Some of the PRIME have already hidden/locked in Vault, meaning they're now limited edition, cannot be farmed. Can only be obtained by buying from another players using Platinum, an in-game top up currency.
Questions and Googling
Yes, beginners tend to ask much. I'm not much of a pro myself. So I will help any beginners out there with their problem, and update this guide to help them. Ask away in the comment and I will be sure to help as I could. Any pros of the game can also help too!

Remember: this guide is not perfect and also written by beginners who just understand and want to help others, not pro.

Google search helps a lot. Some recommendations of googling:
How to find [insert item name here] in warframe?
How to farm this warframe the easiest way?
Where to find [insert item name here]?
Where to level up fast?
What is Zaw?
How to get more [insert item name here]?

And many stuff.
These list will help you:
Mods are kinda perks/upgrades to your character. It can increase HP, shield, ammo, do some ice/heat damage, and so on.

I was kinda confused using mods, but then I learned a bit myself. Here's a simple way to do it based on the game's tutorial itself.

NOTE: You can only access mod menu when you have finished the beginner/tutorial quests given by The Lotus. Access the quest by pressing ESC then go to Navigation. On top left, you will see a bar, and small icons in it. Go to the most left icons and select the quest.

Press ESC-->EQUIPMENT-->ARSENAL then choose your warframe/weapons/etc you want to equip the mod, then go to upgrade.
Then, for starters, go to Action --> Auto Install. Your mod will be installed automatically by the system. Take notes of the several name of the mods. If you cant equip lots of mods, dont worry, that means your level is not enough to equip. Example: your primary gun can only be equipped with 1 mod for now, that means you need to do mission to level up your weapon, and gain more slots for mod.

Auto install is good for beginners. After you get the hang of it, you can customize your own.

Upgrading mod example: You can get Health 20% to Health 60% by upgrading/leveling up mods. That is the purpose.

After you finished the tutorial quest, you can use mod. Head to your ship and go to lower level, and find the mod workshops, or press ESC then go to Equipment --> mod. Click the mod you want to uprade. (I told you to take notes on what are the mods equipped on your character!)
Then click the "Fusion" button on top left.

Then here's how it works: the mod you want to upgrade needs several other mods to be consumed. You need mainly the "Fusion" card/mod to upgrade it (leveling it up), or you can use other cards you dont need to upgrade it. My recommendation is just to go try to learn your own, so you can get a hang of it. Do some experiment!
Doing Quest
I strongly suggest focusing on main quest with a strong warframe, preferably Rhino[warframe.fandom.com] because it is strong (tank) and easy to obtain.

Then focus on doing main QUEST line so you can unlock most stuff. Here's some guide:


WIKI GUIDE (Supplemental)[warframe.fandom.com]

After you unlock most main quest, you can then focus on creating stronger warframes and increasing your MASTERY RANK by leveling up all kinds of weapons, equipments and warframes.
GrandRiser  [author] 8 Apr, 2016 @ 9:00pm 
@FRANCIS nice one!
@Nix Yeah, parkour is very important.
Nix Kyrie (Ky) 3 Oct, 2015 @ 11:02am 
Just in case you wanted to expand: learn the parkour. You can easily move from one side of the room to another, picking off enemies that can do major damage to you while actually minimizing any danger. Plus, it'll allow you to finish objective-centric missions (deception, sabatoge, etc.) very quickly and unlock more nodes to play on.
Julia Gillard 30 Sep, 2015 @ 6:44pm 
im so nube at warframe
thanks even tho im mr 14 and got all the mods in the game :|
GrandRiser  [author] 29 Sep, 2015 @ 10:13pm 
@Netninja I think I missed the point. What do you want to buy? Weapon? Sergeant Stubby is right, to spend credits, you go buy in the Weapon BLUEPRINT.
GrandRiser  [author] 29 Sep, 2015 @ 10:12pm 
@Netninja you can scroll down and find those items who are worth around 10,000 to 25,000 ish. You can find the Credits symbol like a stacked card/diskets, on the top left of your screen/UI. The symbol will represent credit, and you can find it in the market.

If you cant find it, go to your armory/arsenal, go click your primary weapon, and click equip, then it will show you the list of weapons you have and you can purchase.
TechGhost 29 Sep, 2015 @ 9:08pm 
I've only been playing a few days now, and I see the market is separated into two areas:

Platinum and Credits

Platinum is the "Get it now" option (Pay to Play), whereas Credits is the "Blueprint" option (Free to Play).

Blueprints are used in the foundry, and make your gear with items you find in missions. If you want a new warframe, you can get it immediately with platinum (which costs IRL money) or simply play the game and collect the pieces. Warframes have 3 sub pieces which come from blueprints you find fighting bosses. A total of 4 blueprints are made to get a new warframe.
netninja 29 Sep, 2015 @ 8:54pm 
i got to my ship and im in the market, but i only see an option to but with platinium. i don't see any way to buy with credits
GrandRiser  [author] 29 Sep, 2015 @ 8:43pm 
Hi, have you reached your own ship in the warframe? When you have credits/in game money,you can go to market (on the front right of the ship) , and find item with credits.
netninja 29 Sep, 2015 @ 8:14pm 
Where do i spend Credits? i don't know where to go. can anyone help me with this?
Wyldbill 29 Sep, 2015 @ 10:03am 
Excalibur is in flux as well, his original ultimate was Radial Javelin (Which was moved to his third ability, replacing Super Jump when they came out with the newer movement system) DE didn't like this because a properly modded Excalibur could wipe out rooms of enemies with a single button push, leading up to hardcore map grinds that didn't require people to play, just press a button.

Sure, they basically made excalibur invincible (Although he isn't quite there, he has a lot of damage reduction going and anyone with life strike can keep him alive indefinately) but you have to play the game to make use of his abilty and that was the primary concern. If you really hate it, he'll probably get nerfed again once people get tired of the new excalibur.