Dota 2
Ability Icons-Might of the Avenging Crusader
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7 Sep 2015 @ 2:09pm
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Dalam koleksi 1 dari Tidal Craftsman
Magnus Might of the Avenging Crusader
Item 7
A full set of custom ability icons to pair with the Might of the Avenging Crusader set.

Available on the store:

Might of the Avenging Crusader.

Magnus finally learned of one of the culprits that instigated the betrayal of his Matriach and his kin. It was a fellow magnoceri warrior and rival, who had betrayed the clan on that fateful day of Mt Joerlak's eruption and planned the ambush. Upon tracking down the traitor, Magnus flew into a terrifying rage and a battle to the death ensued.

Finally Magnus stood atop the mangled body of his traitorous brethren. He was victorious, but not without great cost. For in the titanic clash, his horn was smashed and shattered.

That did not deter Magnus, rather, it strengthened his resolve to hunt down the rest of his enemies. The master smiths of Mt Joerlak melted down the shattered pieces of the Magnamantium horn and forged for Magnus a stronger one fused with ancient runic incantations, for nothing is stronger than magnamantium. And they crafted a mighty weapon out of the traitor's horn, for it would send a dire message to the other betrayers.

Empowered and reinvigorated, its time for Magnus to continue on his crusade of vengeance once again...

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Diskusi Populer Lihat Semua (5)
21 Sep 2015 @ 2:56am
Кто думает класс сюда
27 Feb 2016 @ 10:33pm
Все русские суда
core or ruin
16 Sep 2015 @ 6:17pm
Русским сюда