Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Multiplayer

72 평점
Playing in Lan with bots and friends (Dedicated Server)
Alexandre Reis 님이 작성
RO2/RS are sold prepared to play single and multiplayer. If you want to play Lan with bots and friends, you won´t do it in the original game. So, to play in Lan you must create a Dedicated Server. The objective of this guide is helping people creating their own RO2/RS Dedicated Server. Some time ago people did it using “hldsupdatetool”. I don´t know if it still works. What I know is that this way here works indeed. At least it worked for me...
즐겨찾기 해제
There are 3 main steps to run your RO2 Dedicated Server:

1) Download, Install and Run SteamCMD;
2) In SteamCMD, Download the RO2: Heroes of Stalingrad Dedicated Server;
3) Start the server.

Obs.: At some point during these 3 steps your firewall is going to ask you to allow traffic for your dedicated server. I´m almost sure that if you say "no", this guide will not work.
Step 1: Download, Install and Run SteamCMD
1.1) Create a folder for SteamCMD.

1.2) Download SteamCMD for Windows:

1.3) Extract the contents of the zip to the folder C:\steamcmd

1.4) Go to C:\SteamCmd\ and open SteamCmd.exe.
The program will automatically update and show you the Steam> prompt. Type help if you need more information.
Step 2: In SteamCMD, Download the RO2: Heroes of Stalingrad Dedicated Server
2.1) Log in SteamCMD with your Steam Account
You must log out of the regular Steam in order to properly log in to SteamCMD Update Tool.
In Steam>prompt (SteamCMD) type:
login username password
Where “username” and “password” are your username and password on steam
If you receive a Steam Guard error, check your e-mail for your access code and type this access code on the required field on the steamCMD window.

2.2) You should see a message stating that you have successfully logged in with your account.

2.3) Install or Update RO2 Dedicated Server.
If this is your first time installing or if you are trying to verify the integrity of the server files, type at the Steam>prompt:
app_update 212542 validate
app_update 212542 (if you already have a dedicated server and just wants to update it)
Wait some minutes while the RO2 Dedicated Server is installed.

2.4) Once finished, type quit at the Steam> prompt to properly log off of the Steam servers.
Step 3: Start the server
3.1) Before running your server, close Steam

3.2) Go to C:\steamcmd\steamapps\common\Red Orchestra 2 and run RO2Server.bat
RO2Server.bat has some configuration parameters. If you want to change it, just edit RO2Server.bat on Notepad.

IMPORTANT: If you want to play with bots you must change “minplayers=0” to “minplayers=10” on RO2Server.bat.

After running RO2Server.bat, some messages will appear on RO2Server screen and the server will be ready.

3.3) Open Steam and run “Rising Storm/Red Orchestra 2 Mutiplayer”

3.4) In the game, go to multiplayer (Server List)/Lan and you´re going to see and get in your server.
This is a very basic guide. There are a lot of other things you can do on your Dedicated Server. You can find these things here: http://wiki.tripwireinteractive.com/index.php?title=RO2_Dedicated_Server

If you find something that you are sure that is wrong on this guide, please let me know.

Finally I think you must know that I work all day long and some nights too. So, I ask you to be pacient if it takes me to much time to answer any question. Also I ask you to understand that I´m not a IT specialist, so maybe I won´t know how to answer your question.

Hope this guide helps you find even more fun on this excellent game.

Be happy and play fair.
댓글 32
OmegaPimptaculous 2024년 3월 24일 오후 4시 45분 
Thanks for this i've wanted to LAN this for a while and couldn't have done it without the guide as i had no idea what steamCMD was or what it was used for.
titanderp 2023년 6월 26일 오후 11시 59분 
For some reason, the server starts, but the game can't see it at all.
Raiden Ei 2023년 1월 10일 오후 2시 58분 
And can i start an ranked server? I mean where i could have points
Raiden Ei 2023년 1월 10일 오후 2시 58분 
Is it normal that i spawns with level 0, but if i check my stats i see my normal Honor and weapon level?
uncrowned king 2022년 8월 7일 오전 9시 57분 
thanks .. now i can show this game to my friend in my internet cafe
Alexandre Reis  [작성자] 2022년 5월 15일 오전 5시 36분 
@[EK]Ataman_Ermak, I hope this video helps you:
Ermak Timofeevich 2022년 5월 15일 오전 3시 39분 
Здравствуйте, а где в папке найти этот SteamCMD Update Tool? Я запускал экзешник, пробовал там вводить, но мне писало: Command Not Found
m.mijeon 2021년 8월 7일 오전 4시 04분 
Yes, this is a very very basic guide
DoomMaker 2021년 6월 16일 오후 12시 00분 
If anyone has problems with "no subscription" error, you need to login to an account that owns the game, not anonymous. It shouldn't be like this, but it is :(
Immortal 2021년 4월 6일 오후 1시 38분 
When I first entered into the server, the server told me that I have missing a file. next times i tried to enter, it said host not responding