Mount & Blade: Warband

Mount & Blade: Warband

iLegit's Guide to Line
作者: Sidar
It's just something I want to use to help other lines. I hope you like it.
Getting better at melee takes lots of time and lots of practice. But, you can help it by setting your mouse sensitivity and other settings to your liking. For example, people use Attack Direction and Block Direction by movement keys. Some may find this pretty confusing, but some people master it and are pretty good meleers, for example. Most people in the NW community use Attack Direction and Block Direction by Mouse Movement, it's a lot simpler and for some, a lot easier. You can test them out at some Deathmatch server. Oh, and also, DO NOT put your block/attack movement to automatic, as it simply destroys your control over it and a slight lag could cause you to die.

After that, you want to set your mouse sensitivity to the way you want it to be. The highest amount is suggested for mainly melee-based gameplay, which I use for example. The higher the sensitivity is, the more unstable your aim will be, so if you plan on being a sharpshooter or something like that(rifles), do NOT put it so high up, because it'll simply mess up your aim. Most people tend to use mediocre sensitivity, to balance both melee and shooting out. I recommend the highest one, as shooting doesn't really happen to much in this game, mostly volley and charge, and you can benefit your team in melee more, as it's possible to get more kill at less time. Test the sensitivity out. The highest one seems ridiculously sensitive and unstable at first, but as I said, you get used to it.

After sorting your settings out, you want to practice, as I said. Ask a senior member, or an NCO in this case, to train you out at their free times. Go on the Groupfighting Server(It improves you a lot, ask Josh the Tit) and play for an hour or two. Some people would gladly play together with you or train you, and you'll find more people to help you out if you socialize(I'll talk about that.) After training for at least a week, you'll start noticing great improvements and changes. Beware, however, if you specialize on melee, your shooting may get worse, even though shooting is mostly luck. After all the training and practicing, hooray! You are now at least above average at melee!
Shooting is mostly based on luck, BUT you can improve your shooting with simple methods. Let me quickly summarize shooting; Shooting is the ranged attack on your musket(as you know, you can switch the attack types by pressing X). When you go on shooting mode, you'll see a crosshair appear. It usually consists of 3 weirdly shaped triangles, but the 51st mod pack gives you an easier to use modpack taken from some other Modules. But we'll go by the weird triangles(Just why? Make a proper crosshair, amirite?). When you aim, the triangles spread out according to your weapon and class type. The bullet goes randomly to somewhere in the crosshair, with percentage chances decreasing from the outer area to the inner area. Line Infantry, which we specialize on, are the mediocre units for shooting. They're not bad, but not great either. Their crosshair expands medium size. Line Militia, in the team Russian Empire, are a little bit worse at shooting as they are simple plebs with guns and no training. Their crosshair expands greatly. Then, there is the Foot Guards, they are TERRIBLE at shooting, I mean it. Foot Guards are melee units with faster melee attacks and more health, basically tanks. But they suck at shooting. Their crosshair is all over the place(just like me after a night with a.. nvm). After that, there are the Light Infantry. The Lights are the sub-skirmisher units. They can act as a line AND as a skirmisher unit. They are supposed to be suicidal, pretty much, and take down a lot of enemies while dying. Their shooting is between the Rifles and the Line, above average. Their crosshair expands a little bit, too. Then, there are the Rifles. When you see Rifles on a hill, you can start crying and sobbing and praying, because that means you'll probably die. Rifles are snipers without scopes basically, amazing at shooting. Rifles are deadly ranged units if not played by horrible players. Their crosshair expands nearly none at all, just a little bit. These foot units are pretty much the shooting units, however you can pick up muskets as cavalry or Artillery, but your aim will be horrible.

To improve your shooting, you have to sort your settings out, just like in melee. If you want to specialize in shooting, lower your sensitivity a little bit less from the medium one, because if you go less than that, you simply can't move your mouse properly and it's frustrating, believe me, I was in the Lights(I go on about that too much.). That's pretty much all the settings you need to change. After that, you don't need to train or anything, but just keep in mind that there is no bullet drop in this game, so aim straight at the enemy. Before presenting, place your crosshair's middle at your enemies, preferably the head area. Aim at the area where the enemies are most crowded at, and voila, your shooting is better now aswell! Now we get to the confusing part.
Leading is what the COs do most of the time. They are the regimental leaders after all. But during an event, the officers may get shot, allowing NCOs, or even rankers to lead. That's why I want to tell you about this, to not cause a cluster♥♥♥♥ when a ranker gets to lead. I personally am not good at leading, but that's because I stress out a lot and I believe I'd lead better if I didn't(Dammit Legit's mind!). If you want to get better at leading, I'd suggest reading His lordship's guide on Laws of Line. It tells you all about the rules and tactics. If you want to practice those tactics, go on Napoleonic Roleplay or pray for the officers to die at events. On Napoleonic Roleplay, you can lead your own line sometimes and it can help you. While you are leading, you have to control your wanker dankers(fredde pls) because they tend to scream a lot if an unexperienced player gets to lead(happened to me, i cri erritiem). While you are leading, you want to listen to the other officers to get info on other lines. We, the 51st, do this a lot with our lines and Arty. We give each other the locations of enemy lines and we EX-TERR-MINATE! There is not much you can do to improve your leading other than controlling your stress and your danker wankers, and learning the tactics that we train literally every week, learn them already.

It's up to you, but joking around or chatting with other members is actually pretty helpful. I do that a lot. It makes people like you, and allows you to gain great friends and close friendships. Instead of boasting about your extremely good melee skills or perfect aiming or well, pretty much all of the above, try to compliment the other person. Tell them their strong sides and if you really really want to be a tryhard cocky dude, kindly speak about each other's skills and maybe a friendly duel? Anyway, do NOT boast about your skills, it damages your reputation along with your relations. Try to control your temper, I can't but still, it helps you out. If you manage to actually socialize and get lots of friends, people will support you, help you out in times of need and vouch for you when you need it. You can play other games with those friends and have fun outside of events aswell. It really helps you.

If you manage to socialize, do NOT turn on your friends or make fun of them unless they are okay with it. It's really annoying and pisses people off. Also, do NOT bully lower ranks. They may have lower virtual ranks but they are still human, maybe older than you even. Try not to insult each other and be kind and respectful. What are we? A community. What does a community do? Socialize! Even though we intend on becoming 'the best', we still have time for respect and friendship. We are not that competitive. We want to win, yes, but we also want to make each other happy, so spend time for that please.
For example, there is a wing. Which means you got to the side of the guy in front of you to face outwards. Then, there is an incline, which is a 45 degree turn. And then, there is a march, which is a 90 degree turn. Then, there is about face. It means take your hand off the W key and turn around and resume running. I just wanted to say, while moving out, listen to the leading officer with care. If you miss an order, you ♥♥♥♥ up the line. While moving, keep your crosshair on the person in front of you's backpack unless told to to a wing or an incline or a march or an anticav or stuff like that.

Move out on shooting mode. It makes you run slightly faster. Drop your butter knives too when on units that have them. Butter knives make you run slower, fight slower and generally slow you down. If your ping is bad too, ask to go to the back of the line when stationary. When told to stop, try not to run in front of the person in front of you. If you accidentally do, go to the back because you are simply kicked out of the line.