ZombiU "dirty lens" effect comparison
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"A comparison shot between WiiU and PC to illustrate the missing "dirty lens" effect in the latter. (Note: The WiiU Screenshot was taken with the Screenshot function, which resizes screenshots to 800x450. Original resolution on WiiU is 720p)"
댓글 14
[R&L]Daniel_Laixer 2022년 8월 24일 오전 9시 14분 
This game has a lot of graphical BS that I don't enjoy, but I've found a solution.
Dukhat 2020년 7월 16일 오후 10시 27분 
I usually like such effects, but on the WiiU it seems to be utilized to cover up some really bad graphics/textures..
Skiller 2019년 5월 6일 오후 3시 21분 
I played both versions, first Wii U then steam, and for real: it doesn't really matter.
Doesn't disturb, doesn't look weird. Actually it's just another nice athmosphere-feeling and the game is just great as it ever was.
Best zombi game with story-telling out in the market.
Sad that the part2-prototyp never got finished through the bad earnings D:
_dannyfish_ 2017년 3월 26일 오전 9시 45분 
i liked it, it made it seem like you are the prepper guy watching the player
2S ThatBants 2016년 8월 29일 오전 5시 52분 
There is a reason it's called a Dirty Lens Flare Effect.
The_Exile 2015년 9월 9일 오후 1시 41분 
Its too bad zombi lags on my pc, but thats why I have Zombiu to go play again.
ARikozuM 2015년 8월 20일 오후 1시 16분 
If you wear glasses, like I do, it's a really cool effect.
Master of Horror 2015년 8월 20일 오전 10시 47분 
BTW it makes no sense to have these effects in a real world setting with your eyes, you only get this with a lens.
Master of Horror 2015년 8월 20일 오전 10시 44분 
I hate filters and that stup chromatic aberration effect, wish i could turn that off.
jakey1995abc 2015년 8월 19일 오전 1시 34분 
Is it just me or do the graphics look like they have been downgraded... (look at the blue rubbish bags) D: