Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

106 Bewertungen
Regency Terrace Houses (Tall)
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3.083 MB
18. Aug. 2015 um 11:56
27. Sep. 2015 um 0:09
2 Änderungshinweise (anzeigen)

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Regency Terrace Houses (Tall)

Add a touch of regency elegance to your skylines.

I've spent too much time in the west end it seems. Inspried by the gleaming stuccoed facades of Chelsea, Pimlico and Belgravia.

4x3 footprint. High-denisty residential Level 3. I highly reccomend the Building Eyedropper Tool Mod ( for the full effect!

Updated for After Dark.
17 Kommentare
TheWaif 8. Okt. 2019 um 11:11 
Yo, I still use these. So great
leechristianjones 19. Apr. 2019 um 14:48 
Absolutely brilliant work. They've even got the dentil moulding on the top storey. I've made a London Square (or it could be Cheltenham I guess) made entirely of these and it's the most perfect thing I've built in this game. Thank you.
m o o k  [Autor] 27. Sep. 2015 um 0:30 
Updated for After Dark. This one really works!
effndy 26. Sep. 2015 um 17:37 
Awesome model, a corner building this style would be nice for the real full effect.
SimonBeats 25. Sep. 2015 um 15:53 
Macwelshman 22. Aug. 2015 um 13:32 
Nice one. I was in Bath today (that's a city and not a good wash, for those not from the UK) and might have a go at some level 5 Bath stone terraces.
m o o k  [Autor] 21. Aug. 2015 um 6:40 
@Need More Propane You need to wait for your high density to reach that level and then hope one pops up.

@Macwelshman Thanks, man! I'm a big fan! I'll think about making them low density. I suppose it would make sense as not to cause problems in people's 'skyscraper districts' I only made it high density to be in-line with the European buildings. I should have some 1x2 versions finished soon as well :)
na babkax 21. Aug. 2015 um 5:02 
Stupid question, but... How can I get it, if there is no LVL 1 and 2 4x2 High Density buindings?
na babkax 21. Aug. 2015 um 4:24 
Oh my God, please, more!
Macwelshman 19. Aug. 2015 um 14:04 
Oh yes! Also I think it would be best set as level 5 in low density residential. Anyway, it's up to you. I look forward to more of your work.