Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous

1,251 ratings
What to do when you have no Fuel!
By Disodium and 1 collaborators
Run out of fuel? That Self Destruct button calling your name? STOP! - All is not lost, all you need to do is send out a RATSIGNAL and help will be on its way!
This is a guide on how to gain assistance from someone when you run out of fuel.
(Click for larger image) - Source (and remaining pages of guide): https://imgur.com/gallery/v5UUo

If you are on Life Support, the clock is ticking, you need to work quickly!

Quickly follow these steps:
  • Note where you are, what System are you in?
  • If you can, note if close to a particular star/planet.
  • Note time remaining if on Oxygen.
  • If Oxygen Countdown Log Out to Main Menu.
  • Logging out stops the countdown, Do it NOW!
  • Go to website: http://fuelrats.com/
  • Press the "Get Help" button.
  • Press the "I need to be rescued" button
  • Enter your in-game name, system you noted, platform you are on, and whether you are losing oxygen.
  • Press the Start... button.

Doing the above will connect you with the Fuel Rats.
Providing the above information immediately tells them everything they need to know to start an operation to rescue you.

Wait for a response, if no one responds ensure you have seen a RATSIGNAL go out.
Follow any instructions given, and answer any questions asked.
You cooperation will help them to help you more efficiently!

*Fuel Rats will ask for your in-game name but never for your email or password.

If you are unable to connect to the Fuel Rats through the website and prefer to manually join #FuelRats on irc.fuelrats.com using your own IRC client, please provide the following after joining #FuelRats:

RATSIGNAL – CMDR Name/GamerTag, PC/Xbox/PS4, Current System, Oxygen remaining (if you see a countdown)

RATSIGNAL = The Alert keyword, this will alert the Rats you need help!
CMDR Name/GamerTag = Your in game name.
PC/XBOX/PS4 = If you play on PC, XBox, or PS4. (Yes they help the console peasants)
Current System = Where you currently are so help can be dispatched.
Oxygen Remaining = How long the rats have to save you from death.
Instructional Video
Video By: Anders Uran
Who or What are the Fuel Rats?

The Fuel Rats are a hierarchy-less collective. We don’t necessarily agree about anything except that we save pilots in-game that have run out of fuel.

We have no official spokesperson, no leaders, and no assigned jobs – nothing. But we have fuel. And, if you don’t, we’ll rescue you if it’s at all possible.

More information here: http://fuelrats.com/#About

The Fuel Rats preferred form of communication is IRC.

IRC Chat Server and Channels
The Fuel Rats use irc.fuelrats.com IRC Server.

On these servers The Fuel Rats have two channels they use.
#FuelRats - Rescue Operations ONLY.
#RatChat - Area for idle talk, discussions and asking questions etc.

How to Chat
You can use the Get Help button on the website to access either chat room, but if you are NOT in need of help, please click on the green "I want to rescue clients (or talk to The Mischief)" button (or if already connected to the #FuelRats channel, type: /Join #RatChat)
This will connect you to the Rat Chat channel, please use the X to close the Fuel Rats channel if you do not need assistance.
As seen on GALNET!
Community Goal: Jaques' Big Jump[community.elitedangerous.com]

24 JUN 3301
07 JUL 3301
21 JUL 3301
Fuel Rat Deep Space Relay Rescue[community.elitedangerous.com]
26 AUG 3301
Fuel Rats Complete 1,000th Rescue[community.elitedangerous.com]
05 OCT 3301
Fuel Rats Complete 2,000th Rescue[community.elitedangerous.com]
09 OCT 3301
Olympus Corp Thanks the Fuel Rats[community.elitedangerous.com]

29 NOV 3301
Rescue Ships to be Given Bold New Livery[community.elitedangerous.com]

05 MAY 3302
Community Goal: Jaques' Big Jump[community.elitedangerous.com]

05 AUG 3302
Fuel Rats Videos
What is it like to be a Fuel Rat? We like to envision it as something like this. As with all things, in reality, there's more paperwork.

Other Videos:
Ever wondered what it is like to see a rescue from a Rats perspective?
Check out this great video and The Fuel Rats 2,000th rescue created by RadLock!

Watch the Fuel Rats teach Community Manager Ed Lewis how to rescue a client!

The Fuel Rats - Becoming A Rat! by UncappingBadger
Get the basic info you need to know and what is involved to Fuel Rat!
Useful Links
Links to useful information.

The Fuel Rats - Website[www.fuelrats.com]
How to Filter Galaxy Map to find fuel[fuelrats.com]
About this guide
This guide was written to raise awareness of The Fuel Rats community.
Running out of fuel is an all too common occurrence and it is good for everyone to know that self destruction is not the only option.

Fuel Rats are an awesome collective of individuals who enjoy helping others.

More information about the Fuel Rats including how to join the community can be found on their website at: http://fuelrats.com/

If you have had an experience with The Fuel Rats, why not leave a comment below.
If this guide helps you get out of trouble, please Rate, Comment and spread the word about the Fuel Rats!

Up-To-Date information at: http://fuelrats.com/

Λryo 8 Feb, 2023 @ 11:12am 
A rat helped me learn the game, i remember first time i started the game i had no idea what i was doing or have to do, just started jumping around in my sidewinder and BOOM, not enough fuel to jump, the fun fact is i was in a system that had stations in it, so i was panicking and didn't know what to do, then i searched about it and found about the fuel rats, long story short they came and refueled me and one of em stayed with me for a quiet of time and patiently taught me everything i had to know about the game:))
that was one of the most wholesome and unforgettable moments i've ever experienced in this game
Finalph 27 Jan, 2023 @ 4:28am 
Ive been saved twice from these guys, they are quick, responsive and insanely helpful. A free 5 star service absolutely amazing
Disodium  [author] 20 Jan, 2023 @ 1:16am 
Awesome to hear the rats are helping so many and this is helping people find them, remember to bookmark https://fuelrats.com/ and check the rats website to up to date info!
Isa 18 Jan, 2023 @ 11:05am 
YES ! This saved me and it was fast when a Rat arrived to help me out ! awesome service !
yea.right 16 Dec, 2022 @ 6:43am 
Still remember the time when i ran out of fuel and got saved by the fuel rats. iirc, it only took them 5-10mins to get to my location. Saved a nice haul of platinum because of them. Awesome group!!!
undeadrooster 8 Dec, 2022 @ 9:18pm 
Almost ran out of fuel today, barely made it. Then I hear about these guys. I'll make sure to remember the fuel rats.
Thanatos... 8 Oct, 2022 @ 8:26pm 
This is what gives people hope for the human race, thank you guys for your services, thank god i havent needed them yet but the galaxy is a little less scary thanks to you!
Grimaldur 25 May, 2022 @ 11:00pm 
The Fuel Rats are truly the best thing I ever discovered in this game.
TerRella 1 May, 2022 @ 7:04am 
*leaves a snickers*
Atomicfox52 24 Apr, 2022 @ 6:08pm 
omg i remember being not even a hour in the game and runing out of fuel. called the rats and they helped
now i always have fuel and have a python going all over the place thanks to the rats